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Presidential candidate Ted Cruz: ‘I’m a gamer’

While many in the UK grew bored of the rhetoric, chest pounding and thug life-like quips in the few months of build up to Britain's General Election in May, the US has it far worse. Almost a year and a half out from the next presidential election and already we're starting to hear trickle downs of potential hopefuls. Like junior US Senator Ted Cruz, who has been trying to court a younger vote in this earliest of campaign runs, by suggesting that he's been a gamer his whole life.

While Cruz says that he doesn't have a console at the moment – suggesting that he would never get off it if he did – he did own them in the past, according to a chat he had with the Daily Beast. He was an arcade player back in the '70s and '80s he said, enjoying games like Pong, Galaga and Centipede, before graduating to home consoles like the Atari 2600 and the NES. His college years also involved a lot of game playing, with Super Mario Bros. being a particular favourite among he and his friends.


Today however he confines himself to smartphone gaming and even then, hardly up to date experiences. Candy Crush is name dropped, as well as Plants vs Zombies and more recent fair like the Creeps.

As long as it isn't proved otherwise, this could be a smart move for Cruz, who is a conservative politician – a leaning that doesn't often ingratiate them with younger voters. While gaming is no longer a hobby of the young, with the average age of gamers somewhere in the mid-30s, this may help raise his profile among those that would otherwise have discounted him simply for being a right wing politician.

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KitGuru Says: As much as Cruz may indeed have a gaming past – as many people his age will have – I wonder if the casual gamers that play the likes of Candy Crush and the Creeps will care about his gaming habits. If we really wants to impress gamers, he's going to have to go more niche than those titles.

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  1. Ahmed Abouaesha

    Plays candy crush on his phone… “I’m a gamer”

  2. Can’t really expect a republican senator to spend his nights fragging noobs in CSGO to be honest.

  3. Yes, we do have it far worse. Thanks for noticing. Also, he is decidedly not a ‘gamer’.

  4. I would rather stick my dick in a fire ant hill than have Ted Cruz as president.

  5. What’s there to be said? Republicans and Conservatives are morons…

  6. < col Hiiiiiii Friends…——–.???? ?++der++ < see full info='……..''


  7. Michael Shepard

    Then again democrats have proven to trust traitors, i would rather go with an idiot that is for his country than an intelligent person who will betray us all.

  8. Primus Inter Pares

    No… he plays call of duty balck ops… like a real noob

  9. No… he plays call of duty balck ops… like a real noob

  10. I can expect them to be that one guy that ONLY buys an awp in every game.
    Nobody likes that guy.

  11. …tell me again how being a gamer makes you eligible for candidacy?

  12. Churchill4President

    I’m a conservative. I’m am also a gamer. Please tell me why I am a moron?

  13. Churchill4President

    Please show me the official definition of “gamer”.

    How many games do you have to play to be considered a gamer?

    How many minutes of video games do you have to play each day to be a gamer?

  14. Churchill4President

    Do you have something against electing the first Latino president? You must be a racist then.

  15. I would say someone who is a video game enthusiast. I wouldn’t call someone who sits on farmville all day a gamer, I would call them a farmville enthusiast.

  16. What does being a gamer have to do with anything? Being part of the Conservative agenda is what makes you a moron.

  17. Proven where?

  18. Start playing PC games and then I’ll care. Otherwise you’re just like all the other politicians.

  19. OverlyFluffyDoge

    People who only buy shotguns are worse. God knows how my mate got to MG with them.

  20. Googled: What is a Gamer?
    noun: gamer; plural noun: gamers
    “a person who plays a game or games, typically a participant in a computer or role-playing game.”

    Personally, I consider a gamer to be someone that plays PC or console games; doesn’t have to be on a regular basis or number of hours or number of games. I would not consider anyone that plays the genre casual as a gamer.


    Casual gamer:
    Extremely simple gameplay, like a puzzle game that can be played entirely using a one-button mouse or cellphone keypad
    Allowing gameplay in short bursts, during work breaks[5] or, in the case of portable and cell phone games, on public transportation
    The ability to quickly reach a final stage,[6] or continuous play with no need to save the game

  21. When did I ever say anything about latinos?