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Tim Cook lashes out at US religious freedom laws

Head of Apple, Tim Cook, has spoken out against US based religious freedom laws, which let individuals ignore anti-discrimination laws as long as their religion allows it. Cook however believes that the laws, which as many as 20 US states have instigated, are merely a sanctioned lack of tolerance, often specifically used to discriminate against people who identify as LGBT.

Writing a guest piece in the Washington Post, Cook said that the religious freedom laws allow people to circumvent anti-discrimination law just by stating that someone else's sexuality or gender is against their personal beliefs. In some states, that legislation is allowing for people to refuse service to people of differing sexuality or gender. Texas has plans to go even further, with a proposed law that would cut the salary and pension provisions for clerks who issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, even if the ban on same sex marriage is rescinded in the state.

These bills Cook said, are an attempt to discriminate, whilst hiding it with the language of ‘defending' someone's beliefs.

Tim Cook himself came out last year

“At Apple, we are in business to empower and enrich our customers’ lives. We strive to do business in a way that is just and fair,” he said. “That’s why, on behalf of Apple, I’m standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation — wherever it emerges.”

He then called on other companies to join him in standing up for open rights and opportunities for everyone, regardless of their sexuality or gender.

However, just because his views and own personal sexuality clash with the thoughts of many religious individuals, doesn't mean that Cook himself is against the practice. Indeed he was baptised as a child and describes his faith as being an important part of his life. That said, much like his company, Cook believes that religions should be open to everyone.

“Our message, to people around the country and around the world, is this: Apple is open. Open to everyone, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, how they worship or who they love,” he said.

As he puts it, this isn't a political or religious issue, it's simply a case of treating everyone else with the same dignity that you wish to be treated with.

KitGuru Says: While I'm fully on board with Cook's decision here, I would like him to consider looking more into the manufacturing companies that Apple does business with, as many of them don't exactly treat their workers fairly either. 

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  3. Let’s just ignore the fact that millions, not “thousands” of people are disgusted by homosexuality in general, not just religious people. Oh but let’s not even use the term ‘homosexual’ since they are most likely turning that definition into a slur. Just keep jamming it down our throat, someday we’ll just accept it. I think not.

  4. Firstname Lastname

    If only the article was about someone taking away your right to be disgusted, not whether religious freedom should override anti-discrimination laws then your rant might be vaguely relevant. Those homosexuals “jamming it down our throat” with their pesky wishes to be treated just like everybody else. When will they learn their place.

  5. The personal feelings of a few shouldn’t dictate how we make our laws. If you don’t wanna respect your fellow man because you don’t agree with who he bangs you can do like all the other morons and go live in a “fort” in the middle of the forest.

  6. If only people would stop dictating what is and what isn’t relevant in comments so you can continue to discount points-of-view that you clearly disagree with. My comment had nothing to do with “taking my right away”… did you read it? No… you chose to use the same ol’ cheap tactic to thwart belief systems that aren’t “tolerant” of your opinion.

  7. And here you have it folks… don’t disagree with homosexuals!! You’ll be told that you don’t belong here and to go away. No intelligent argument, no facts, no tolerance… etc. One way street…

    It’s not “a few”… it is 10’s of millions, and we all have the same right to comment and disagree with you and your friends. Name calling is cheap and distracts from an actual argument… discuss or stop trolling!!! But I guess trolling is your right.

  8. The question you have to ask is, Why are those people “disgusted” by homosexuality?

    I have an answer that i think covers the EXACT reason why, Its called Bigoted religious indoctrination that has been poured down the necks of countless generations, to the point that it permeates those societies to their very core.

    When i was religious, i was “disgusted” by homosexuality, because i was told from as young as i can remember that it was wrong and evil and dirty, and then i actually learned something about the world, and i now conclude that there is nothing wrong with people loving and having sex with the people they love, i do not want to do it myself, but who am i to judge them? Humans are not the only species on this planet where same sex pair exist, where same sex sex happens, 1000 years before Christianity and Islam, people were open about their love for people of the same sex, they were not shunned or treated differently, because they understood that you cant scare the gay out of people, they did not choose to be gay, they were born that way, it is their genetics that make them sexually attracted to the same sex, and if you or anyone else has a problem with that, then tough shit,

    People with an attitude like you express make me sick, and people who refuse them access to services or shops or anything based entirely on there sexual orientation need to go win themselves a Darwin award, your narrow minded and frankly barbaric views are as unwelcome in the gene pool as Islamic extremism and fundamentalist Christians genes, we should be working towards a unified human race, not nit picking on things that make no difference to your life, or things that people can not change about themselves, also, i find people who proclaim DISGUST in homosexuality or anything, as adamantly as you do, are generally hiding their own sexual inclination, and trying to deny their own sexual desires.

    You see, im comfortable with my sexuality, im a heterosexual male, that means i like females, i have 2 children, and im comfortable with my sexuality and life, i do not care for one second if a man wants to suck another man off, or have a penis put in his ass, its not something im interested in, but obviously they are, so let them get on with it, why should the fact that your poor little sensibilities are being offended mean that they cant be afforded the same rights that everyone else is.


  9. Never seen so much hypocrisy on this site. You defend people who reject homosexuals and refuse to employ them and you complain that you “don’t belong”? That people aren’t tolerant? You can’t ask people for something you refuse to give in the first place.

    As for facts and intelligent arguments, let’s see what you’ve said so far:
    – Not every homophobe is religious: irrelevant. The article is about people abusing their freedom of religion to turn down homosexuals asking for a job.
    – Turning the word “homosexual” into a slur: pathetic strawman, the kind of nonsense you find on 4chan and Stormfront. And you call me a troll?
    – Jamming acceptance down your throat: homophobia is still one of the least discussed problem in western countries despite the fact that it concerns 5% of the population and that, despite decades of struggle they still don’t have the same basic rights as others. I guess they should just man up and say nothing though, that’s how things get done, right?
    – There are millions of homophobes: so? For starters, they’re still not the majority so from a democratic standpoint their opinion matters little. And second, even if they were the majority, why does it matter? If tomorrow millions of people said they were disgusted by blacks would you support them too (guess you don’t really have to wait until tomorrow for that though, huh)? Were you born 80 years ago would you have supported segregation because hey, it’s the majority after all?

  10. Being disgusted with homosexuality has ZERO to do with my spiritual belief in my case, and millions of others cases… talk about judgment. You make a WHOLE BUNCH of totally inaccurate assumptions about the OP in attempting to support your point(s). Name calling is a super strong and mature way of proving your points too.

    Oh, and thanks for the TOTALLY made up history lesson, as well the psycho-analytic rhetoric. So, “You find”?? Great!! I was looking for a sexual therapist, and you apparently know more about me than I do. Maybe I can help you with your overly emotional posting style in return. Who’s sensitive here?

    But again… that’s your right. And I would still fight to defend that right just as I would my own rights. I was “BORN with” disgust for homosexuality from the very first time I saw it demonstrated. Assuming that I hate the actual person for what they do is pretty shallow thinking. I have hired and worked beside some pretty amazing individuals that practice homosexuality, but that doesn’t mean they practice it in front of me or talk about it. I don’t talk about my sleeping with my wife last night either. They weren’t happy with me being grossed out by that behavior, but they didn’t get all squishy about it either, we got sh*t done and celebrated that.

    But good job on trying to take this off topic.

  11. Here we go… more assumptions and whittling new shapes out of ones that were already clear. Since I’m the one being attacked here, I guess I’ll defend my “hipocracy”:

    – “You defend people who reject homosexuals”: We don’t reject “homosexuals”… we reject homosexuality…

    – “refuse to employ them”: I have employed them, personally and professionally… out of choice and skill-set. However, we don’t want to be FORCED to employ them out of fear of retribution.

    – “You can ask people for something you refuse to give in the first place.”: Our definitions are clearly different here. In society, tolerance is “putting up with” what we don’t like. The amount of tolerance we give depends upon the amount of harm or benefit society receives from the thing in question. For example, as long as homosexuals push for the redefinition of what homosexual is to society… well, our arguments start to become more distant and pointless to your favor.

    – “pathetic strawman”: It was just a statement based on many of the stupid special rights cases that have hit the court rooms in the past 10 years to support your so-called struggle. Stormfront? Cheap.

    – “concerns 5% of the population”: Did you get this from the LGBT website? If not, link that stat…

    – “basic rights”: Which rights are you referring to? Jobs? Tax credits? Food? Water? Clean air? Voting? Fair trials? Just confused on what entitlements you think your not getting in the US. You’re clearly winning the right to marriage and raising children… I missing the rest of these so called Basic Rights your not getting…

    – “they’re still not the majority so from a democratic standpoint their opinion matters little”: Yeah… I don’t think I need to tear this to shreds… do I?? You’re stretching it pretty far here…

    …and there goes the topic… again…

  12. “We don’t reject “homosexuals”… we reject homosexuality…”

    Okay then. Not even gonna bother answering the rest.

  13. Glad I could make it more clear… I should have said that in the first place…

  14. I can’t say I’m disgusted at homosexuals nor can I say approve/back them up 100%. The gay people are born genetically with those genes. They are not the cause or problem. But does people being born ‘gay’ make ‘gay’ right? (Not sure if this is possible or makes sense) If a person is born with genes that make them more likely to kill people, or be a pedophile, there is nothing we can really do. They were born that way. But the act of killing people or pedophile acts isn’t right either. Just like we can’t force gays to be straight, you can’t really force people who don’t understand/accept homosexual people to accept them. Everything goes both ways.

    I try to respect homosexuals and their beliefs as I know that they are not bad people in general. I have a few friends that are homosexual, then no more that I am not close with they are good people. They can be what they want to be as long as it doesn’t get in the way of me personally in anyway. When it’s not possible for a male/male or female/female to reproduce (natural cycle) without help from technology/others that is a major flaw that keeps me from believing in homosexuality and whether it’s meant to be. For the people who believe in no religion I have the same message of tough luck.

  15. Why is there always some equivocation fallacy, Murders cause harm, murdering someone is not genetic, people who murder are mentally unstable for other reasons, genetics make have played a small part but nothing any where near a person being born gay.

    A person born gay who does no harm to anyone and just lives their life, with the partner pays their taxes, is a law abiding citizen, has no “beleifes” as you put it, they are the way they are and they cause no one any harm because they seek like minded consensual relationships.

    There is no equivocation to murders, you could have argued paedophiles, but my counter to that would be the people they target can not consent they are not mentally mature enough to know what is going on, so harm is caused, so the gene that causes that is bad, and they are bad people, but i would say only if they act on their attraction to children, if they never touch a child because they know it is wrong to do so, they cause no harm and no one knows that they are attracted to children. That attraction is wrong.

    There is no equivocation there, its not as if all gay men and women go out and prey on the non gay people and in the case of men, buggery rape every straight man they see, or gay women do not go out a finger rape every straight women they see, they are just people who are attracted to the same sex and seek people who are also attracted to the same sex, i know gay people who have more moral fibre than most self proclaimed morally superior evangelical Christians, because they go by biblical morality, which is fucked up.

    What the fuck does reproduction have to do with anything? Do you think the only way a relationship can be valid is for it to involve marriage and children? Thats the most preposterous and frankly offensive thing i have ever heard uttered from someone who claims to not be against gay people. I know straight people who have been in a relationship for 20+ years, they do not have kids because the woman in the relationship has some disorder that makes her ovaries not produce eggs, they can not get pregnant, even with IVF, unless they have a third party egg donated, which they do not want, they are also not married and never intend to get married because they, like me, do not see they need for a religious ceremony(a religion i am not a part of) to confirm their feelings and intent, i know i will love my partner until i die, i do not need a church to confirm this, i live with her and our children, i love her more than i have loved anything else in my life, are you trying to tell me that these are not valid relationships because we do not subscribe to ancient mumbo jumbo and we do not need anyone’s authorisation to love each other.

  16. WAYLIFE. you are the OP you moose.

    And if by name calling you mean, pointing out you are a bigot, then go a head and keep telling yourself that, i hope this keeps you comfortable and helps you sleep at night.

    A bigot is a bigot, no matter what coat you dress him/her in.

    You saw “homosexuality” demonstrated? Wtf kind of place to you live where it is demonstrated to you? i could not give less of a fuck if you are offended by them being in love with one and other, and could not careless for the bigoted hatred you have that IS a product of religion, whether or not you subscribe to it.

    BEFORE modern religion, no fucks were given about sexuality, it is ONLY the modern era where prudish bigots who are not comfortable with their own sexuality forced gay people to “go in to hiding” for fear of being murdered for simply finding a consenting adult of the same sex to love and live their life with. The ONLY reason modern society is anti gay, is Christianity and Islam, culture and civilizations before ours did not care for these modern creations of normality, then the bigoted and introverted religions of the modern world came along, anyone different is evil, anyone who does not conform to the exacting standards of normality are evil.

    What ever though, you are entitled to your opinion, however wrong it may be, and you are free to voice your opinion of this to, you are free to be disgusted by it, but you are not free to discriminate against them because of your personal feelings about it, and it does not mean you are protected from being called out when you express your closed minded and bigoted views.

    Sorry if this offends you, well, honestly i could not care less if you are offended.

  17. More creative names… more crude and wrong assumptions and insertions that were never part of my OP… more angry ranting and cheap digs… less wasting my time with troll-like over-emotional comments.

  18. Waylife ?
    you know your Ignorant and kind of stupid when you say that people are against it and therefore “it” should be banned for it, just cause of that fact ?

    Since what if, that IF was about Ignorant and stupid people, talking about shiit they don´t seems to know so much about and we, the rest of those Billions,
    that do not give a shit, whom you love Or fuck…complained over people like you ?
    And upon that created Laws and rules against it = you
    Would you like that ?

    Seems to many, lets call them retards, “people” as usual don´t use that “brain, they were Born with… and as usual, trying things they ain´t capable to..

    So Boring to read of people, saying stuff, with brains big as a pee…

  19. Well… first of all I never said anything about “banning” anything.

    And second of all… I’m pretty sure you either posted while drunk, angry, or something else.

    I’m also going to guess that posting anything that relates to disagreeing with homosexuality and being grossed out by it is going to piss people off… but I’m also in a place that I feel totally at ease with stating my opinion in a public forum that is created for this very thing. If you people can’t find the time to actually READ my posts, well… I can’t help that.

    So hate, make stuff up, insert things I never stated, be angry if that is where you are in life. But my hope is that an actual discussion happens that isn’t full of false information, name calling, and way-off assumptions about the OP.

    But that seems to take too much effort. But, I understand this commentary abuse to be a pattern from LGBT supporters from reading other posts where people were less frank than I am.

  20. Millions isn’t really that many in the grand scheme of things, in the western world, you’re a minority. Plus democracy speaks for itself, 37 states allow gay marriage out of 50. I’d say that’s a minority in America alone that’s against homosexuality, not only that, the Defence of Marriage Act was deemed unconstiutional. America was built to have Church and State be seperate, therefore religious notions cannot circumvent the law. “All men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights”

    You’re missing the point, anti-discrimination laws do not force you to hire people, it’s to stop you refusing to hire people based on something inconsequencial such as who they’re sleeping with. Or their religion. Or Skin colour. Or gender. You’re no different to the people who protestested equal rights for black people 50 years ago.In the land of LIberty, you guys sure are resiliant to any kind of liberty that doesn’t (and I’m loath to say this) apply to the white dude. What happened to the land of the free, the land of opportunity? You’ve got a big metal statue in front of New York called Lady Liberty, built by the French, a bunch famous for their sexual liberty. Meanwhile, in Europe, we couldn’t give a rats ass who people sleep with so long as it’s consensual.

    You say your spirituality has nothing to do with your dislike of homosexuality, yet I find that hard to believe, for what reason could you oppose it if not that it’s ungodly?(saying that, animals whom are apparently created by god can be gay so that point kind of falls apart) It doesn’t hurt anyone, it doesn’t effect anyone unless you choose to be offended, so what grounds do you dislike it exactly? Yeah I don’t exactly want to see two dudes fucking either, but I’m not exactly going to unless I seek it out. I find egg sandwiches disgusting, so I try not to seek them out or go over and smell them when I see one.

    Lastly it says “As he puts it, this isn’t a political or religious issue, it’s simply a
    case of treating everyone else with the same dignity that you wish to be
    treated with.” in the article. It doesn’t just mention religious people. How about you go campaign about something important that actually hurts people or saves lives, hm? Let people live their lives without yelling about how they’re “disgusting” just because they’re not into what you’re into.

  21. Have no argument with Tim here-But this really cracked me up—

    “At Apple, we are in business to empower and enrich our customers’
    lives. We strive to do business in a way that is just and fair,” he
    Want some of those drugs-apple,just and fair should never be in the same sentence…
    They are one of the most evil and oppressive corporations on this planet…………….

  22. Once again I’m going to say again I have nothing against homosexuals (people) but I dont necessarilly (sorry for spelling) agree upon homosexuality. Male and Female are necessary for having a child. Without reproduction species die. If there was only two people in the begining of time (earth) and they were both the same gender the species would be doomed from the start.

    The only thing necessary in a relationship is love between two people. That includes homosexual relationships. I never said homosexuals should be denied relationships, marriage, tax benefits, etc. I’m questioning the homosexual genes as a flaw.

    I just stated my thoughts, not sure why I made the post replying to someone. You weee offended somehow and decided to rant. I personally did not read all of it. This is what people call ‘getting things shoved down our throat because we have separate views’.

  23. people are not born gay. They may be born with the susceptibility but ultimately its going to be their life that makes them gay. You may be born being more likely to go insane, but you won’t necessarily go insane without the right conditions.

  24. Why Ask,

    That is not necessarily true. You’re placing the homosexuality part on a pedestal it doesn’t need to be on. Humans don’t have sexual relations solely for reproduction purposes. Pleasure is a major part of sexual relations between two individuals. Being gay is having the mentality to be far more sexually attracted to a mans features, body, face etc… The purpose behind your disagreement on people having the right to choose their own sexual partner is because you are not used to or just outright disgusted by two men together performing sexual acts that normally would be associated with two individuals of opposite gender. We live in a world of billions of people and yet you have brought up the point that the species will die if there was only gays but that isn’t the case by such a large margin that you can’t even bring up a figurative explanation for your course of thinking. I respect that you may feel weird around two men kissing because yes in a anthropological view point, it’s unnatural for a species with male and female genders to mate with the same sex and not the opposite, however that rule usually only applies when the species doesn’t gain pleasure from sex. Don’t take my words as someone who supports LGBT just think of me as a person who’d rather see people being able to live a life of peace and freedom instead of hate and oppression.

    Hopefully this clears up any confusions you have towards gay relations because they’ve been happening for hundreds and hundreds of years. Going back as far as the greek/egyptian empires, and anyone who opposes happily living peoples lives just because they are different to you makes you asinine and self revolved. I wish everyone would just take a moment to think about the world and stop the futile nonsense that happens everyday. Just because you’re allowed an opinion does not make it right, just or fair in the slightest so for people on this page who use the freedom of speech and opinion as a crutch to justify your hatred and bigoted opinions then hopefully one day you’ll change because the world could really do with less hate.

  25. Louie, since I have answered for everything you have here in previous posts (below), I will leave your comment as it is. You are the only one to make any intelligible points without attacking me for having a strong opinion that doesn’t line up with your belief system. I do get all the points of the article fully and you will see that if you choose to read the rest of the arguments I made.

    Thanks for the healthy push-back. It’s rare on this subject, as you will see if you read below…

  26. Once again, there has always been people/animals that are attracted the same sex, always, as far back as recorded history goes.

    Im not offended by your opinion im offended by the blind bigotry of the statement, “i do not have homosexuals, i hate their homosexuality” you are entitled to your opinion.

    I did not rant, you interpret the truth as a rant, fair enough, keep burying your head in the sand, keep telling yourself you are right. I come across many people like you on the internet, the common “TL;DR” just shows the pure ignorance of your position, i read each of the posts, entirely, barbecue i A,) care that there are people with your shitty attitude, and B.) because i engaged in the conversation, and was engaged by others, therefore, i would expect the same level of respect that i gave you, by reading and replying to your comment.

    But this is something i have come to expect from ignorant bigots on the internet, they are always right and they always ignore facts and truth and refuse outright to find the actual facts behind the points, and continue to be set in their ways and remain the narrow minded and self important.

    I only state what the scientists have found from many genetic studies and societal studies and historical studies, whether or not you agree with homosexuality, it is a fact of nature, and the bigoted ignorance i hear in your comment, supports the morons who want to refuse people services and rights because of something they are not in control of. This makes me sad, because its this kind of ideology and ignorance that leads to young people who are coming to terms with these feelings that they have, killing themselves because they are told by people like you that what they feel makes them sick, sinners, evil, the devil, and what ever other bullshit that some people say, whether or not you think it, your attitude on this fuels the attitude of the extremist Christians who want to restrict the rights of homosexuals, the same bigots that would have black people as slaves again because they think their whiteness makes them gods chosen people……..