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Xbox head responds to PC gaming concerns on Windows 10 Store

Last week, we reported on the current state of games developed for Microsoft's Windows 10 store system. Games released on the Windows Store need to be developed as a ‘Universal App', which is different to your average .exe file, this means that there are certain limitations on features, some of which are quite worrying for PC gamers. Those who own Rise of the Tomb Raider through Windows 10 will notice that they can't turn off Borderless Windowed mode, nor can they turn off V-Sync or make use of SLI or CrossFire.

However, as always, Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox has been quick to respond with promises to improve things further as time goes on.


Tweeting out to someone asking about the limitations of the Windows 10 Universal App platform, Spencer said: “We know lists like this include features PC gamers want to see from us, we appreciate the feedback and have plans to improve”.

Right now, it is unclear if features like VSync, fullscreen/windowed modes or multi-GPU support will be available on future titles like Gears of War: Ultimate Edition or Quantum Break. We also don't know if these features will be patched into the Windows Store version of Rise of the Tomb Raider but hopefully, Microsoft will have these things worked out as it brings more and more Xbox exclusive titles over to the PC.

KitGuru Says: I don't really have a problem with Microsoft selling its exclusive titles on its own store. However, I do have an issue with not supporting basic features that PC gamers are used to. Hopefully we will see some improvements soon. 

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  1. Ugh. Microsoft, stop. Don’t do Games for Windows again. Don’t do Windows Marketplace again.

    You suck at this and you should stop, because you’re going to drag good games down with you in the process of finding out how much you suck at this, again.

  2. Sure sell them through windows store but make them a Normal exe style game

  3. WhateverYouWantItToBe

    Microsoft put their games on PC exclusive to a new sh*tty platform. Microsoft Games fail on PC because of sh*tty platform. Microsoft stop selling games on PC. Microsoft close down sh*tty platform.

    Anyone else see the pattern here? Please don’t do this again Microsoft. At the very worst can’t you buy shares in Origin to have a better publishing deal on Origin. At least Origin is alright these days and EA worked at it until they got it right.

  4. WhateverYouWantItToBe

    And I bet this non-exe universal app crap is to stop piracy, which is so rife on their previous games because they tie it to a sh*tty platform.

  5. Dearest Microsoft.

    We remember GFWL.

    We do not care if you make changes to improve your app store, (though I think you are lying here anyways)

    We will not use it.

    Stop wasting yours, and our time.

    Signed- Almost every single gamer on PC.

  6. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  7. A formal response by any business without an expected time table can be considered a lie. In general, there is an 80% chance nothing will be done within the relevant time to amend the problem therefore there is a very high probability that Microsoft’s statement is a lie. I do not see them fixing gaming use of SLI or CrossFire within two years. Because the responding Microsoft representative did not provide any technical perspective on the problem, it is likely no work has even started on the issue as yet.

  8. I bought Tomb Raider through the Windows store as it was cheap. Will likely never purchase anything through there again.

  9. So your solution to the so called “sh*tty platform” is to recommend Microsoft use another sh*tty platform? … Origin along with the whole of EA should be burned to the ground.

  10. PC gaming. More trouble than it’s worth, IMO.

  11. Taegire Akpotaire

    I’m still going to buy Halo Wars 2 and the remastered Gears of War. I have a 1440p 144hz G Sync Monitor. So even if my frame is halfed by Vsync I’ll be fine.

  12. WhateverYouWantItToBe

    Origin is actually a really good platform these days and has matured nicely. And EA have been a far better company than Valve the past few years. EA had a good refund system years before Valve and is still far more flexible.