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GOG is ready for Windows 10

Windows 10 is on the way at the end of the month and it is going to be a pretty important update for gamers thanks to the introduction of DirectX 12. However, there is always the question of compatibility when it comes to older titles, thankfully though, GOG says that it is Windows 10 ready.

GOG, the store for DRM free games, which hosts a ton of older games in its catalogue, says that its quality assurance team is currently testing its games on Windows 10 to ensure compatibility. So far, the company is “very optimistic” about the switch over: “So far, things are looking great. We're encountering very few problems and most of those are either resolvable on our end, or likely to get fixed as Windows 10 nears release”.


Apparently many of the titles that suffered with issues in versions beyond Windows XP won't face those same problems in Windows 10. That said though, some games will end up needing a patch to run but GOG is confident that everything will go smoothly for its library.

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KitGuru Says: Windows 10 is swiftly approaching. While compatibility issues with some games have been an issue in the past, hopefully we won't see too much of that while switching to Windows 10. Are any of you planning on upgrading to Windows 10? Are you running the preview already? 

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  1. I played with an earlier test version of Windows 10 a couple on months ago. Most applications I tested on it which worked on Windows 7 at the time, also worked on Windows 10, even if installing drivers was a little bit awkward (as it would be).

    I don’t believe that compatibility will be a major issue for most people, and unless the game is old, I think we can expect workarounds and fixes for games and programs that don’t work straight away within a reasonable time.

    What I do expect, though, are the typical early release woes that any product suffers. Instability, crashes and lots of updates. Even the best testing cannot solve everything.

  2. Phillip Stuerzl

    And this is the kind of support that GOG gives, that Steam will never, ever, ever give.

  3. yigih78

  4. < ??????.+ zeldadungeon+ *********<-Part-time working I Saw at the draft which said $19958@mk11 < Now Go R­e­­a­d M­o­r­e

