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Movies makers want to depose suspected pirates

Remember Dallas Buyers Club? The film featured Matthew Mcconaughey dealing with his personal prejudices, a deadly diagnosis and helping others along the way. It was a beautiful movie about altruism, determination and a struggle against insurmountable forces. When it comes to those that pirated the movie though, the company behind it doesn't take that tack at all and have sued hundreds of alleged downloaders for undisclosed sums.

Some people settle, handing over their money to Dallas Buyers Club LLC (DBC), a company set up by production firm Voltage Pictures to pursue the legal actions. However not everyone does pay up, with many people who are identified as being the bill payer of a line linked with downloading the film (by IP address) suggesting instead that someone else did it, or that there simply didn't download the film so the evidence must be wrong.


In those cases, the DBC will use Google Map data and router security settings, to see if regular downloading took place and whether it would be possible for a hacker to drive by and hijack Wi-Fi for downloading. That's not enough for DBC though, as in a new court order it's requesting a two hour disposition for accused pirates, which would mean speaking under oath in a court room about their downloading habits.

As it stands, there are 15 individuals which DBC wants to put on the stand (as per TorrentFreak).

“DBC believes that further discovery is warranted to confirm which of any possible occupants of the physical address assigned the infringing IP address is the proper Doe defendant to be named in the case,” DBC said in a statement.

DBC also claims this will speed up court proceedings and save on legal expenses, by making it much harder for the accused (if guilty) to protest innocence or protect other family members or friends who many have used the connection.

As it stands, the court has yet to rule on whether it will allow the interrogations to take place.

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KitGuru Says: Although we cannot condone piracy here at KitGuru, this is a gross waste of time. This sort of action doesn't scare off pirates, and if anything makes people less likely to pay for a movie if they don't want the money going to the creators due to their aggressive behaviour. 

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  1. Bunch of bastards

  2. Movies makers still havent realised how to solve piracy. Its the 4 currencies argument again, you shouldn’t stamp it out but rather provide a service that competes on a level that is equal to the combination of all 4 currencies; Price, Time, Effort and Integrity.

    If a trip to the movies cost me like £5ish total (a regular drink and popcorn included) then i bet a lot of pirates would rather go to the movies than watch some crappy camera footage, but no it costs upwards of £10-£15 these days.

    The problem with DVD’s is the availability and the fact that its still physical media. Nobody uses physical media any more, create a steam client for DVD’s and you’ll have a whole lot more people buying movies.

  3. Mikhail Breshnov


  4. Nobody uses physical media any more, create a steam client for DVD’s and you’ll have a whole lot more people buying movies.

    Quoted for truth.

  5. ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ my right hand’s stride sister makes 94$ dependably on the tablet……..on Sat I got a prime of the degree audi sinceobtaining a check for four216$ this most divide 4 weeks moreover, i truly started six months/previous and on an especially clear level in a brief moment was making more than 87$ p/h . try this site………….

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  6. You got that right, In Australia a family night out at movies for 4 is $67 that’s just for admission! Then add the overpriced food/drinks, cost of driving down there in petrol etc etc
    Ends up being $100 for a crap 2 hour movie, All while having to put up with some annoying a’hole using their phone or talking through entire movie, Also worrying about wether your car is going to have dents in it from car parks getting smaller and smaller at shopping centres, So they can cram more people into them.
    And they wonder why no one can be bothered anymore, Large screen ultra hd tv, comfort of own home, recliner chairs, as much food as you like, no distractions, no worries about car, no petrol, no a’holes, pick from countless number of movies on Netflix/Stan and others.
    Who cares if it’s not day 1, I don’t mind waiting a few weeks/months for it to release, plenty of other stuff to watch while saving money and not having the other worries!
    Face it theatres are last century, It’s like Blockbuster video where it’s days are numbered!
    These old dinosaurs with outdated business models need to just hurry up and die out, Adapt with the times or die!
    Instead they try and continue old ways and go after people but it won’t do any good, All it does is allow another start up such as Netflix to come in and gobble up some of those profits!
    They do countless biased studies trying to show piracy rates, But I wonder if anyone will bother to do follow ups now that we have Netflix/Stan/Hulu and others, I bet those cheap streaming services has seen piracy rates plummet, as people who would normally just try and find some crap quality dvd rip now just spend $10 a month and stream legal versions.
    You won’t stop 100% of piracy ever no matter what you do but if you take the greed out of everything you can drop it by a huge amount.
    Same applies to retail shops here, People have given up as everything is a rip off so they shop online now and import the same things sometimes for half the price.

  7. Agreed, if mainstream cinema wants to continue they need to invest in the cinema equivalent of netflix

  8. fully agree, but it wont happen because as i understand it there are OLD contracts between movie producers and theater groups that pretty much force exclusivity for theaters when movies launch.