Home / Software & Gaming / Batman: Arkham Knight needs some serious fixing on the PC

Batman: Arkham Knight needs some serious fixing on the PC

When a major publisher refuses to give out PC review code for a game ahead of its launch, it's usually a bad sign but the truth always comes out eventually. By now, you have probably realized that Batman: Arkham Knight on the PC is not very good, with major issues hitting both AMD and Nvidia users. Here is our look at exactly what is wrong with the game.

I have been messing around with the game a bit this morning and last night when it first launched. Both AMD and Nvidia have driver updates for this game specifically but unfortunately, Arkham Knight's issues run much deeper than GPU drivers. First lets take a look at the options menu:


As you can see, graphical options are extremely limited, with about half of the settings being Nvidia specific. Texture quality does not go higher than ‘normal' and while Vsync is an option, there is a 30 frames per second cap on the game by default, despite the fact that Arkham Knight actually had 60 frames per second YouTube trailers to help market the game ahead of launch.

If you would like to unlock the frame rate cap then it is easy enough to do, just head in to your installation folder then find the folder titled ‘BMGame', then head in to the ‘Config' folder and find the BmSystemSettings .ini file, once you are there you can change the ‘MaxFPS' value to ‘MaxFPS=99999.0000'.

Unfortunately, the problems don't stop at a 30 frames per second cap. It is clear that Rocksteady has not made much of an effort to optimize the Arkham Knight engine to run at above 60 frames per second as the frame rate can fluctuate rapidly on a wide range of hardware, from AMD's R9 series cards to Nvidia's own 900 series GPUs.

2015-06-23_00003 2015-06-23_00005 2015-06-23_00006

Above you can see my benchmark results at 4K, 1440p and 1080p respectively with a GTX 980Ti using the same graphical settings you see in the options menu screenshot above. As you can see, even at 1080p, Nvidia's flagship GPU is not enough to stop the game from having sharp frame rate drops. The stuttering only gets worse in actual gameplay scenarios too. Simply moving the camera around is enough to bring the game down from 60 frames per second in to the low 40's. Driving around and gliding over the city appear to be the worst case scenarios, with the frame rate dipping to around 23 frames per second at points.

Observing MSI afterburner showed that regardless of resolution, the game was eating up as much as 5.5GB of VRAM so it can be quite the resource hog. As you would expect, all of my testing has been done with the latest patch and driver updates installed. I used my own personal rig for this test featuring an Intel Core i7 5820K, 16GB of DDR4 RAM, a Kingston V300 Now SSD and a GTX 980Ti. Since I'm not part of the KitGuru hardware team (though I do review the odd peripheral), I do not have an AMD Radeon GPU on hand to test out performance. However, a quick look at the Arkham Knight steam user reviews reveal that users with AMD R9 cards are also having their fair share of issues with massive frame drops.

It is worth noting that the latest Nvidia driver did add in SLI support for the game but it seems that right now it is not working properly as single card performance appears to be higher than dual GPUs. This video from ‘Joker Productions' shows off the in-game benchmark running in single card and SLI formation. Additionally, if you want to see how bad the stuttering can really get, THIS video from Jim Sterling has audio breakages and stuttering galore, although do be aware of potential spoilers.


To top it all off we have random graphical glitches, like textures not loading in properly. It is worth noting that if you don't mind running the game with the frame rate cap turned on, the experience is a tad smoother, although it is still not enough to escape the random frame rate drops, which really do kill the experience and often cause the game to ‘lock up' for a second or two.

In all, Rocksteady has supplied us with a pretty shoddy PC port. If you are a PC gamer and wanting to run this game with the frame rate unlocked, then it might be worth waiting a couple of weeks for some updates as right now, I would not consider this game playable above 30fps with the amount of stuttering that occurs, regardless of resolution.

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KitGuru Says: Batman: Arkham Knight, Rocksteady's final game in the series has fallen flat on its face at the last moment. The game runs fine on consoles but unfortunately, the PC version has been heavily neglected, which is evidenced by the abysmal options menu alone. This is definitely not ‘the way it's meant to be played'. 

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  1. ill just leave my BAHAHAHAHAHAHA here, PC costumers are always being treated like shit with stuff like this. so glad i didnt preorder the game. ill be waiting on a Steam deal in a few weeks 😀

  2. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    It is genuinely sickening how out of touch the majority of Triple-A developers are from gamers. It’s hard to even consider them Triple-A anymore considering a big part of the initial concept of the standard was quality assurance.

    They may look down on indie projects whether they be kickstarter funded, greenlit, or independently marketed but more and more it seems most of these gamer-turned-developers are becoming almost the only people who really know what the consumers want.

  3. I was already seeing low prices before lunch on the grey market. Guess those guys already figured out how dissastrous it would be

  4. It’s such a shame as the other batman games ran so well.
    Also no nvidia 3D Vision. All the previous games were 3D vision ready and were showcases of the tech.
    Nvidia endorsed game with ‘gameworks’ but no working SLI profile and no 3D! Who cares about hair works and the likes?!?
    If I had paid for this game rather than getting it free with my 980ti I would have been furious.
    Everyone who bought it should get a refund through steam. What a let down!
    So much for ports being easier and better with the new consoles!
    ‘Game works’ lol, the irony is not lost!

  5. Nikolas Karampelas

    it is up to the gamers to do something about games like this, who try to cheat on you by not allowing reviewing before release and when the game is out it is half backed.

    Do not buy this crap, and maybe they will learn. Yes they can blame piracy or some other imaginative creature, but numbers are all around the web that we, PC gamers buy our games and if we don’t, then it is because the game is crap.

  6. the way it’s meant to FAIL ! we spend a lot of money on pc(s) and we can’t run a game at 60fps.. jesus…stupid developers

  7. because 3D vision’s gimmick has run out and people only care about Occulus-type 3D now.

    So devs are not making an effort.

  8. Yep. Stop pre-ordering games everyone. It’s the only way to stop this.

  9. The other batman games didn’t really run well. DX11 issues and so on, remember?

  10. Oculus and Vibe are bringing 3D back. The helix mod site is amazing for 3D fixes it for games.
    Nvidia have announced that VR will work with their 3D tech.

  11. Demon Highwayman

    I did read somewhere part of the issue is due to some kind of primary DRM (not Steam)

  12. It does matter WHY we can’t run a game at X FPS. Crysis was a benchmark for ages, and it was touted as being awesome despite few being able to run the game on high settings. The problem becomes when the game is poorly optimized and doesn’t stand out above others in quality while also running poorly.

    I’d actually be OK with a repeat of Crysis. It’s important not to bash devs if their well-optimized game runs poorly, because our hardware’s weak. Otherwise it creates a rock-and-hard place situation where everyone is always complaining that graphics are not good enough, yet at the same time bashes devs if the game does not run at a particular arbitrary framerate.

  13. They’re bringing “3D” back, but it’s “Occulus 3D” and not “Stereoscopic 3D”. As someone who uses nVidia Stereoscopic 3D, I can wholeheartedly say that somewhere around 2012 games stopped being so “good” with 3D. BF3 was 3D vision ready and BF4 was disgusting in it. Mass Effect series got progressively worse at 3D each game. There’s games that look decent that don’t even have a profile (like Killing floor 1). Games like Titanfall that were “supposedly” good locked themselves to 30fps and stuttered like crazy making things awful.

    The AAA market is not making games for 3D anymore, and hasn’t been for a few years. And not to take a shot at indie games, but most of them are in fact 2D graphics or pixel style etc, and thus have little point in 3D (even if it worked out the box). And even then, the ones that do look good are often single-thread bottlenecked (like torchlight 2) meaning sometimes I get as low as 30fps when there’s tons of enemies on screen… not because my GPUs can’t handle it, but because CPU thread #1 is at 95% and CPU threads #2-#8 have an average of ~10% util.

    I like when it works and I use 3D a decent bit, but new games have rarely been 3D friendly. That’s my experience.

  14. valgarlienheart .

    The problem is that it appears that rocksteady didn’t developed this for the pc, it was outsourced to some work experience lot. Rumoured to be iron galaxy studios

  15. Someone should point out to the execs at Rocksteady that the PC gaming market makes the same amount of profit as all consoles combined this year and in 2016 it will surpass the console market. Maybe building on PC and porting to consoles makes more sense now.

  16. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Crysis was on the other end of the spectrum. Sure it didn’t run on hardware that was commercially available at the time but that’s because it looked good. it pushed the absolute limits of what was possible at the time, just compare it to other games made in the same year – few will look as good.

    These games however have the technology, have the manpower, have the time to create a good looking game, and if not that create a well optimised game but instead of either of these options they choose neither. They choose to make a heavily graphically limited game that still somehow manages to struggle to even reach a desired framerate that so many others have easily managed.

  17. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    They won’t. Because PC gaming revenue surpassed consoles globally in 2014.

  18. If you don’t know about it already. Check out the helix mod site. It is a site where you can download 3D fixes for games that are made by the gaming community. Truly awesome.
    GTAV had 3D vision support, alien isolation (with the helix fix) is the best gaming experience I’ve ever had. 3D on the projector is epic!
    I also played witcher 3, dying light, as well as lots of other games in 3D.
    It’s a shame with batman though. They outsourced the PC port to the lowest bidder by the looks of things.

  19. I’ll have to check that one out. I know GTA V and Dying Light ain’t bad for it, but I’m not ready to take the framerate hit for GTA V yet XD. Witcher 2 is hnggg in 3D, but I don’t have 3 yet.

  20. I can bet people will still pre order and keep on making money for these developers. Watch Dogs was also a commercial success. So if consumers dont care, you can expect these kind of behavior keep on repeating.

  21. Oculus 3D not stereoscopic 3D?!?!? Lol.
    You clueless idiot!

  22. If you think “nVidia Stereoscopic 3D” is the same as 3D using “Occulus Rift” then you’re the one who knows nothing.

    But thanks for proving that you know nothing =D.

  23. Triple A game at a blazing 30fps. These guys ought to be ashamed of themselves.

  24. Irishgamer Gamer

    Triple A game at a blazing 30fps. These guys ought to be ashamed of themselves.

  25. Chaotic Entropy

    Oh Steam refunds, how very well timed.

  26. Exactly. Fucking sheeple are encouraging this shit and we are taking the hit for it.

  27. At least from a development point of view I agree. I don’t think consoles should necessarily be excommunicated from the industry as a whole. I believe devs need to re-prioritize their development process when it comes to multi-platform titles

  28. Download Batman Tweak 0.45


    v 0.45 7/19/2015

    + Disables a few options that could cause the game to go into a sort of sanity check mode

    + Adds a BMT.User TweakedBy=Version to BmEngine.ini and BmSystemSettings.ini for planned future features

    v 0.44 7/18/2015


    + Added NVIDIA driver version validation / warning at startup

    + Reports NVIDIA driver version now instead of release/branch

    + Increased debug information level on file I/O error

    v 0.43 7/16/2015


    + No longer requires MSVC 2015 Redistributables

    v 0.42 7/15/2015


    + Set PoolSize for the slow profile back to 1024

    This profile uses a file cache with a fixed-size and the GART optimization will exceed that size causing the game to crash

  29. Download Batman Tweak 0.46