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Square Enix talks Tomb Raider Xbox exclusivity

Square Enix made the somewhat controversial decision to give Microsoft a timed exclusive deal on Rise of the Tomb Raider, the sequel to the highly rated 2013 Tomb Raider reboot. The publisher has faced quite a bit of criticism from fans over this but it seems that it was all expected.

As we now know, Xbox gamers will have Rise of the Tomb Raider at least a full year before PlayStation owners, while PC gamers will also have the game much earlier on in 2016. According to Square Enix's Phil Rogers, this deal was not made lightly.

rise_of_the_tomb_raider1 (1)

In an interview with Examiner, Rogers said: “I hope fans know it wasn't an easy decision, I think any sort of partnership at this level is a decision that took a long time for us to get to. The decision at a studio level, we took very, very seriously. We knew it would, in short-term, disappoint fans”.

We do know that Microsoft is co-publishing Rise of the Tomb Raider, so it has quite a bit of financial investment in the game. Obviously this played a big role in Square Enix's decision to take the deal: “We’re about growing our IP, this is a long-term decision. We’re going to take Tomb Raider up to the next level. With Microsoft’s belief, passion and sort of muscle to help us deliver, we really think this is going to be an awesome game that people will enjoy for years and years to come.”

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KitGuru Says: Rise of the Tomb Raider's Microsoft exclusivity is a pretty big blow to PlayStation gamers. That said, Sony has been very aggressive with its content exclusivity deals so far this generation as well. We still don't know when the game will land on the PC but fortunately, it will ‘early 2016', rather than ‘holiday 2016'. 

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  1. Great news for me who thought I would be getting it on PC a full year after, like the other time exclusive X1 titles (Rise, Dead Rising 3).

  2. Irishgamer Gamer

    What a load of Bull PooP!!!!!!!!
    M/S showed them a big cheque and they took it. End of. (Not saying I wouldn’t)
    Having worked for them, MS, Square may be flavour of the month now, but can be dropped in a second.
    This is the way MS do it. Most of the staff in the trade I work in pray NOT to get any work from M/S as
    it usually means the end of the company in 18 months time as M/S pulls out overnight. Its that bad. In the firm I am in now we had a mini celebration that we didn’t get any work.
    Anyway, I play on PC so at least most of the bugs will be ironed out, and MS won’t have to endure comments on how inferior the XBOX graphics are. Indeed maybe they might boost the PC graphics up a bit since it won’t be competing with the XBOX version at launch.

  3. >M/S showed them a big cheque and they took it. End of.

    If they just did an interview at the time and said that straight up then they’d get less crap about it. As gamers we just hate being lied to.

    >Anyway, I play on PC so at least most of the bugs will be ironed out, and MS won’t have to endure comments on how inferior the XBOX graphics are. Indeed maybe they might boost the PC graphics up a bit since it won’t be competing with the XBOX version at launch.

    Unfortunately just because they have longer to do it doesn’t mean they will. Looking at 2013 though I’d guess it’ll be decently optimised. I’m not in any rush to play it. Long gone are the days when I needed to play on day one, and when I had a problem waiting for a few years to play.

  4. Microsoft’s strategy is changing. They’re realising that exclusivity for that long doesn’t do them any favours. The vast majority of new console game sales are day one or shortly after, so it only needs to be exclusive for a few weeks or a couple of months. And as they’re starting to pay some attention to Windows games they’ve realised that it doesn’t benefit them to screw over the PC. Sony is a different matter – it might not gain MS many sales to have it exclusive for longer than a couple of months, but it loses Sony money, and that benefits them indirectly. Likewise, releasing Win10 for free doesn’t directly benefit MS but it harms Apple, which they see as a benefit.

  5. While I do understand your point, I don’t share it.
    I think it is is quite different to say that games mostly sell during the releasing period (which is factually true), and say that releasing a game on another platform later will meet low sales (unless your talking about a platform not widely spread).
    Especially because Tomb Raider is not a system seller (like Street Fighter 5 is to the versus fighting genre) and the timed exclusivity was well known the day after the announcement.

    It might work on people still hesitating between the 2 consoles (the main target for those timed exclusives), but eventually, I don’t see how someone would buy an X1 just for this game if he planned to buy the PS4.
    Most people who are interested in this title and already own a PS4, or were planning to buy one, will most probably though “Ok, too bad, but I will wait one year”.

  6. >I think it is is quite different to say that games mostly sell during the releasing period (which is factually true), and say that releasing a game on another platform later will meet low sales (unless your talking about a platform not widely spread).

    That’s not what I’m trying to say at all. What I’m saying is that they make most of the sales on console on day one. PC is very different in that it gets fewer day one sales but far more long term sales. Microsoft have just realised that they don’t make too much money after the initial sales, so there’s no huge loss of sales from releasing on PC. In fact, the most logical release schedule from a financial perspective on MS’s behalf is to release first on XB1, then a couple of months later release for PC. There’s just no need to force an agreement from publishers to delay for longer than that.

  7. Ok, I didn’t understood it that way.

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