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LG still denies deliberately damaging Samsung washing machines

In September last year, we published one of our hardest hitting stories of 2014, when it was discovered that executives from LG were accused of deliberately sabotaging Samsung washing machines in the lead up to an important electronics show in Germany. With the trial set to take place in the near future, LG has published an edited video of the incident in question, pointing out that Samsung staff watched the ‘sabotage' take place without complaint. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvrQBRHAc38′]

In the video, LG executive and head of the firm's home appliance division, Jo Seong-Jin, can be seen opening and closing the door of a Samsung washing machine, only to lean on it several times with some force. LG claims that this is a standard test for the firm as many people lean on the door while using the machine. Samsung however claims that it was a deliberate attempt to make its products look inferior and indeed it may have had that effect, as the leaning caused the door's locking system to be damaged.

The reason LG released the video, is because it shows several Samsung staff watching on while Jo ‘tests' the machine. The fact that they don't complain, it said, was because it was not a test that was beyond the realms of possibility.

Along with this footage, the video also shows people leaning on their washer door as evidence of the ‘test' being legitimate

Although this footage shows just one machine being ‘tested,' Jo actually performed a similar action on four different washing machines, all of which were damaged. LG ultimately agreed to pay for the damage caused.

Ham Yoon-keun, one of LG's lawyers who will be defending Jo in court, said (via The Telegraph): “It is questionable whether there is sufficient evidence to prove that the president of a global company deliberately destroyed the machines where employees of the competing company were present.”

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KitGuru Says: What do you guys think? It seems a bit fishy to me that all four of the machines would be damaged by the LG executive. 


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  1. Of course Samsung’s staff won’t take any actions – they will wait LG executive to break the washing machines so they can sue them. If Samsung’s staff warned the LG executive to stop, there would be no broken washing machines and no trial.

  2. just goes to show you how cheap they make shit..

  3. LG destroying their own reputation, because if your products were so good you wouldn’t need to tamper with your competition products. That just lame LG!!