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Someone updated Man of Steel with color and it looks better

When Man of Steel launched in 2012, it brought Superman back to the big screen. At the time, The Christopher Nolan movies were enjoying great success with their darker take on Batman so Warner Bros applied that same dark tone to Superman.

Man of Steel was a decent enough movie, it featured a moodier looking Superman trying to find his place on earth which resulted in him fending off an invasion headed by General Zod. However, the film lacked the classic bright red and blue colors Superman is known for. So what would Man of Steel look like with its color restored? VideoLab actually went ahead and demonstrated in a short three-minute video comparison: [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du-eYiD9OfM']

VideoLab Comparison

VideoLab notes that its final results were a bit over-saturated, which is due to the source footage already containing severe color degradation. If the source footage contained more natural colors, then VideoLab would have managed better results.

The actual suit used in Man of Steel was brightly colored but as the video points out, the dark aesthetic was added in during post-production. Either way, it will be interesting to see if this feedback will lead to any changes in future Superman films.

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KitGuru Says: The difference between the original footage and the restored color version is pretty major. We don't normally cover movies on this site but this seemed pretty interesting, would you like to see a more colorful Superman in future movies? 

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  1. Well the movie was crap anyway, colors wouldn’t have helped it. But then again it looks more Superman-like when not monochrome 🙂

  2. Only assholes hated this movie. It was decent and had fun action in it.
    You’re all the same people that hate the Star Wars prequels because it’s cool to hate them. Fuck off, the lot of you.

  3. Adjusting the color has nothing to do with your opinion of the movie; just the color scheme. If my room is dark, adjusting the light doesn’t mean I hate my house.

  4. Thanks for calling all the people who might not have liked this particular movie an asshole and blindly putting everybody in total ignorance in a group so you can talk nonsense again..


  5. The people who hated the prequels were the ones with any taste whatsoever.
    Those movies would suck even if they were the first movies you’d ever seen in your life.

  6. While I did not HATE Man Of Steel, I felt that it had SEVERAL weak points that made the movie less that stellar.

    1) Jonathan Kent did not need to die as he did. Even if Clark was a normal human, he would have been the obvious choice to go back and rescue the dog. Younger, faster and in better shape than a man in his late 40’s/50’s? that Jonathan Kent was. Also, as a Kryptonian, Kal-El/Clark was strong enough and fast enough that he could have saved the dog and made it look plausible without sacrificing his adoptive father.

    2) Zod and his followers wore enviro-suits that kept them from ingesting our atmosphere. Kal-El had YEARS of exposure to our sun and environment to hone his abilities and yet the Zod’s army seems to adapt to the sun and gain super strength almost immediately. While I understand that they may have been in our solar system for for an estimated week, that should not have given them the upper hand.

    3) When Kal-El goes aboard Zod’s ship, he loses his abilities because the ship is set for Kryptonian physiology and atmosphere. This especially makes my 2nd point shine…if it is set for Kryptonians, then HOW did Zod & his lot gain the super strength?

    4) If they terraformed the earth into a new Krypton, they would lose their superhuman abilities…why would they want to do that?

    5) Perry White, et al, were almost entirely unnecessary to the story and the building falling sequence was bullshit. Also, they cheer Superman after the city is destroyed because of him?

    Those are just a few problems off the top of my head that made this movie “not great”.

    As to what made the SW Prequels so bad, that is easy….Hayden Christensen, this guy is a worse actor than Ben Affleck.

    Halosheep is probably one of those people that LIKED Jar Jar.

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  8. Actually color effects a lot of ways how we “Perceive” things, everything is subjective of course, each individual has their own bias. What plays a part is the social representations of colors themselves.

    Batman isn’t a “Symbol” of hope, as much as he is, he is more so, his own sort of vigilante, he is a normal man meant to strike fear into his enemies, and as such he is the “Night”, to more of his theme, and a dark world, with themes matching. That is appropriate.

    Colors define moods, and can be swaying in how we accept, or digest information, where as Superman’s common theme is hope, and felt with vibrant displays and colors which make him stand out. This comes with “expectation”, now color alone would not change the movie to much by it’s self.

    However, it stands a point to our perspective, socially, and psychologically how we internalize that kind of information. It’s rather delicate thing. Colors often set the mood, even subconsciously, where we grow into these expectations of what color is what.

    It’s like how we commonly label the enemy in games, and other such things on HUDs and other indicator as red, and green or blue is allies. These kinds of visual displays are more of what we are “used” to, and how we sort of process information.

    It’s the things we don’t think about that matter most, change the tiny details and then they become prevalent. A formula is very sensitive, as you need to look at your demographic, and not hope to alienate them.

  9. None of what you said has to do with whether or not you liked the movie. You can like the movie as it was released (I did), and you can appreciate how it would have looked had the colors not been tuned down (I do).

  10. I dont know, the movie never left an impression of me. So I can’t say if it was bad or good, just neutral on it. Which can be a good thing, as it is bad.

  11. Now that the idea is out there someone will recolor the entire film and put it out on the internet somewhere. Just like they’ve re-edited all the Chris Reeve movies in order to “fix” them. If it becomes popular enough Warner’s will eventually release it as an alternate version on dvd/blue ray. While they’re at it, there are a few nasty very un Superman like scenes they could cut out.

  12. Every one of your points are invalid. Let me demonstrate.

    1. Jonathan did not want Clark to risk his life as any father would not want to risk their son’s life (super or not). Plus Clark is young and does not know how to be discrete just yet. Which is why he becomes a wanderer later. Because he is always spotted doing heroics. Jonathan didn’t think the world was ready to witness Clarks power.

    2.Clark was young when exposed and wasn’t mature enough to know how to adapt. Zod and his gang are military trained and much older and wiser. I am sure they have been to other worlds to know how to adapt if need be. Wearing the suit was just a convenience for them.

    3. Kryptonians gain their strength from the radiation of our SUN. The ship was blocking the radiation from getting in.

    4. See answer to number three. Terra-forming the Earth doesn’t change the SUN. (did you even listen to the movie?

    5. Who cares? Quit being so overly analytically about Perry White’s role. He never was a major character in the Superman story. He was just the guy who told Louise and Clark what to do (in regards to their job). Also, geez do you think in reality something as powerful as Kryptonians would leave the city spotless if two of them fought in the middle of it? Plus, would you rather the city be completely destroyed and the world terra-formed?

    Finally, you’re calling a guy the worse actor? A guy who has won two Academy Awards and three Golden Globe Awards?

  13. Notice: I said “hated”, and I’ll more specifically say the people that go on the internet and vocally state one or two “problems” they had with the movie as a reason for it to be the worst movie they’ve seen, or similar hyperbolic statements.

  14. I watched them as a child, I greatly enjoyed them. The prequels aren’t really much better and saying so is just the popular thing to do. All arguments otherwise are purely opinion based and one could even make similar arguments about the original trilogy. Which, of course, would be ignored as idiocy by all of you people that hate without good reason.

  15. Good job, you can nitpick minor details in a plotline. Maybe you should collaborate with CinemaSins? Unless, which I assume is more likely, you’re just regurgitating information that someone else has written. I’ll admit those points don’t really make much sense; but it’s a movie. I often find things in movies, ones that I like, don’t make a bit of sense. It’s just part of telling a narrative with the medium, sometimes details get skipped because otherwise we’d end up with another Hobbit trilogy.
    Also, you’re going to write off the entirety of 3 definitive movies in a series because you don’t like one actor? Sure, I’ll concede that he was awful, but does Ewan McGregor’s performance not balance this out? People don’t like Jar Jar because he’s another source of comedic relief that is most likely aimed at a younger audience? I remember as one of those younger viewers finding him somewhat entertaining, perhaps I wouldn’t now, but I’m not even the target audience for his humor.
    If I had one issue with the prequels, it’s that they didn’t flow into the original Star Wars trilogy well. The transition from a scientific, well-known concept to “an ancient religion” not much later on was a horrible oversight, but again: sometimes details get lost.

  16. I met the dude who played young Anakin, he was really pleased when I told him I enjoyed his performance.. I think he gets a lot of flak usually XD

  17. Halosheep, I did mention that these plot points were off the top of my head. This makes them MY IDEAS and not a rehash of somebody else’s which I would have given credit to. As a film projectionist, I have seen thousands of movies over the course of my life and I can pick apart pretty much any movie, even ones that I really enjoyed.

    Ewan McGregor was one of the only redeeming qualities of the prequel movies and an excellent choice to play the younger Obi-Wan.

    It is not JUST that Hayden is a HORRIBLE actor, his character lacked depth and and his almost instant transformation to the dark side was poorly assembled on screen. In one scene, Mace Windu was ready to destroy Senator Palpatine and Anikin interjected to tell him that this was not the Jedi way, and not more than 10 minutes later, he was ready to betray the Jedi himself and was instantly evil.

    That Lucas wanted to direct Episode 1 was a given since he also directed the first movie (Episode 4). However Lucas tried to do too much by writing AND directing all 3 of them, he was too close to the project. ESB is regarded as THE BEST of the 6 movies for many reasons and Kershner did an amazing job with his direction, as did Kasden / Lucas writing it.

    Jar Jar was Lucas pandering to children as he did with the Ewoks in Episode 6. Originally the Ewoks were supposed to be Wookies (like Chewie) but marketing made it clear that there was money to be made and children would like cute cuddly teddy bear like creatures. How idiotic was it that these creatures could take out an AT-ST or take down Storm Troopers?

    R2-D2 also received a similar makeover to make him more marketable. He was always 1/2 of the comic relief in the previous movies but his makeover left some unanswered questions like what happened to R2’s flight abilities in the later movies? He could have used them when he was in the swamps of Dagobah…

    I did enjoy the ending of Episode 2, or more accurately, the underlying context. At almost the last scene of the movie, when you see all the Republic forces, you realize just how brilliant Palpatine was and how well he had manipulated EVERYONE.

  18. Raymond, your explanations are as full of holes as the plot to this movie.

    While I agree that Clark had not achieved the art of subtlety with his powers, the severity of the situation (life or death) and the chaos ensuing from the tornado would have been enough for him to have been able to rescue the dog. Also, while I love my dogs more than most people, the choice between allowing my father to die or my dog to die is a no brainer. Jonathan had a child in his arms and had to stop to pass over the child to Clark, precious time that Clark could have used to save the dog. In fact, Jonathan ALMOST made it except of getting his foot trapped. Had Clark been the one in that situation, he would not have been impeded by that obstacle and would have been able to save the dog and “his own life” without making a spectacle of himself. See for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSLXz8ReSe0

    Your 2nd point is off base again. By the time Zod is introduced to us on Earth, Kal-El has been on the planet for 33 years and has already learned how to use his abilities. The movie demonstrates your inaccuracy when Zod’s “helmet” is breached and he is incapacitated by the barrage of sites/sounds. As I said previously, those Enviro-suits kept them in Kryptonian atmosphere and thus they SHOULD NOT have gained any power boost. That Earth’s gravity is lighter than Krypton explains why they could jump high as high as they did.

    Faora-Ul hits the nail on the head as to Kal-El’s real disadvantage…his morals. historically this has always been the thing that has held him back from “achieving” his true potential. Having said that, Kal=El still should have been stronger since his body has stored up 33 years of our sun.

    You are right, Zod’s ship was blocking the yellow sun’s effects on the Kryptonians and that is why Kal-El felt weaker while aboard. But wasn’t this the point I originally made? Which BTW again supports my question about Terra-forming.

    Unlike you, I DID PAY ATTENTION to the movie. When Superman goes to fight the World Engine, he does so knowing that he will be fighting at a reduced capacity…Lois even comments on that. ONCE AGAIN it supports my Terra-forming question.

    The World Engine was changing the atmosphere to approximate Krypton’s and increasing the density of the planet so that the gravity would match…hence the use of the gravity well/singularity. A heavier gravity would nullify their flight ability and as you saw from Kal-El’s trip to Zod’s ship PLUS the scene with the World Engine fight, the atmosphere would negate their super-human strength.

    Yeah Perry White is only an incidental character, hence my objection to the amount of screen time that they dedicated to him, et al.

    My point about them cheering is that yeah, thanks for stopping the mad man that YOU BROUGHT (unwittingly) to this planet, but not so much for the utter devastation that you helped create. Christopher Reeves’ iteration of Superman understood that collateral damage was something that should be avoided and made it a point to take the battle AWAY from densely populated areas. Once Zod emerged from the wreckage, Superman should have found a way to lead him away from the population. How man people DIED from those buildings that were damaged or fell over while Zod & Kal-El measured dicks?

    While I am picking shit apart, WTF was up with the end of the movie? The Daily Planet building was DESTROYED as was a HUGE portion of the city. There is NO FUCKING WAY that they would have been able to get themselves back to an operational status that quickly much less be in a position to hire on a new reporter. And BTW…print paper is all but dead, after the devastation, whomever owned The Daily Planet would have seen the destruction of the building for the blessing that it was and filed an insurance claim for damages and closed the paper while they were ahead.

    Oh, don’t get me wrong, Ben Affleck is a decent SUPPORTING ACTOR…he is just not leading man material. Don’t believe me, look at his filmography or even his Wikipedia page. BTW, his Oscars are for Screenplay (Good Will Hunting) and Best Picture (as the producer of Argo).

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  20. Kevin Sebastian Li

    Too bad this video was proven to be fake. Even VideoLab themselves admitted that their video was a misleading opinion piece.

  21. “Only assholes hate the color blue”. Do you realize just how stupid and retarded saying the *OPINION* of someone makes them “assholes???

  22. Let me explain what I meant a little further:
    You’re an asshole if you only hate the movie because everyone else hates the movie. If you had some legitimate reason for disliking it then whatever, but most people will go on the internet and spout other people’s opinions as to why the movie is bad.

  23. Much better, thanks for the clarification.