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Revenge porn site owner wants photos of him taken down

The founder of IsAnybodyDown.com, Craig Brittain, has drawn condemnation from privacy advocates and the press in the past couple of days, as despite his website gaining notoriety back in 2012 for featuring ‘revenge porn' images of nude women without their permission, he recently used the digital millennium copyright act to try and have articles about him stricken from Google, claiming that they used pictures of him without his consent.

His website, named after the similar revenge porn site, IsAnyoneUp which was founded by the more infamous Hunter Moore, has been ‘down' for a couple of years at this point. Visiting it today, just gives you a message from Brittain, where he attempts to apologise for his actions, citing them as poor decisions. Unfortunately for him, using DMCA takedowns to try and remove links to articles about yourself isn't a smart move either, since those articles are covered by fair use and freedom of press laws and will therefore likely remain online.

It's made doubly worse though by the fact that there are now articles like this one and The Telegraph's, discussing his desire to see pictures of himself removed.

Craig back in his MySpace using days

Brittain is also attempting to have images of himself taken down far more cheaply than he once forced complainers to. If you happened to find your images on his site back in the day, he would have charged up to $500 to have them taken down.

Although in January this year Brittain was banned from sharing his collection of images that he had built up over the years, it had in reality been almost two years since his site was functional in its original capacity.

KitGuru Says: Although no one is suggesting that posting compromising images of Brittain would be right, this is a nice ironic takehome for the domain holder. It's often the case with those that show little interest in the privacy of others. Like Mark Zuckerberg claiming privacy is dead and yet purchasing a house with plenty of land between it and the street so he has more privacy. 

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  1. Well he looks the part: a total douchebag. How convenient.

  2. How many women escaped from violent and abusive relationships just to find they were still being victimised with the collusion of pricks like this?

  3. what a fucking loser