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Cameron to block all porn without age restrictions

The end game of the past two years of ‘cracking down' on online pornography is finally here. Following on from UK PM David Cameron's continued assault on pornography that even our most reasonable of attempts to dissuade him have failed to stop, our illustrious leader has now pledged to implement full scale censorship if he is re-elected, by blocking all porn sites that don't offer age verification systems.

Culture secretary Sajid Javid backed up Mr Cameron's thoughts by stating that he wanted to see the online porn market given the same age-gates that DVD pornography has. The problem he claims, is how easy porn is to find online. Welcome to the 21st century Mr Javid.

“That is why we need effective controls online that apply to UK and overseas,” he said. “This is about giving children the best start in life; we do not want to prevent adults from accessing legal content but we do want to protect our children from harmful material, so they are free to develop a healthy attitude to sex and relationships.”

‘I'm heard some people get their porn from streams, so we're also going to be blocking 100 UK tributaries too'

Of course Javid's claims here skip over the fact that OfCom – the UK's own regulatory body – has conducted several studies which suggest viewing pornography has zero harm on minors. Or that the voluntary filters at the ISP level that people have been able to voluntarily opt-out of for months, have seen almost everyone turn down the offer, as people don't want their internet censored. The Conservatives don't care.

If websites featuring pornographic content don't “effectively,” block those who are underage from viewing it, they will be blocked at the ISP level. Which means anyone who knows about proxies, VPNs or Tor browsing will be able to circumvent the block in seconds.

Speaking with the Telegraph, the head of the NSPCC backed up the proposed reforms stating that: “We don’t want children to learn about sex and relationships through the warped lens of adult pornography – there are good reasons for restricting pornographic magazines and DVDs to adults which the NSPCC has long argued should apply equally online.”

Much of the reasoning behind this move seems to be a lack of understanding about the internet, technology and the way people view pornography as a whole. Cameron himself was quoted as being confused by most modern technology, stating that:

“I am only 48 and I don't want to sound too much like a fuddy–duddy but when I grew up the question was ‘Can you help dad to work the Betamax video recorder?' And after a while you mastered that. Now you have got tablets, iPads, iPhones, you have got so many different devices in the house and so a whole set of new things that you have to do to try to make sure our children are safe.”

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KitGuru Says: Cameron's befuddlement at new technology is a prime indicator of why he's charging forward with this blocking practice: he doesn't understand any of it. That and he wants Chinese filtering companies to censor the internet.

Image source: Wikimedia

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  1. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    It’s fine, not like he’s going to stay in charge for very much longer anyway

  2. One would hope so!

  3. “If he is re-elected.” I think people that are concerned about (not to sound all American) ‘civil liberties’ they know what to do!

  4. I get the feeling hes getting a massive donation to his election campaign from sites that run you text to get access for .25p kind of thing

  5. The other parties are just as bad though. Take the largest opposition party for example. Their natural inclination is for the state to take control of every part of our lives because “they know better”.

  6. Do we really care? i mean we normal down to eart people know how to get around all those blocks anyway, and believe me if a kid wants to watch porn on the Internet they learn before they can walk how use google so anything they cant do themselves they will find a way to solve by using the Internet itself so do he also want to block that For kids, if u under 18 u just cant use any site that arnt government approved, i mean unless u of cause are a rebel and say yes to being over 18 when u open the browser, but surly kids would not do such a thing Either….

    Only bloody thing thats going to annoy me is the amount of tax money going to implement this potential law, most of that being spend on a guy thats going to try and teach the mps what the Internet is and how it works…

  7. I just love that they treat sex as if it’s the worst thing in the world.
    Young people should never acknowledge the existence of the methods of their own creation, and ignore the natural growth of interest in it as they age. At least, until we, your supreme overlords, deem they are of a proper age to do so.

    It’s absolutely silly. Censorship is silly.

  8. That’s exactly the point though – we care because it’s not good for anyone, it’s pointless, it’s entirely ineffective, it’s ideological rather than evidence based, it’s dangerous in its implications, and it’s not a supported policy but he’s going ahead anyway. It’s going to waste a whole lot of time and money to implement something that doesn’t seem to have any reason.

  9. generic_brand_cola

    And it’s going to cost a metric shit-ton of money to instate

  10. I’m not British, so it’s not my call, but I watched the recent itv debate (I am living in the UK so I am of course interested), and the alternatives you have are really not much better. Can’t say I would love Miliband or, even worse, Farrage to run the country. You can’t trust Clegg, and the rest don’t really stand much of a chance.

    So, no Cameron might mean free access to porn, but any internet user with a brain would still have that anyway (especially since kids are in general a lot more tech savvy than their elders, or even I was at their age), and it’s not like you’re getting anything better in return.

  11. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Oh trust me the majority of Britons have learnt that they’re voting for the best of a bad situation. We don’t vote on who will make the country better, just who we think will fuck it up the least in 5 years

  12. How come there’s no censorship on guns, violence, war, stabbing, beheading or even on boxing and wrestling? Seems Cameron is happy to allow things that remove us from life (excluding boxing & wrestling), but not the fun things, and the source of why actually exist.
    8am this morning, cops program on TV, fight breaks out, not censored, but no tits before 9pm!

  13. ◔◔◔◔◔◔86$ PER HOUℛ@ai33:

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  14. Fair enough. I guess that’s what everyone everywhere does during an election.

  15. Yes but as mentioned above somewhere, we really getting better by someone else?, they all going to spend money on something stupid and with the current group of people that have a chance of being in control maybe Cameron isnt as bad as he sounds. I sadly cant vote because im danish, i can though work in NHS and pay my taxes for the last 8 years, oh and also vote if Scotland should go independent?? Anyway my point is that no matter what i think i cant actually have a say, yet i have colleagues that can vote but they dont give a S**t about it all and just vote what ever their parents dod did because thats how its always been… Thats how we will never change in the UK.

  16. Haha yep why do u think uk have such a hight teenage pregnancy? Look at Scandinavian where we much more open about sex, well look at the rest of the European union… If u try to hide it away it just becomes so much more attractive to explore…

  17. Well, Cameron is the worst of a bad lot. That’s not the point though – we shouldn’t give them tacit acceptance just because the opposition are bad too. Cameron wants rid of the NHS, and it would almost certainly negatively impact that, so from a personal perspective it wouldn’t make sense to vote the Tories back in. At least Labour would try to protect it. The worst of a bad lot, as I said.

  18. My dear friend, u seem not have a single clue how it all works do u, if we block all that lovely violence it means people dont get scared and if they dont get scared our dear politicians cant get the freedom they need to tell us how we need to live our lives so they best can protect us. U see porn on the other hand shows us pleasur, something that makes us happy and could make us forget all the danger in the world, so u see porn is the true evil….

    “might contain a wee tiny bit of sarcasm”

  19. As mentioned i sadly cant vote so cant change anything at all, the nhs, even more so since being my employer, are something uk hopefully will never lose, having only private healthcare would bring around a lot more sickness and deaths 🙁

  20. Interesting… yet they banned a combination of ‘violence’ & ‘porn’?
    I presume they want to keep violent sex just to special “Tory Party Parties”

    Touché with the wee bit of sarcasm by the way!

  21. Yep something they have to keep for them self, else there would be no way to keep the old ones voting for them if they can just go to such parties anywhere… 😛