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Fans compare Star Citizen rentals to freemium games

If there's one game that has elicited nothing but love for a long time now, it's Star Citizen. Despite the large price tags on many of the game's biggest and baddest ships, some of which still aren't in the game yet, over three quarters of a million people have helped contribute more than $70 million to its development, despite it still being nearly a year off from release. And yet some of that good will may be fading, as some fans have turned on a recent decision to add ship rentals to the game, a system which they say, reeks of freemium mobile titles.

While obstensibly designed to give less financially equipped players (in the reeal world) the chance to use some of the game's fancier ships, by earning in-game currency and spending that to try a ship for a limited period of time, the problem lies with the fact that the currency is earned through combat in Arena Commander, the game's released dogfighting module. While that might sound fine on the surface, the problem the detractors have, is that your performance is linked with the currency pay out and there's no matchmaking, so those with better ships are earning more currency, perpetuating the cycle of people with more money performing better than those with less.

In this way they claim, Roberts Space Industries is encouraging people to spend real money, in order to earn more in-game currency and skip over a large, somewhat luck powered grind, much like freemium games do.

Arena Commander was the first bit of ‘real' Star Citizen gameplay 

Fortunately for those worried about the game's future, none of this seems likely to be malicious. In his original community address about the ship rental system, RSI founder Chris Roberts stated that he does “not want to make a game where you feel compelled to spend anything but time to continue playing.”

Still, that doesn't help people who are frustrated now, suggesting that PvE content should also reward the in-game currency, even if it was at a reduced rate. That way people would be able to earn the currency without having to face off against better equipped players. This is made doubly worse when the rate of currency earned is low enough that it would take some players over six hours of gameplay to afford the rental on even the most basic of ships.

Chris Roberts said that he felt a little exasperated at claims that the game was turning into a grind-fest, or one with pay to win mechanics, but reminded everyone that Star Citizen is still in-development and needs lots of testing. The in-game currency, was also designed to drive people towards parts of the game that needed testing more and various ship matchups in Arena Commander were a big part of that he said. However, he did agree that a matchmaking system needed to be put into play, to avoid players simply being “put into the completely open bear it that is ranked AC games.”

That feature won't come until after the 1.1 update though.

This leaves the community in an interesting position, as for the first time people aren't quite as pleased with what RSI is doing. The Mittani makes an interesting point, that it may simply be people reacting to others being able to earn in-game the ships that they spent hundreds of dollars are on, and that lack of exclusivity annoys them. It could also be that people are simply starting to see that the final game won't be entirely what they envisaged it to be all those months ago when they first dropped their money on the unreleased project.

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KitGuru says: It was bound to happen at some point. No developer can be entirely criticism free for years, especially when there's real money involved in its development. Still, what do you guys think of the rental ship move? 

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  1. Ugh, people complaining about 6 hours of gameplay to get a basic ship…. gamers nowadays have no patience :/

  2. When you grind for 6 hours for a ship RENTAL I think the complaint is totally legitimate.

  3. David York DeCosta

    This is by far the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of someone complaining about. For starters, THIS IS PRE-ALPHA!. Second, I could fly a standard 300i and destroy you in a tricked out Hornet, if you don’t know how to fly. Third, you don’t get to keep the ships you’re just borrowing them. Fourth, all of this will be wiped when the game goes live ANYWAY. Fifth, so the system needs some tweaks. This is the problem with what CIG is doing. If I give you a little bone, you complain that the bone doesn’t have enough meat on it. Ninety-nine percent of all games don’t come close to allowing you this type of access this early in the game process.

    Go play ED. Its a hot mess without half of the planned functionality of SC. Are there things I see in the game development that maybe I’m not 100% thrilled with, but guess what? I didn’t spend any more than I am willing to walk away from in the game. If you went out and spent $2,000 on ships and various crap, you’d better put on a happy face buttercup because you’re in for the long haul.

  4. Charles Charalambous

    I was going to ignore this comment until you threw ED in it. I admiteddly have not played Star Citizen so I can not really commen ton it much, what I have seen of it is appauling low quality and rediciuslous slow development time. The flying is disgusting from the videos I wtached.

    Anyway AS FOR ED. Yes it is missing content however they are adding to it constantly and it does actrually have more funcionality than SC. Oh btw Changing Modules in ships was in the EARLY BETA Days from MONTHS AGO. Something SC only recently started bragging about. From what they said it will be severely lacking in comparison to ED TOO. The amount of things you can do in your ship, turn of certain parts etc for the edge in dogfights, are far more avanced than SC is and will probably ever be! Also the trading in ED is extremely fun, the thrill of scooping fuel from the sun with your fuel scoop while not going to close, Knowing when to fly away to not take heat damage etc. In addition to pirates and players hutning you down while you hav ea ton of cargo is really thrilling. I’ve not even goen itno detail about how the faction and sarsytem economy types add a lot to the game. All of this plus the constant updates in newsletters. With the Wings patch which should have been in the base game from day 1… Me and my friend are ready to get back into ED and we will have a ton of fun.

    Given how much more ED has in content in a lot of areas, not all the fact it was made in less than half the time and with only an 8 MIL budget.. Quite frankly it makes the SC team look like a complete joke.

    I’m not saying SC is bad, as I have not played it and can only comment on what I have seen, however your comments about ED are far off the mark and I can compare what I have seen in SC with what I have experienced in ED. ED is far more advanced on that front.

    End of the day I enjoy space sims and the more the better.

  5. Don’t waste your time. SC fanatics are gross.

  6. Just want to point out a few things, the ED budget was originally $8m, it’s gone up quite a bit since then and Frontier wouldn’t say by how much, supposedly we’ll find out in when they release their financials in a couple of months. By the same token, CIG has raised $72m, that doesn’t mean they’ve spent $72m.

    The flying in videos is quite different from when you fly yourself. I haven’t played ED but watched a video of a dogfight a couple of weeks ago which I found to be less then impressive; Would also depends on who’s flying. Have spoken to people who have been playing both and they say they’re both good and distinct from each other, so it takes a little while to get back into it, if you switch from one to the other; Which I think is great.

  7. Charles Charalambous

    Personally I really disliek the style I saw in SC, the sound engineer doen a really bad job too imo. However I like that they are both different. As for Elite dangerous, everything I have found financially on the game is that is was made with 8 mil including kickstarter money. Haven’t manged to find anythign that said the budget increased. Anyway as I said more space sims the better. PC gamer jus tposted an Article on the wings update for Elite. Really can not wait to get back into it with my buds as soon as it drops, I don’t like playing it solo. It is enjoyable i just prefer having a squad in space sims.

  8. Bit harsh on the sound engineers, they are actually in the middle of a move to a whole new system while still trying to keep things working to a reasonable quality on the old one. They have admitted that it could be better, but I wouldn’t say it’s particularly bad either.

  9. From what I’ve seen it’s not the people with lots of ships that are complaining at all. Not that many complaining either, just a big vocal minority, worth keeping in mind the rental credit system was a feature that was requested by the fans that actually use the game and the forums most, much of the controversy is from the people that don’t follow the game much and didn’t know it was coming and randomly took offence that the ingame game suddenly had a credits system.

    Principally the argument also isn’t just about how credits are earned, a lot of it was in how the rentals would work ie 7 days continuous or 7 days game time. The design post wasn’t 100% clear and people made assumptions however Chris Roberts came out and clarified they are using the same approach to game time they always have said they would use.

  10. James Reginald Worthington

    i don’t get the complaints….sooo those people would rather not be able to earn ships and items without spending real money?…..It also has no bearing on the finished games or is a “sign of things to come” as the entire system is confined to Arena Commander and has no effect on the PU.

  11. James Reginald Worthington

    Oh btw Changing Modules in ships was in the EARLY BETA Days from MONTHS AGO. Something SC only recently started bragging about…..” You have no idea what you are talking about lol. What they mean is modular ships….asin changing the entire interior of a ship and adding new rooms etc. Not simple component swaps which it has had from the early days.

    I enjoy both games but the hatred on the ED forums and under any SC video makes me stay away from the ED community. Classic penis envy.

  12. Charles Charalambous

    I’m not envious I could buy into both right now. It’s not a lack of money that stopping me from playing SC. Also Elite currently does more than SC on the modularity and they are also addign alot more content to it. Decent Updates each month now, with wings coming next months. Don’t you worry by the time SC comes out Elite will have all the stuff it will take SC 2-3 years to add in half the time. Also they are not monetizing the game so certain features may not be in as they are not looking to milk the cows.

  13. Arena Commander is a test bed for some parts which may then be added to the Single Player campaign (Squadron 42) posibly the Persistent Universe (the big daddy game)

    To get angry over a demonstration module, a fraction of what the game will be. Its stupid.

    CIG’s attention isnt fixated on the Arena Commander module. As that is a waste of money because CIG would rather develop the actual games of Star Citizen – Squadron 42 and the PU.

    This renting system was a request from the community. It has no connection with the actual single player game SQ42 or the PU… because it is a test bed. Arena Commander is like a proof of concept. Something we can experience.

    The few who overacted clearly have no idea what they’re talking about.
    You might say that CIG bares some responsibility there but at the same time, how much more transparent can you be. I think its just that some people don’t bother to investigate what they’re doing and become confused.

  14. James Reginald Worthington

    “monetizing the game so certain features may not be in as they are not looking to milk the cows.” You do know you need to pay for all the major updates. What you have now is the base game…all the other big features will be paid DLC.

    I’m sure you could afford SC considering its cheaper than ED.

    The point is, lets say in 3 years from now both games have all the planned features. ED will cost a lot more, Currently I have spent £40 on both, with SC I get FULL access to the game and ALL future updates, In ED I have access to the base game…want to get out the cockpit ? that’ll be £15 please….oh now you want to walk about on a planet? another £15 please.

    The only thing you will pay extra for in SC is single player campaigns which have little effect on the multiplier aspect of the game. as its offline.

    The Penis envy is not about not being able to afford SC, as I have shown it is cheaper. It something to do with the money raised or I don’t know. You only need to look at the elite page on the SC forums and vise versa to see the difference.

  15. David York DeCosta

    Look. My point (granted I harshed on ED unnecessarily. It is a really cool game in all honesty) is, is that this is an UNFINISHED game and people are treating it like it’s the finished product. In most games you don’t get this kind of access to developing product. Giving people this kind of access is great as it keeps the community engaged, however it also increases the “bitchiness” factor. How many games would do a “The Next Great Starship” where the community gets to not only design but vote what ship goes into the game?

    My opinion is that people spent money they couldn’t afford to part with (just an opinion) and now they’re chomping at the bit to get something for their investment.

    Games take a long time to finish. Elite Dangerous went out (admittedly) a little unfinished because the publisher wanted it to get out to the public. GTA V took FOUR to FIVE years to make and over $265 million dollars to produce/market/distribute (PMD). DESTINY took about Five years and over $500 million to PMD. Star Wars: The Old Republic: $200 million. There are probably two or three other large open world/MMO’s that fit that bill but again my point is Elite Dangerous is a largely procedurally generated game. I’m not a game designer so I can’t begin to speak about it being “easy” to do, but it’s much easier than the model Star Citizen is using which seems like it is 90% designed content and 10% PG vs Elite Dangerous which seems more like 85-90% Procedurally Generated and 10% designed content.

    Everyone needs to take a chill pill in my opinion and see how the game turns out. It looks like, from all of the stuff they’ve shown so far that it’s going to be freaking awesome. If it’s a disappointment and it’s just “plain old” awesome, then i suppose I can live with that but I put the chances of this game “sucking” somewhere in the 5-10% range. Maybe less.

  16. KitGuru hasn’t followed the project very well if they think this is the first time people are dissatisfied with CIG. The minority whiners are all over the RSI forums, blogs, and online news sites with very loud and negative opinions. In fact, it’s become a lasting stain on the project. The toxic venom won’t be forgotten, even after SC is a huge success.

    It’s sad, because the loud minority is not only wrong in their accusations, they’re making so much noise that other people is starting to think there’s a core of truth in the lies.

  17. It’s amazing to see people hating on a feature that will allow people to use different ships without having to pay cash for them – something that is not possible now.

  18. “amount of things you can do in your ship, turn of certain parts etc for the edge in dogfights, are far more avanced than SC is and will probably ever be!” <- this is possibly the least accurate sentence on the internet. Congrats! Maybe go look up the multi crew deep dive, or do some passing research on the accurate thrusters, Newtonian physics and 6 DOF mechanics.

  19. you dont know the meaning of grind untill you play warframe. 6 hours is nothing.

  20. 6 hours is over in jiffy though :/ It’s not much time, really

  21. if everyone could play 6 hours to buy a ship there would be massive amounts of free jobs (that would have to be taken by npc’s) There would be this thing where everyone had a ship and no one was poor