Home / Software & Gaming / Operating Systems / Windows 10 downloads accounted for 8% of internet traffic at peak

Windows 10 downloads accounted for 8% of internet traffic at peak

Windows 10 is officially out and it would seem that quite a few were eager to jump on the upgrade, as Windows Insider downloads of the new OS from Microsoft accounted for around eight per cent of internet traffic at its peak this week. According to sample data, preview testers upgrading early to the final version of Windows 10 accounted for 6-8 per cent of internet traffic during its peak period.

The number well to 3-4 per cent once July 29th hit and the rest of the public could get in on the update. These figures were found by Sandvine, it is also worth noting that Microsoft has not given everyone access to the Windows 10 upgrade at once, as it is sending it out in waves.


Launching software for everyone to download all at once is bound to cause some network issues and slow speeds for many, it isn't an uncommon occurrence. In the post from Sandvine, it concludes: “Microsoft should really be applauded for their phased Windows 10 roll out. While it may leave some people waiting for an update, the largest digital software release in history has had no significant impact on network experience which is kind of incredible if you think about it”.

We don't have any market share figures yet but it will be interesting to find out how many users upgraded to Windows 10 early and how many of those people were upgrading from Windows 7 in particular due to its continued popularity.

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KitGuru Says: Quite a few of our readers have made the jump to Windows 10 already. How are you finding it so far? I'm running it myself and it has all been good so far. 

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  1. gaming my hobby
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  2. Yeah…right another Win 10 hype

    Another unwanted system M$ is feeding us. Realistically Win XP was capable to do
    everything already. They stopped supporting it so I made it to win 7 which
    is ok but then I don’t need to change.

    Even for free. Why should I do

    Why should I use my free time to install new system?

    THen spend multiple hours learning how to do things which I already know how to do
    on Win 7 and how to solve problems not existing on Win 7? I would be an
    idiot to do that.

    On top of that with Win 10 you will get multiple
    advertising, no privacy, cloud copy of all your data, paid solitaire which I have on
    Win 7 for free. Installing Win 10 is pure nonsense.

    I suppose most people will install it just to have DirectX 12. Instead of that
    they should press M$ to put DirectX 12 for Windows 7. Also no worries folks there will be soon Vulcan API which will fully utilise new GPUs on Windows 7.

    I for one want Direct X 12 for Win 7 and no I won’t downgrade to Win 10 even for ‘free’
    as I never downgraded to Win 8 (also for ‘free’). There is no free dinner – we will pay for Win 10 with our privacy!

    I demend Direct X 12 for Win 7.

    Vox populi vox dei.

  3. Well I for one just finished tidying the mess that my “upgrade” to Windows 10 left my laptop in. : /

    Did not play well with existing drivers and programs. Could not detect my battery, my mouse, and another few bits of hardware. It also couldn’t update itself.

    Not massively impressed, especially as the roll-back to Windows 7 function did not work either. Looks like it’s running properly now, but not very happy.

  4. “I suppose most people will install it just to have DirectX 12. Instead of that they should press M$ to put DirectX 12 for Windows 7.”

    Why would we do that? Windows 10 is an already great and promising OS from the little time I had with it, and it’s bloody free, last thing I would do now is complain they don’t implement its features in older Windows.

    “Also no worries folks there will be soon Vulcan API which will fully utilise new GPUs on Windows 7.”

    Sure, you wait for that, just how Mantle got to be used by 3 games. All others will always use DirectX.

  5. cool troll account name brah. maybe work on your typing skills though, what you said came out a bit disjointed and confused.

  6. GET A BEST TOP254-CAREER ::: @1md5.




  7. This is one of the reasons I am waiting to upgrade

  8. Hi Alex,
    Two points:
    1. Tell me one thing that you can do on Win10 which you cannot do on Win7? If they offer the same functions no need to ‘upgrade’ and loose multiple hours of your free time to create environment you already posses on your current system.
    2. Win 10 has multiple privacy issues – do you really want to give your all privacy to M$ (or any other corporation)? We have to be carefull what product we use and press Goliaths like M$ and Google and others to stop spying on us.

  9. Sure I will wait for Vulcan. We have to fight for our freedom, laws and privacy and all that things are violated by Win10 and if it means I will have to wait few more months for Vulcan on Linux(and Win 7) so it be – small price to pay for my privacy.

  10. 1. Why to press M$ for DX12 for Win7 because millions of people are still using this system and do not want Win10 spying system even for ‘free’.
    2. Win 10 is not free – the price is your privacy.

  11. i generally dont reply but you name impressed me so sure.

    1. well first i suppose the most obvious one would be any game/program that runs off of DX12. beyond that i suppose there’s nothing out now that i can think of, but i’m sure if you give it a year you’ll start to see more and more programs designed to work on 10 instead of 7 or 8.

    2. EVERYTHING on the internet has privacy issues, hell pretty much anything in life has a privacy issue. you ever use the postal service? well how often do you think mail is tampered with?

    the truth is that most big companies don’t give two ****s what you’re doing beyond being able to target ads at you. the true issue would be random hackers stealing info but with the automatic update system that MS is pushing that should be somewhat mitigated since anyone with access to the internet will be getting patches/security fixes as quickly as they come out.

    though i suppose with your name you care more about the government getting your info, well you’re just going to have to get over it. every government in the world wants your info, because you’re either a citizen they want to ‘understand’ or a threat they want to ‘prevent’. apparently they do this by tracking peoples porn browsing, so if that scares you i guess you could cut your ethernet cable and live like a hermit.

  12. Hi Alex,

    1. But that is my whole point: why to waste time you could spend on different things to install and learn new system when you can do everything on your existing one. Time is life. I have maybe 10,000days left. Should I waste 30days-90days to learn new system every 4-5years?

    As for DX12 there is Vulcan coming and it will sort out gaming on both Win7 and Linux – Vulcan is backed up not only AMD but by Intel, nVidia, Samsung and other players so it definitely have much more support than AMD Mantle (which Vulcan is build from as AMD gave for free the code to Kronos fundation). https://www.khronos.org/vulkan

    2. Privacy. Omnipresence of violating of privacy by governments and companies is not excuse to give our privacy away. In my opinion it is a signal that there is sth wrong going on and motivate me to fight for privacy even more. I suppose you read ‘Year 1984’ and ‘New Brave World’ – would you like to live in that hell? This is happening right now and we have to fight for our laws which were grated to us by our fathers and grandfathers – they were fighting in their time, as it is never ending story, each generation has to fight as there always will be some govenment going to be totalitarian or/and some corporation going to be monopolist. We do not want totalistic police states – and it is all going in that direction from year to year – slowly by steps – but we still have democratic means to fight it. So the worst thing someone can say is: I don’t care any more.

    I do care.

  13. do you realize how hard it is to take your pseudo-educated statement seriously when you get the titles for both the books you referenced wrong?

  14. Alex english is not my home language I read these books over 20 years ago in defferent language so I recall and translate titles as far as I can remember them. But I suppose I was quiet close and you get the point. I try to write in simple words as I am a simple man. I don’t have a need to overintelectualize my sentences.