Home / Channel / Attack on Titan creator doesn’t know why people didn’t like the movie

Attack on Titan creator doesn’t know why people didn’t like the movie

Attack on Titan, or to give it its original title, Shingeki no Kyujin, has been a worldwide success. It's spawned many spin off manga series, an anime cartoon, games and most recently a live action movie. Unfortunately for those involved with that latter property however, it bombed and reviewed horribly. One fan of it though, was original series creator Isayama Hajime, who has reached out to fans to ask them to tell him just why they thought the movie stank.


During a chat with Yahoo News, Isayama said he'd heard a lot of different opinions about the movie, and wanted to take in the good and the bad, “if only to understand them.”

Perhaps he can't see the forest for the trees, since he was supposedly quite involved in the production of the movie. However if his influence on its creation was a heavy one, it will leave fans even more confused, as the modern setting, changed up characters and less-than-stellar special effects left a lot of Japanese fans angry.

The fact that Levi doesn't even feature didn't go over well either. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gfpC_Z2AyI']

While the movie's IMDB rating is currently at a reasonable level, its Yahoo Japan's movie page has it rated at just over two stars out of five. Kotaku too slammed it for ditching much of what made the original anime and manga great.

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KitGuru Says: Part of what made Attack on Titan so intimidating, particularly in the anime, was how colourful it was and the fact that death came during the day. There was no darkness hiding what was doing on. It was right in-front of you. This looks like it's borrowed from every post-apocalyptic Hollywood film and combined it with a miss-mash of sometimes good, sometimes terrible looking titans. 

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  1. IT’S REALLY BAD. It’s a disappointment. They should’ve ask the creators of Rorouni Kenshin Movie.

  2. The animations are bad, the acting is bad, the titans look like crap.

  3. I didn’t saw the movie (yet) but as usual, the fans expected an accurate adaptation of a manga, which can never be done with only one movie (like EVERY stand alone movies based on manga or anime).

    On my side, I really like when an movie adaptation take the key component of a story, and make them their own (kind of what “Edge of Tomorrow” did … I still prefer the manga/novel but I didn’t find the movie to be bad).

    But of course, the typical japanese (over)acting and the cheap SFX didn’t help.

  4. work at home $509.96./day


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  5. Yes it sucks hard, not even some main character are showing up, the sotr is like hell, and even the weapons are like from the future!!!