Home / Software & Gaming / Operating Systems / Microsoft hasn’t fixed Windows 10’s sticky corners in six months

Microsoft hasn’t fixed Windows 10’s sticky corners in six months

Although Windows 10 was only released at the end of July and is now in the hands of more than 110 million users around the world, it was nestled into a few million Windows Insider PCs well before that. The purpose of that OS early access was to make it possible to find bugs and flaws in the system and iron them out before launch, but as you might expect, Microsoft didn't manage to get to all of them. One in particular has a few KitGuru readers irritated: sticky corners.

The issue was first raised by a user on the Microsoft support community at the end of March this year. It said that there was a problem when moving the mouse from the left monitor to the right, when using more than one display. For some reason, the corner of the screen appeared to be catching the mouse somehow, leading to misclicks closing windows and tabs without a need.

While a similar issue was said to be present for some in Windows 10, the user in question was able to fix that with a change to MouseCornerClipLength in the registry, but there is no such entry in Windows 10 or users are unable to access it, so a home fix is out of the question for now.

Taskbar options don't appear to help either

Microsoft did initially acknowledge the problem, stating on the very same day the bug was posted that it was “aware of the issue and it is currently being investigated. Stay tuned and we will update this thread when additional information becomes available.”

Since then though, there has been no update from Microsoft on what's being done, leaving affected users frustrated.

There are however several pages of people complaining about the issue, suggesting there are even more affected users around the world who simply haven't decided to complain about it.

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KitGuru Says: What do the rest of you think of Windows 10's sticky corners? Is it annoying when moving between monitors?

Thanks to Artem for the tip.

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  1. “While a similar issue was said to be present for some in Windows 10, the user in question”… I guess bugs slip through with everything haha, did you mean Windows 8?

  2. I don’t even have the greyed out options on Windows 10.

  3. Windows 8 is the best OS to date in my opinion and I’ve used all versions of Windows.

  4. Me either

  5. most fucking annoying thing about windows 10 by far

  6. So glad I didn’t jump on the windows 10 bandwagon. I’ve used all windows versions since 3.1 and have found windows 7 to be the best version so far. To me win 10 just feels like a re skinned windows 8/8.1 with most of the bad stuff left intact.

  7. Surely this is there as a feature rather than a bug? It might be annoying for some, but the reason for the delay is to make the top corner something that can still be clicked easily as it’s part of the user interface. If there was no stick effect it would be impossible to click the inside corner of secondary monitors.

  8. I completely disagree. I’ve used Windows since 95 and whole heartedly think that 10 is there best yet. Yes it still has a couple of kinks to iron out but on the whole it’s incredibly reliable, super fast and lots of great features.
    What issues do you have with windows 10? I honestly couldn’t name one thing that 7 does better than 10.

  9. This is so annoying for me, being a gamer, I have my second display to the left of my main gaming screen. On the second display i use team speak 3, I am often closing TS3 mid convo FIX IT MICROSOFT

  10. Mostly security, MS tracking everything you do etc. But I also found it horrible to get into any meaningful system settings, i’m just trying to remember the last time I used it but I know I had a hard time trying to get into control panel just to change the screen resolution as that wasn’t available via a right click on the desktop as per the norm’.

  11. To get to resolution settings: Start > Control Panel > Display
    I agree, mildly annoying that it’s no longer available from right clicking the desktop, but for the amount of times you actually need to access those settings, it’s hardly a deal breaker.

    Also, in regards to windows 10 tracking everything? It doesn’t track anything without your consent, so out of the box it doesn’t track anything any more so than windows 7. The windows 10 privacy “scandal” was one of those standard copy and pasted stories that did the rounds on tech blogs that was very unsubstantiated, and was quickly cleared up when people actually did some legitimate journalism and dug a little deeper into the story.

  12. Windows 10 does let you access resolution from a right click on the desktop though?
    Right click->display settings->advanced display settings

    One more click than before, but it’s still there…

  13. Got to it first I was curious what these guys are on about + nvidia control panel is available on right click on the desktop for me as I use an nvidia gpu can’t say for amd but they usually have it on right click aswell. Also who changes there resolution frequently? My tablet/laptop which I use in multiple docks with different monitors seems to remember different displays and resolutions seamlessly aswell as audio settings (hdmi connection) for each display.

  14. The last I read the tracking was ‘opt out’ and not vice versa. Anyway if something simple like the right click to get display settings has been removed for no good reason I’d hate to think what other functionality has been removed.
    Maybe i’m just getting stuck in my ways in my old age but after the windows 8 fiasco I learned not to trust microsoft anymore. Maybe my next laptop will have win 10 and I can play around with it more in depth but my experience so far has been negative.

  15. I tested W10 for 1 week and rollback to 8.1 (with start8)… W10 is like is not finished yet!.. i’ll wait to W10.1… (or W11?)

  16. I love it, sure a couple of issues here and there, but the privacy one is just as Matt above posted, a bunch of social media hysteria, in this day and age of bundled programs it is wholly inexcusable for a techy of any level to not choose custom/options or whatever it said during install.

    Going by their own hysteria, it’s MS, how can I trust them, so answer that one for me, lol.

  17. Surely you’re not defending this nonsense… For those who like it, fine – no harm. But for those of us for whom it’s a nuisance, let us reconfigure it. We’re not asking for much, just an option or even a registry key to allow intelligent users who know what they like to get what they need.

    Step up Microsoft. This issue is now over a year old – you’re being blatantly obtuse. We’re smart too; stop trying to think for us.

  18. Fair enough, I can’t disagree that they should at the very least allow some kind of work around.
    I use 3 monitors though, and I don’t think I’ve once encountered it as an issue… I don’t really understand what users could be doing to frequently have this cause them irritation? It’s clearly there to allow users to easily drag windows into the corner to make in snap to a quarter of the screen.
    But yeah, solid argument that it should be something power users can change.