Home / Component / Graphics / GeForce GTX Titan X with modified BIOS overclocked to 1.50GHz/8GHz

GeForce GTX Titan X with modified BIOS overclocked to 1.50GHz/8GHz

It is not a secret that Nvidia Corp.’s GeForce GTX Titan X graphics card was designed to be an ultimate graphics card for enthusiasts, who usually overclock their hardware. The graphics adapter offers very high performance out-of-box, but, as it appears, even the best things can be improved by overclocking.

Specialists from PC Games Hardware flashed an Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan X graphics card with a modified BIOS that increases voltages of graphics processing unit and memory. Thanks to increased amount of power available to the components, the graphics adapter could be overclocked to 1550MHz/8000MHz (core/memory). The journalists used Arctic Accelero Xtreme IV to cool-down the graphics card.


Exact voltages of GPU and memory were not revealed, but the reporters indicate that the graphics board managed to remain perfectly stable at 1.50GHz/8GHz in all games in 4096*2160 resolution. Not all titles worked stably at 1550MHz GPU frequency. Still, even at 1.50GHz GPU clock-rate the graphics board demonstrated unprecedented performance for a single-chip graphics adapter.

It is surprising that Nvidia’s GM200 graphics processing unit, which contains 8 billion of transistors, can run at 1.50GHz at all. Typically, complex GPUs are hard to overclock.

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KitGuru Says: Looks like the GM200 graphics processor will be a good overclocker, just like its predecessor, GK110. What remains to be seen is whether the GPU will be able to hit 2GHz and higher clock-rates, like the “Big Kepler” did when cooled-down using liquid nitrogen.

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  1. The power draw however is a whopping 400+ watts !

    Well, that’s the only thing that Nvidiots focus on when AMD hardware performs well.

  2. Well considering it performs nearly as good as a 295×2, which draws 750 watts… Not a drawback.

  3. But you are comparing it to a card from AMD from a generation ago !

    The card to compare it to will be the 390x.

    My point though is that why isn’t power draw an issue anymore with the Titan X? Who cares that it performs better than a card from a generation ago, which is something anyone would expect anyway.

  4. It doesn’t perform better, it performs almost as good as it, it’s actually a bit weaker – to be expected since Titan X is 1 card and 295×2 is 2 cards. It is an issue, that’s why the power draw is nearly 1/2 of the 295×2 while providing almost 1/1 performance.
    PS: Also I can’t compare it to the 390x since it’s not out yet. Although chances are 390x will perform worse than Titan X while drawing the same or more power than it. But it will be significantly cheaper.

  5. I really don’t care about how the 295×2 performs. It’s a generation old, and it is a single card, not 2 cards, but still beats the Titan X at higher resolutions.

    As I said, the card to compare the Titan X to WILL be the 390x. Just 2/3 months to go.

    I’d love to be able to place a bet with you that the 390x will be a noticeably better performer than the Titan X, and cheaper. Watch this space…

  6. 295×2 is not a generation old as the next generation is not out yet. So it’s the current generation.
    And what do you think x2 stands for, price? -_- It’s 2 chips on the same board.. Titan X is a single chip. That’s why you can’t have 3x 295×2 in a crossfire, but you can have 3 way sli of Titan X.
    Sure, place a bet, but unless AMD manages to get around 100% boost in performance, 390X won’t be “noticeably better performer than the Titan X”. It will be noticeably cheaper, that’s a sure one.

  7. Yes, 2 chips on the same board, but still a single card. You however said that it was 2 cards.

    You CAN have 295×2 in crossfire. You are wrong yet again. Sorry, but you really don’t know what you are talking about -_-. A simple google search will prove you wrong. Go ahead and you’ll see :-).

    Just because you can’t purchase the 390x does’t mean that it’s not current generation. It’s out there, and if rumours are to be believed it’s just waiting on a driver polish to get the most out of it. AMD need to boost their image alright as they have crap marketing, and a release with crap drivers could damage it before it even has a chance. But it IS current generation like I said as the hardware is finalized and ready.

    I really don’t care about the 295×2 anyway. I don’t know why you keep on bringing it up. My original point that the Titan X is an overpriced, electricity guzzling room heater still stands. I much rather take the GTX 980.

  8. Buddy, maybe read more carefully? THREE WAY 295×2 CROSSFIRE is what I said. Read it again before answering.
    “If rumors are to be believed” – yea. Rumors.
    I never denied it’s overpriced. Electricity guzzling? Nah. That performance you won’t get with any less power. It’s common sense that the more powerful the card the more power it requires (pun unintended). But for AMD to draw the same performance as nVidia (currently) they have to put 2x the power requirement. Simple.

  9. yup, at 400 watts it is 150watts under AMDuh silicon at the same speed. if it could ever clock that fast … which It cant.

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  11. You went back and edited that didn’t you, from 2-way to 3-way. I know you did.
    Just kidding dude LOL! I don’t know anyone who would want a 3 way crossfire on that card even if it was possible. That would be insane. 3 way SLI to me is crazy too, well right now anyway with process shrinks coming next year and HBM memory about to boost performance substantially, although there will of course always be those who will want even more power even with this with multiple cards. 2 is enough for me at a push.

    The rumours are of course just rumours, but my source is a long time friend who I met at Cebit recently who has insider info that the 390x will perform even better than the leaked benchmarks we’ve seen. It really is supposed to be a real beast, like Nvidia Pascal will also supposedly be next year.

    Of course, rumours have turned out to be false many times before, although my source usually only leaks info if he really believes it, but all we can do now is wait…

    Anyway, have a great day and thanks for the discussion.

  12. I didn’t say it’s good to do it, I just said it’s possible. It was just an argument for the 2 chips vs 1 chip discussion 😛
    Thanks for the discussion too, have a great day!
    PS: If the new gen of AMD turns out to be this good I’m getting one 380x maybe, I just don’t want to get my hopes up in order to not be disappointed! 😀

  13. I hate to be Barry Buzzkill but AMD is a little worse off than “bad marketing”. You could argue that they have good marketing.

    Regardless I hope the next gen will save them.

    TitanX is overpriced, like the TitanZ, like the Titan Black, like the original Titan. The only difference is this is the first time its ever been worth buying. It’s a step in the right direction, if nothing else. It’s also on the most power efficient architecture to date I’m not sure where all the power usage hate is coming from, lol.