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Search Results for: Facebook

Computex: BeQuiet uncables in the PowerZone

While the cool and quiet options from BeQuiet have grabbed a lot of headlines in recent times, the company still has the ability to create some very powerful, high-end PSUs. Here's a quick look at something called PowerZone. PowerZone from Be Quiet is pitched to be the ultimate rugged PSU. …

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Silverstone launches brand new ML04 HTPC chassis

Not many things in the world of full-blown, desktop technology products can be said to be 4 inches high. Some tower cases are big enough to house a family – in the case of the Silverstone TJ11. So when we heard that its new case was 10.5cm tall, we had …

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NSA whistleblow outs himself

Edward Snowden, an ex-computer security admin for the US' CIA has revealed himself as the one that leaked internal government documents to the Guardian newspaper, in an effort to expose the controlling stake the US government had in the online interactions of not only its citizens, but those of foreign …

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Google spend $1.3 billion to acquire Waze

Source are said to have spoken to Globes – Israel's Business Arena. They have been told that Google will acquire Waze Ltd for a cool $1.3 billion. The Israeli navigation app and traffic report start-up will be taken over after months of reports that the deal was underway. There were …

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Computex: Antec launches wireless AMP speakers

As part of the company's on-going expansion into new markets, the Antec Mobile Products (A.M.P) division has been busy with a range of brand new consumer electronics and audio technology. The latest launch from this team includes brand new A.M.P. speaker modules. KitGuru puts it ear to the ground to …

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Anonymous leaks NSA data in wake of spying scandal

In-case you don't read other news sources (and why would you, we do a fantastic job here of covering, literally, everything, ever) America's National Security Agency (NSA) just got caught spying on a huge number of its citizens using services like Facebook, Google, Yahoo and a mass of others – …

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Exclusive Asus Z87 Sabertooth Video

As the biggest manufacturer of mainboards for the technology-lovers market, Asus has quite a reputation to uphold during the launch of Intel's Z87 chipset for its 4th Generation of Core processors. KitGuru was lucky enough to get its cameras inside the regional HQ for Asus, while one of its engineers …

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Zynga business details appear in wake of mass layoffs

While Zynga higher ups might have been hoping that the staff members it fired out of the blue just a few days ago, would ride off into the game development sunset, that's not how it works when there's an internet to please. One disgruntled ex-employee has conducted a Reddit AMA, …

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ADATA gets aggressive on portable storage pricing

From the 3.5″ floppy through to the USB pen drive, we have all gotten used to carrying data with us. As our demands have grown, so has the requirement for storage capacity. And we also want it cheap. Looks like ADATA's price aggression might yield a solution. How much storage …

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Zynga blew $200 million on OMGPOP and then shut it down

Remember when Zynga bought up the developers of hugely popular fad game, Draw Something, last year? Remember when it signed the cheque for $200 million? Remember when Zynga went on to shut down that same company and fired almost everyone involved, just over a year later? That just happened. We …

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Turkish citizens take to VPN to prevent government crackdown

It seemed clear from yesterday's rants by Turkish PM  Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that he's not a big fan of the internet and specifically social networks. In the past, countries undergoing heavy civilian protests have attempted to crack down on internet usage because it helps protesters organise and get the word out …

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New Phanteks Enthoo Primo Ultimate video

After finally taking Noctua off the top of the cooling tree, Phanteks has now swung its attention to creating the ultimate chassis. A second video that delves deep inside the new case has just been released into the wild. KitGuru sits back with the popcorn for this 2 minute 24 …

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SanDisk launches 19nm SSD range

When it comes to money, burgers or brains – you can make the argument that bigger is better. But when it comes to technology, there is always a special place in the heart of everygeek for things that can be made smaller, sleaker and neater. Enter SanDisk. Taking the Computex …

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Zynga culls another 500 staff

Zynga has been bleeding staff and studios all over the world since its height, early on last year. Since then, it's consolidated and consolidated some more and recently, it's felt the need to do so again, cutting another 520 staff from its roster, in what's being described as a “restructuring …

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Now you can Vine from your Android

If you've been sat there with your Android smartphone, seething with envy at how your Apple equipped pals can send each other six second videos of them being as nonsensical as they are on other social outlets, see red no longer my friends, as Vine just hit Android. Despite being …

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Win Limited Edition Kitguru Fans!

Today we have a very special competition in place to celebrate KITGURU's partnership with Sharkoon to create a limited edition run of Silent Eagle 2000 fans sporting Kitguru site branding and colours. You could be one of only a handful of people to own these collectors items! The Sharkoon Silent …

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It’s cool, put your nudes on Pinterest

One of the things that many photo sharing sites aren't too keen on, is nudes. It's a mine field, because you have to protect children from seeing it and then there are those who might be uploading images that aren't of them – it's a legal headache. So understandably, many …

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Luxa2 launches brand new online store

While the initial sheen might have come off the smartphone market (Apple in particular) as it moves to becoming a commodity, it is still a growth industry. But enjoying far greater growth is the accessory industry that has grown around it. KitGuru snags a sighting of a new site – …

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R-Kaid-42 custom PC – retro console gaming

We love PC mods, if you follow our Facebook page, we post them almost every day. The new R-Kaid-42 system is produced by Swedish design company Love Hultén. The unit is built around a wooden chassis, looking almost like a piece of furniture. The company install 20,000 playable titles from yesteryear, …

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