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PewDiePie made £4.8 million last year

We already knew that PewDiePie was a rich man, after all, he did make £2.6 million throughout 2013 by being the biggest channel on YouTube. However, now we have learned that over the past year he has become extra rich, with his earnings nearly doubling throughout 2014.

PewDiePie/Felix Kjellberg, has managed to build the largest channel on YouTube, with 37 million subscribers alongside millions of people turning up for every single video he puts out and clearly it is paying off handsomely. In 2014, Kjellberg's company, PewDiePie Productions AB brought in £4.83 million in profit, according to Swedish newspaper, Expessen.


This information comes from Sweden's Company Registration Office, which has publicly filed accounts showing PewDiePie's company earnings. That is £4.83 million before tax though, so some of that will be chopped off and sent to the government.

Not everyone is a fan of PewDiePie but you have to give him credit, he has found a formula that works and is now heavily benefiting from that. Becoming the largest channel on YouTube doesn't just happen by accident, there was definitely quite a bit of effort put in there.

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KitGuru Says: Given that PewDiePie already made over £2 million in 2013, it is not surprising to hear that now he has managed to up that significantly. His channel has also helped change how games are marketed, with YouTubers becoming a reliable tool for publishers and developers to make use of in order to get their games noticed. 

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  1. I must be one of the only people that avoids this guys videos. I literally for whatever reason just can’t stand them. No idea why just something about them really turn me off. Although I do give the guy credit for what hes achieved and wish him luck in it continuing but I do wonder if he’ll ever get bored of it (doubtful given his earnings).

  2. You’re not the only one. I cannot stand him or the kind of screeching, moronic ‘commentary’ video genre he’s spawned. I hate that crap.

  3. Bradley Bowers

    Cant stand him either. He has not got a “formula” just a bunch of mindless 12 year old who have nothing better to do.

  4. 1000 years from now people who study our civilization will look at our records and they’ll see this. They’ll see people were not only dumb enough to enjoy watching a guy pretending to squirm like a little girl while playing video games, but they rewarded him for it. This is our legacy.

  5. In his defense, he is part of Maker Studio which is owned by Disney Studios so most of his viewers are children. Most of Maker Studio’s youtube channels are compromised of top youtuber personalities who share viewers between them so yeah…..its a business.

  6. I don’t like his videos, because the obnoxious screaming gets to me, but I’m not going to hate him because he’s making alot of money from nothing. Good on him.

  7. i tried to watch some of his videos…but, i couldn’t, simply nothing there funny or interesting enough for my taste…i can’t understand the hysteria around this kid :/

  8. Demon Highwayman

    I can’t stand him either, my usual ‘go to’ for game videos is Total Biscuit who excels at being truthful about whatever game he is testing, I always feel I can make my game buying decisions based on one of his WTF videos. As others have said PewDiePie just screams and makes noises during gameplay and caters more towards kids and idiots, I hate that format.

  9. The louder he screams, the more views he gets.

  10. Demon Highwayman

    sad but true 🙁

  11. He’s an entertainer and makes millions of people happy everyday. Is there no other reason why he should be successful?

  12. He’s an entertainer and makes millions of people happy everyday. Is there no other reason why he should be successful?

    Sounds to me like there are alot of jealous people that have to work 9-5 for the rest of their life.

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