Home / Professional / Development / Batman: Arkham Knight had its PC specs changed just hours before launch

Batman: Arkham Knight had its PC specs changed just hours before launch

Batman: Arkham Knight, the finale in the Rocksteady trilogy of Batman games launches in just a couple of hours. However, in the last week it seems that Warner Bros has had a bunch of last minute troubles, with the Collector's Edition of the game being cancelled entirely and the Limited Edition being delayed. Now, just a few hours before launch, the game's PC system requirements have been changed.

Whatever is going on over at Warner Bros, it doesn't give off a great vibe with all of these changes being made at the last minute. As first spotted by Gameranx, just a few  hours ago, the Batman Arkham Knight PC minimum requirements were updated just a few hours ahead of launch.


The minimum requirements aren't that different from the ones we saw a few months back but they now include AMD graphics cards. However, Rocksteady has warned that “there are some known issues with the performance of Batman: Arkham Knight for PC owners using AMD graphics cards”.

The Nvidia minimum GPU requirement for Batman Arkham Knight is a GTX 660, while the AMD requirement is a Radeon 7950, which is significantly more powerful than a 660, so it definitely sounds like there are some optimization issues going on.

Obviously the main point here is that AMD users were only warned of these changes a few hours before launch, which means lower end users who may have pre-ordered the game may no longer meet the system requirements to play and worse yet, may encounter plenty of performance issues. It is no secret that Arkham Knight is an Nvidia Gameworks title either, which adds to the recent controversy surrounding Nvidia's technologies, which have been implemented in more and more games recently.

You can view the full update, HERE. 

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KitGuru Says: If you are an AMD user planning to play Arkham Knight, then please do let us know how the game performs for you as from the sounds of it, little effort has been put in to optimizing this title for Radeon GPUs, which could be a big concern. 

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  1. Ahhhh Gimpworks, I see you’re doing your master’s bidding verrrrrrrrry well 😀 (980 owner here so don’t mind so much!)

  2. same :)) 980 has no fear

  3. sorry AMD guys, but reading this I instinctively smiled because of the fact that I had a 970 xD

  4. For your sake, I hope it doesn’t use up well over 3GB of vRAM =D.

  5. oh wait I wrote this thinking I was on another thread xD
    rofl. Im fine as long as it doesnt go over 3.5. then things get… slower. its not THAT bad though tbh.

  6. I have no problems with Gameworks, just like I don’t have a problem with Crysis games melting GPU’s. Hardware will catch up and when it does, I’ll be there.

    I’m just shocked that people immediately blame nVIDIA when AMD is at fault. AMD is hardly ever – Game Ready!

  7. These days it’s more newsworthy if there isn’t a shitstorm around some aspect of an AAA game release.

  8. Hows AMD at fault? They have already released a driver. Why does NVIDIA need 2GB whereas AMD needs 3GB?

    Looks like rubbishly written game again, by a game company that always stops AMD working properly on their batman games.

  9. AMD just released 15.6 drivers addressing all you nvidiots and batman issues. Though I do hope that AMD users would for once unite and stop buying game works games. Then when stupid game devs realise they are losing a lot of sales due to nvidia shenanigans maybe they would stop accepting nvidia crippled code into their games. Games can be bought during sales and discounts, reducing profits to those nvidian game devs

  10. Oh yeah AMD fault…

  11. NotWorks doing what is expected to do…
    Funny about the developers saying that they are working with amd to fix the problems…
    Fix what should have already been fixed until the launch of the game, all of the Shitworks game seems to never been tested on amd cards. hahahaha!

  12. And if AMD had a sizable market share that might be a valid idea but unfortunately Nvidia controls almost 80% of the gaming GPU market. It only makes sense that lots of developers are ignoring AMD in favor of further optimizing for Nvidia.

  13. I feel sorry for anybody that has anything less than a 980. GOT MINE HAHAHAHAHAA

  14. Before the 1.1gb patch and using 15.5
    Min -1
    Max – 55
    Avg – 31

    After the 1.1gb patch and using 15.6
    Min – 48
    Max – 84
    Avg – 62

    So its definitely playable on amd, before the patch and new drivers it was not just low frames, extreme stutter and textures glitching all over the place, its been out a hour and thats been fixed so everything is ok from where im sitting.

  15. Have you had a game that has indeed pushed that 3.5gb limit? And in that case, have you noticed any significant performance drop?

  16. Sad affairs that nVidia sponsored games are always full of issues and yet, AMD sponsored games runs amazing no matter which GPU vendor you use.

  17. It’s 80% people are claiming now? Interesting. Can you link me to the survey or study showing how many people are using nvidia cards and how many are using AMD cards? i.e. not just sales, since that would not be enough. How many are actually still using the cards they bought this year, last year, the year before that etc. If you claim nvidia is 80% then you must have some sources beyond a couple quarters.

  18. I have also seen 80% market share, if i could be fucked to find the source i would, but the fact that 2 people have the same number speaks for itself

  19. No, they don’t. It is less frequent, though. AMD just don’t have the resources NVidia do, though, so it takes them longer to optimise their drivers for games.

  20. Kind of like how Crystal Dynamics didn’t send NVidia a review copy of Tomb Raider until the game released, and NVidia users were left with shit performance for a week.

    Thing with NVidia is they have engineers on-site, so optimising is easier. AMD didn’t for this game, so they need to either work remotely, or leave it in AMD’s hands… which looking at the fact that there has been a patch from AMD significantly improving performance… I think the hubbub over GameWorks is unfounded.

  21. Apparently it’s 76:24. It’s in shipments, because you can’t measure how many are sold, nor in peoples machines, but you can measure shipments very well.

  22. That their drivers aren’t ready? You’re right, it’s AMD’s fault. NVidia have AMD Gaming Evolved game ready drivers for release.

  23. depends on source. Misinformation is everywhere.

    Q2 the numbers were

    17.94% AMD 14.72% Nvidia

    For all graphics and

    29.8% AMD and 62.0% nvidia for discrete graphics

    These numbers will get shaken up now that AMD has launched new lineup. Before when the numbers were lower for them, they hadn’t and they sold a ton of chips during the mining craze that ended up eating into gamer sales later on.

    I just hope intel does not enter the discrete space or affect it with iGPUs. If intel and nvidia become the main players we are screwed. We’d probably end up with GPU exclusives.

  24. None of the things you mentioned have anything to do with controlling the market. The market is what’s currently on sale compared to the other company.

  25. LMAO, right then when the Amd fury is on the market 4gbs isn’t enough ram for games but the 970 with 3.5gb will do.

  26. AMD hardware is not very reliant on driver optimizations as their architecture is more hardware granular than nVidia Kepler and Maxwell. AMD’s GCN shares a lot of similarities with Fermi which also wasn’t very dependant on optimizations to perform.

  27. Your point being?

  28. ah didn’t the article say the dev still had to work with AMD?….
    oh you tested it and it’s fine? oh so you know more than the dev….

  29. shhh. 3.5GB is all amd fanboys have to say to discredit the 970. don’t you dare try to take that away from them!

  30. 4gbps?

  31. Justin Cottrell

    AMD already released a driver update

  32. Actually the original comment does rely on what graphics cards people have and in what proportion. To say Amd gamers boycotting sabotage games won’t have any effect relies on the numbers beyond recent sales being low. You guys might not care but a business would be foolish to think like that. There are tens of millions of Amd gpus.

  33. Before or after the requirement change?

  34. Justin Cottrell

    After the requirement change, though it turns out my pc benchmarks just fine, but after a while playing, game plays like crap, 7.8Gb of memory usage on 290x 8GB, and 22GB of ram usage, with 9GB swap file!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. This is as of May 2015 according to steams survey on what people are using in there rigs so it’s nothing to do with sales.
    Nvidia 51.85%
    AMD 28.15%
    Intel 19.61%
    Other 0.39%

  36. So it was AMD’s fault….

  37. Pretty sure it wasn’t amd that released arkham knight, so how are they to blame? AMD cards are fine as the can easily run high end games at max settings. If the devs from this game are too lazy to optimize their game for amd cards, pretty sure it isn’t then amd to blame lmao.. fanboys, fanboys everywhere.

  38. Stephan Chase Morsanutto

    So…what you’re saying, is you want them to stop using features that makes the game look better? You want them to abandon having better looking games? How dare the game devs want their game to look as good as possible! This game should be a retro platformer instead!

  39. Justin Cottrell

    NVIDIA are affected just as bad in this game!!

  40. You DO realize there are plenty of free tools and APIs to make games look even better. No? Only and idiot or a fanboy or paid person would suggest that closed source black box APIs which lock out competition are a good thing. How dare Rockstar decline to side with nvidia and come up with spectacular looking game, and it runs good on both sides? How dare Square Enix use Tress FX and DX 12 and come up with gorgeous looking game which will run great on both AMD and nVidia cards? Fucking fanboys all over the place. What happened to open competition and progressing the gaming industry?

  41. Demon Highwayman

    There are loads of negative steam reviews from people with 970’s saying the optimisation is terrible and they are getting lag and stutter.
    I’m not a fanboy by the way, I have a 970 myself.

  42. http://i.imgur.com/bNqJYgA.png

    Here’s your source. Not sure how much it’s changed in 2015. I doubt it’s changed much, since Fury has not yet been released and 300 series is just another rebadge failure.

  43. ….All time hit the kitguru Find Here

  44. Obviously this is wrong, since this driver update increased performance for AMD cards.

  45. hmm GTA V actually got there I think, and I do sometimes feel like performance drops, but I have no idea how to actually test the system, what I meant was that I dont really notice it when I said it wasnt that bad.

  46. I know, I have now played the game and it runs like shit. Im trying to get a refund out of GmG.

  47. Guys like that are just ignorant. They probably don’t realize these things can be done better without Nvidia.

  48. Do a little research regarding Graphic Core Next, Fermi and Kepler and then come back to me, otherwise don’t bother. The driver was just a fix against performance issues due to some serious bad coding, typical of Gimpworks, ala Witcher 3 which had issues with Tessellation.

  49. Yeah, ok, well given your bias I think it’s clear to anyone reading that the only gimp is you 😛

    AMD will need to optimise for every GameWorks game. This is a fact and it will not change. Nor is it anything wrong.

  50. Shadow of Mordor pushed my Titan to about 5GB (it’s a 6GB card btw) so I can easily see Batman Arkham Knight pushing over 3.5GB which is why I would imagine a lot of 970 users are struggling.

  51. Demon Highwayman

    lol, I can just picture the headlines, ‘Game X has now been with us for a month and nobody has found any problems, just what are developers up to these days ? full investigation over the page ‘

  52. Yes, and amd fanboy ripped on nvidia then went and got the crap amd driver, then said it was great no problems, then changed his tune as his amd crap started baking and bleeding out.

    AMD won’t do the work – just use their expensive junk and STFU about all the problems because it’s always not amd’s fault it’s always the evil nemesis competition or whomever else… if only microsoft would fix windows the bulldozer could use all it’s cores, if only gameworks wasn’t directed to destroy amd, if only intel hadn’t blackballed amd, if only websites would give amd a fair shake instead of makking love to nvidia, if only desktop dev and laptop manufacturers would include high end and amd in the same systems… if only the EU would fine intel and nvidia and microsoft for billions and rightfully give it to amd, if only nvidia fanboys would shut up and stop spreading fud about amd, if only the stock market could see amd’s true value and innovation…

  53. yeah sure you do that’s why you shared your personal experiences with the card

  54. amd got off it’s butt in crisis mode and decided it had to spend 50 bucks and fix their crap amd drivers…. of course they are all fanboys and hate nvidia and rock steady for being proprietary traitors so they just could not work with them until they waited to see if their crap cards failed when the game was released, after all why go through emotional hell and torment being around and nvidia game and nvidia loving devs…

    Itt’s better to cross fire ones fingers and hope that this time things change and no work needs to be done, after all amd playas know amd has no driver problems because all their fanboys have said that issue is many long years behind amd…

    so when the nvidia and rock steady treachery emerged and amd fanboys cried and wailed, amd decided it could affford to send a few emails back and forth and install the fix in the driver patch, 2.5 lines of code… it cost amd 50 bucks to do that i sure hope amd fans are well and pleased…. and don’t complain anymore because amd’s self esteem is hurt when you do that

  55. crystal dynamics and tomb raider, ignorant amd fanboy

  56. You do realize nvidia has a VERY TIGHT relationship with Sqaure Enix and put several milllion dollars into that title to make it run correctly on nvidia hardware, right amd fudboy ?

    I mean I guess you fools just ASSUME nvidia is absent (THEY WERE NOT AND ARE NOT)


    amd didn’t design an nvidia friendly game, nvidia spent millions… and is TIGHT

    GeForce GTX graphics were among the next-generation technologies Square Enix put to use with help from our NVIDIA GameWorks Effects Studio. Square Enix also conducted extensive research on real-time CG technology using DirectX 12. The results will be incorporated into Square Enix’s Luminous Studio engine.


    GTX graphics were among the next-generation technologies Square Enix
    put to use with help from our NVIDIA GameWorks Effects Studio. Square
    Enix also conducted extensive research on real-time CG technology using
    DirectX 12. The results will be incorporated into Square Enix’s Luminous
    Studio engine. – See more at:

  57. amd won’t show up nor answer emails …
    amd waits till it’s panic time then has their fanboy minions blame who they should have been working with all along but would not…
    it’s the cheap and sleazy way out for amd unethical misconduct and non caring
    past the last second they can do “the job they tried desperately to avoid
    they know full well their paranoid crybaby fanboys see a dark evil conspiracy
    afoot against them and amd, so amd never has to change

  58. Demon Highwayman

    I don’t have the new batman game, a negative experience I have with the card though would be in GTA5 getting frame drops when v-sync is enabled @ 1440p

  59. What square enix? It has nothing to do with this game.
    How is Batman working on PC, have you seen latest reviews and opinions on optimisations and bugs? How does that working out for you? nVidias involvement with developers is giving them gameworks blackboxes, shoveling out several titan x’es for that glorious optimisations for Maxwell only and they are done with involvement.
    And talking about square enix. I wonder who is developing Deus Ex?

  60. Don’t be ignorant. Even people with Nvidia are having problems. Blame the developers.

  61. Another one. People forget that the same thing happened to AC Unity when it launched. If it’s AMD’s fault then how come consoles are running the game well? Both consoles use AMD. And remember that the current consoles use x64 architecture. The same one as PC. Blame the devs. Not the gpu companies.