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Astronomers spot potential ‘alien megastructures’ around distant star

The search for alien life around the world has been ongoing for much of the past century, with various individuals and organisations pointing listening devices to the sky in the hopes of hearing a message from another people on another world. We also look for them too, with high powered telescopes and imaging systems aimed at far flung stars. One of these stars has some strange clusters of matter in its orbit, that don't appear planet-like. One suggestion has been that they could be ‘alien megastructures.”

The star in question is KIC 8462852, an F-type main-sequence star located some 1,481 light years from Earth. While the star itself is quite typical, what orbits it isn't. While the Kepler telescope's imaging in 2009 suggested it could have a habitable planet orbiting it, further research by Penn State University showed up a bizarre light pattern around the star; not one usually associated with a passing planet.

Many researchers from there and elsewhere consider the star an anomolay, because of what appears to be a cluster of matter orbiting it. Certain typical suggestions like the kind of debris seen after the formation of a young star or a number of comets trailing a planet – but the star isn't young enough for the former, and the latter would be very, very unlikely.

As long as we don't do anything that releases the Flood, it's cool

Of course an alien civilisation's space-station constructions would be even less likely, but it's a possibility that Penn State researcher Jason Wright is considering.

“I was fascinated by how crazy it looked,” Wright said to The Atlantic. “Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilisation to build.”

He's recently teamed up with SETI and together they plan to point a radio dish at the star to see if they can pick up any potential transmissions emitting from the system. Results from any such experiments are expected to be in by as soon as January, so we may soon have our answer.

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KitGuru Says: Even if the matter cluster is a form of alien structure, the chances of it being dead and long deserted are much higher than it being active. 

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  1. Pretty fascinating read. Aliens surely do exist in my opinion but I don’t think they’ll bother with the human kind any time soon

  2. Old facility or not still could be an alien built facility omg 🙂

  3. Do you really think the government would let them release anything if it were an alien ship. Of course not, it’d disprove all religions and cause anarchy on earth.

  4. Θοδωρης Πετροπουλος

    What did i just read …

  5. how would it disprove all religions and how would it cause anarchy? lmao

  6. Well let’s start with Christianity. ”God made the earth and stars in 6 days. On the 7th he made man” Aliens on other planets would disprove that god made man. Or will the aliens come to us and say ”Your jesus doesn’t look like our jesus” ?

  7. It may have been active over a 1000 years ago, human civilization is still active now as well, so who knows…

  8. Do we still need to disprove religion? I had more hopes for the 21st Centenary.

  9. There are many religions on this planet and all of them are trying to disprove each other. But 1 thing for sure The God of Christianity, Muslim and other religions claim that it was God who made the universe. So alien does not disprove religion, it might prove that God created not just earth?

    Im in my spaceship cooking ham and bacon

  10. people who believe a man made the earth in 7 days are bat shit crazy and need locking away I don’t get how they can believe that bullshit every day and even talk to him they need locking away

  11. 4 billion odd people would disagree with you, I definatly don’t!!

  12. If there are aliens they are most likely not human of course and the issue about religion on dictates that humans are made by God and on many religions too. In other words, extraterrestrial lifeforms are not covered by that fact unless those lifeforms have also beliefs of their own. If you thinking of it in a sense you’re being universal then you are wrong because not everyone believe in your beliefs, they had their own.
    That’s my opinion about it. Im not taking side on either both sides.

    I hope those lifeforms if they do really exist may bring peace and prosperity so that our current world may improve. I want them to teach me how to use force(like in starwars).. lol.. 🙂

  13. the moment that aliens are discovered is the moment that established religion (at least the big three) falls as we know it.

  14. well not really as you can translate the quaran/tora/bible in a way that “the people” is not limited to mean “human”, but (self aware) sentient life form. (there may be some issues with right-wing orthodox jews only declaring themselves as the ONLY chosen people, but thats an old problem that would only get a new dimension

  15. i myself am an atheist, but the problem i see time and time again is agressive atheist who interpret the bible in a way even most christians wont agree with nowadays. The words have a deeper meaning that resonate with most humans, they dont need to be true. You might as well try to prove the nordic mythology wrong. OFC its not “real” but that doesnt mean it is not able to describe people and their actions. if its true word by word doesnt even matter.

  16. People believe in god because they want to. It is not easy to live in such an ugly corrupt world, there is no certainty and nothing to hope for. Weak people are lost, so they reach out. God didn’t create humans, no, it’s humans who created god. When i look left and right I see that religion has become nothing more than superstition, like knocking on wood, the masses are going to churches to pray to god to grant them selfish wishes like winning the lottery or saving a relative on it’s dying breath with cancer when that person didn’t took good care of it’s well being etcetera.

  17. not the point. as the scriptures are now (which coincidentally are presented as direct words of god, not as a translation of a translation of a translation of stories written by men cobbling together earlier myths a few thousand years ago) they focus on humans.

    the instant that intelligent alien lifeforms are discovered that will be brought into question; some will believe that aliens were a failed attempt at another ‘chosen people, others will seriously contemplate if god from their religion wasn’t an alien race that engineered us, and a good majority will just abandon religion all together.

    religion likely won’t go away, but it will change on a very fundamental level.

  18. actually not. Yes ofc you can read the scriptures like a moron, but thats not the point. The quaran has a lot of emancipation to do, but most modern theologists agree that the bible is a work of men who had great insights, which originate from god but where NOT dictated word by word. If you read it with an open mind you learn a lot about humans and society (even if youre an atheist/agnostic like myself). the bible is not a way to “prove” the existence of god or jesus, its a way to gain insights and learn about humans and their relationship with things you just can’t understand. Physics will never be able to tell you why you exist.
    But to get back to the actual point: the word “human” is actually never used. Usually its a derivation of “men” or “the poeple” which funamentally changes the meaning. As i said before those terms are not limited to human. ofc the authors didnt know about the possibility of aliens existing, but they DID now that there are other people they dont know about, and they included them nonetheless.

  19. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Let’s take a step back for a second. Time and time again on practically a daily routine more and more evidence disproving religious beliefs is being discovered in the name of scientific advancements and yet “the big three” are still established and very much persued. You can bring an alien lifeform straight to their houses but the diehard religious fanatics are stubborn, stupid and illogical

  20. “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let
    them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over
    the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the

    obviously a translation from some old as hell text, but its the basis of the creation myth shared by the three big religions. might not say human, but by and large we as humans associate man as human and earth as our planet.

  21. human discoveries. you ask anyone deeply religious in the fields of science (there are more then you’d think) and they’ll tell you that either they don’t think about it at all or that because god made us this way he made it so that we’d discover these things. yes, it’s illogical, but thats because its based on belief not fact and thus cant be tested.

  22. Isn’t that just one religion? 😛 In the Hinduïsm you can find plenty of information that isn’t based on earth only sooo that is basically 1 religion that would be more legit if aliens excist ^_^

  23. funny that you actually quote this text i was going to give this one as an example.
    “let us make man in our image” -> in our image as in sentient, with inherent reason. where do you see the “human”?
    the second part of the text is a pretty damm complex one, but let me give my humble opinion.
    “let them have domination” thats a tough one, it either means control or responsibility, the ability to live of the land or just the plain fact that people are allowed to be there. – your choice
    “over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air,the cattle” – as in “a lot of stuff to impress others”
    “over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the
    earth.” -thats what i meant with translations. all of the earth. imagine for a sec what that means for an ancient cattledriver, it is used as in “every thing you can imagine”

    an an afterthought: dont read the bible as a myth, read it as a poem.
    there is an insane amount of symbolism and metaphors you cant even get them all in a lifetime.
    You read it from a modern standpoint, which is understandable but you have to understand that this is not a text written today. at that time most words had different meanings.
    In some texts it says “man” not “people”, It just addresses those with power and responsibility. You can’t argue that from a modern standpoint woman are not included.

  24. human beings believe some sick sheet, doesnt matter if it is true or not.

  25. I hope it is alien origin, but we can point anything on it we wouldnt be sure what it is anyway. I hope they will not see us XD, but i think its just moon debris or something like that

  26. My parents for a start are those kinds of people… I totally agree with you… But religion and entire scriptures by themselves aren’t correct as they were (and still are) manipulated by godmen and priests. If not manipulated, the holy Bible and all other religious preachings just say philosophical things to stop man from spreading violence and hate. “God made the universe in 7 days”, oh give me a break. Priests wanted you to believe that to alleviate their religion’s rank. Other religions joined in too (like Hinduism).
    In Hinduism, the way the describe God(s) is like the description of extra terrestrial beings. Epics were written to diminish the evils of the society, but now, Hinduism instructs to fire crackers at a festival named Diwali(according to some, by making modifications to the epics), and I thought only New Year is a time to celebrate. Religion, so petty.

  27. “Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider”
    FALSE. Aliens should always be the FIRST hypothesis you consider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. “Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider”
    FALSE. Aliens should always be the FIRST hypothesis you consider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  30. The tinfoil is strong with this one…

  31. I’m afraid you’re right there. It must be a comfort to believe, but I never
    could myself. To me it’s like a placebo, once you know you’re taking sugar
    pills it doesn’t work no matter how sweet you might find the taste.

  32. The only reason the Gov would come out and say “its Aliens” ….to get us to want them (gov) to protect us from said Aliens.

  33. You sound more agnostic than atheist.

  34. well it depends. I dont believe in a god with a long white beard sitting on a throne. And thats not what is written in the bible anyways. What i meant to say, is that the bible is a poem not a history book.

  35. A real life Dyson Sphere would be incredible. Star Trek briefly touched on that subject only once in the entirety of its three 24th century TV series, and the sheer scale of creating something like, not to mention the resources required, is insane.

  36. people who talk to god dont need to be locked away. its people who claim that god spoke back to them who need to be locked away

  37. in my religion (which is the hinduïsm) god didn’t create the universe though 😛 it goes way beyond that.. the universe is just the beginning of a much bigger existence

  38. But of course, if we do find credible evidence of an alien civilization with technology capable of building a dyson sphere, then it behooves us to get our sh!t together and work together as one to work AS FAST AS WE CAN to improve our technology, so that when they finally do arrive (probably, we`ve got 50 years or so), we`ll actually be able to negotiate with them from some position of strength. It will be the greatest challenge the human race will have ever faced.

  39. What makes you think we have 50 years?