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14 million people upgraded to Windows 10 day one

Microsoft released Windows 10 to the public earlier this week and now, according to the company, around fourteen million people have upgraded to the OS in the first 24 hours, a figure that was probably helped by the free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 owners.

Over on the Windows blog, Microsoft says that it has seen “unprecedented demand for Windows 10” in the day following launch. The Windows 10 upgrade is being sent out in waves as well, so there are probably many more people waiting for their upgrade to arrive.


“We have seen unprecedented demand for Windows 10, with reviews and customer feedback overwhelmingly positive around the globe”, Microsoft wrote. “We are doing everything we can to upgrade the world to Windows 10 as quickly as possible over the coming days and weeks ahead.”

Yesterday reports began popping up, saying that at its peak, Windows 10 downloads accounted for eight per cent of all internet traffic on the first day. It is clear that the launch of Windows 10 was a big deal for Microsoft and so far, it is largely seen as a return to form.

The company even hosted events at several locations worldwide to celebrate the OS launch, we even got an invite. You can find out what happened at the event, HERE.

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: I've been using Windows 10 for a week or two now and I'm liking it so far. While I wasn't one of the people who couldn't stand Windows 8, I do think that the new start menu is a huge improvement. Universal searching is a handy tool and the update system works. How many of you are running Windows 10 already? Any problems so far? 

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  1. Love this part, The company even hosted events at several locations worldwide to celebrate the OS launch, we even got an invite. You can find out what happened at the event, HERE. – No you can’t as there is no hyper link there.

  2. Rick N April Dyson

    Well,DX 12 should be a no brainer but I like the confederate flag and since Windows 10 will always listening too you and reporting back to Microsoft, I don’t want to be labeled in any way or put on a NO fly list for what I think and say. SO, THINK I WILL STAY WITH W7 thank you.

  3. so we hv 10 million certified novice or impatient users ….coz mature users will upgrade after 2-3 months to avoid special treatment of early adoption
    btw i’ll upgrade in early 2016 till then- NO to windows 10

  4. I uninstalled it. Their privacy policy is ‘Nazi-ish’ at best.

  5. If you think they aren’t listening on Windows 7 you are crazy.

  6. What’s the worst case scenario? 😛

  7. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Well I think we can all guess…

  8. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    All the more reason to crack out the really weird porn. If they want to watch you might as well give them a show XD

  9. Hmmm… what if it was a Nazi HumancentiPad?

  10. Sorry for the late reply, They have full access right to the content of your hard disk, emails, text messages, contacts, location, gender, age, location, location history, and many more. This can be used in Microsoft’s “good faith” and sold to advertisers.

  11. It’s the government, man. They’re always listening.

  12. A huge data leak.