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A Steam Greenlight dev had a bit of a meltdown

Now we've seen indie developers lash out at the gaming community before, Phil Fish has ‘quit' Twitter several times and cancelled Fez 2, other developers have censored criticism of their own games with DMCA takedown notices on YouTube and now the developer behind Dark Base 01 has decided to use his store page to insult the Steam community.

If you happened to come across the store listing yesterday, the game's page had been retitled to ‘Nothing to See Here', the screenshots and trailer have been removed and in its place there is a picture of a turd alongside a rant at the Steam community.

Screen Shot 2015-06-14 at 21.32.59

You can read the whole rant in the above image but the jist of it is, the developer behind Dark Base 01 wasn't happy with the negative reviews on his bad game. He then goes on to say that the gaming community has “turned to shit” due to all of the drama.

The game is no longer for sale on Steam although the original Greenlight listing is still up.

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: There is definitely a problem with Steam Greenlight as we constantly see bad games voted on to the Steam store, then people complain and there are developers our there that can't handle that criticism very well. Just another sign that Valve should start curating the Steam store once again.

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  1. Well, he is right you know… But hey, let me pay someone else for good games.

  2. IamJeffGoldblum

    Good for him, Tell those scumbag dinosaurs how it is

  3. lol his life doesn’t revolve around video games, last time I checked if you’re developing games it does. what a derp. Must be why it sucked because he didn’t put fourth enough effort and dedication, The irony is strong with this one.

  4. Chaotic Entropy

    Derivative indy game gets bad reviews and rage quits. The likely 73 people who actually bought this tat must be devestated.

  5. Chaotic Entropy

    You clearly don’t understand art. Nothing says brilliant artistic mind like disdain for one’s target audience and contempt for the chosen medium.

  6. you may not like him, guys, but you can’t deny, he’s got style.

  7. uhhhh…….sure……guy

  8. DrewtheWanderer

    S_ _ _ _sm.
    Fill in the blanks.

  9. I realize that sometimes being able to tell if something is sarcastic via text can be difficult. But Chaotic Entropy is obviously being sarcastic by making fun of the cliche artists are portrayed to be.

  10. E-X-J-I

    That works, right?

  11. If your game is shit your going to get shit reviews. Thats how this works.So great to all the people that upset them cuz we dont need people like this in video games… now only if we could get people like Anita out of video games -_-.

  12. Something else to add, Dont get butt hurt over a review. Take that info you got and fix your game make it better.

  13. Such a child

  14. Maybe, what kind of cipher are you using?

  15. Dang, knew I should have added that ‘r’ in the middle.

  16. Hey, I’m just sayin’, I know Disqus.

  17. Patrick Proctor

    Sarkeesian is a paragon and brilliant example of what all video game devs and players should live up to: honor, passion, talent, and grace unparalleled in the cess pool community these days.

  18. Thank your for your copy and paste comment so um yea. Next time you comment please think for yourself makes your look smarter even if your not. AKA stop sucking her cock.

  19. I Don’t get it – what’s with all the hate? For crying out loud, it’s an
    “indy-game”. They are supposed to be somewhat basic. Expecting spectacular
    gameplay, compelling story and “Far Cry 4 graphics” from a basic indy-game compared to a Triple-A title is like
    expecting a bicycle to be as fast and fun as a fully tuned race car whilst they cannot be compared not even remotely.
    That and the recent “refund” drama, i totally get it why a dev would easily get fed up with this.

  20. It’s not that we expect the quality of an AAA Game, but we expect SOME quality, specially when you are paying for a game, even if it’s only a dollar. Compare this game with Papers Please!, or Five Nights at Freddy’s, or Fez, or Minecraft, or Banished. Most of those games started also with only one developer and look at them even in their beginnings! Then take a look at this. It’s not hate, it’s the true. The dev made a bad game, it was criticise by everyone, he couldn’t take the criticism and instead of learning and trying to make a better game, he left the picture while trashing at everyone. The hate doesn’t come from it being an indie game or developer, it comes from his utterly inmature way of dealing with the community.

  21. OK so if this was me I would have said something like ” I see you guys are not happy, my ideas are obviously not what you wanted, lets change the game together. I’ll create a thread where people with serious idea’s can put them (in a bit of detail if possible) and together we will rebuild the game to be what this community wants”

    You cannot spit your dummy out just because people don’t like your game, if you are serious about games and design you evolve it into something fantastic that people will buy and more importantly play.

    This idiot has totally the wrong attitude to communicate with a lot of people on the internet.

  22. Make a decent product and you won’t have this issue, people say it’s bad , tends to mean it’s bad lol.

  23. Patrick Proctor

    Really, was the sarcasm not dripping from that comment enough for you?

  24. And this dev can’t keep his mouth shut. Hope it doesn’t blow on his face:
    “Wow, more desperation from these “negative-nannies” today. Imagine these people are running all over YouTube trying to find any post made by Solar Storm Studio. I’ve been on YouTube ever since it started – I have 7 separate YouTube accounts with multiple channels in each one. So what are these people going to do? Run around YouTube and chase down every comment that I’ve ever made with every account over the almost 10 years that I’ve been on YouTube?

    Good luck with that.

    Keep running all over the Internet looking for me – instead of doing something CONSTRUCTIVE with your life – I’ve been on the web for a very long time. My wings have spread very far.

    This will be my last post about you people – I’m not even going to acknowledge your existence anymore – lol.

    and the positivity flows ever onward…”

  25. Joe Anthony Colascione

    This guy is a hypocrit if he didn’t want drama which he is making a fool of him self he should have never insulted an entire community