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Silverstone reviewer competition: here are your champions

We recently teamed up with Silverstone to offer three qualified readers the chance to review some of its finest cases, power supplies and coolers. All you had to do was explain why you were the right candidate for the job; why you, with your hardware experience and writing chops, might be capable of being a reviewer for the day.

Of course this was quite a popular contest, with several hundred of you getting in touch to tell us just why you would be the perfect reviewer for the Silverstone prize packs. Unfortunately though, as great as many of your applications were, there were ultimately only three we could pick as winners and we've now completed that unenviable task.


So without further ado, here are the winners of this Silverstone contest and your community reviewers for several of Silverstone's top products:

  • Ian Goodland.
  • Antonio Iacobone.
  • Marco van den Ham.

Congratulations to the three of you. You impressed us with your technical knowledge, hardware experience and writing abilities. We'll be getting in touch with each of you individually to find out your details and will have the prizes winging their way to you shortly.

For the rest of you, hard luck and thanks for taking part. We will of course have many more competitions in the near future, so keep your eyes here on KitGuru.

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: Thanks for reading guys, as always. If you'd like the community reviewers to test anything particular about the Silverstone cases, coolers and PSUs, what would you like them to look at?

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