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Update: Relic releases Dawn of War 3 debut trailer

Update: Relic was indeed planning on announcing a third Dawn of War title today and it's debuted a new trailer alongside it. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_ZgyNoHtjw']

The trailer showcases Space Marines, Orks and Eldar, brawling it out on a minute, man-to-man scale and a much grander one with Titan-size mechs.

Original story: Even though the potential announcement of a new Warhammer 40,000 game might not seem like something to get excited about, afterall, they are a dime a dozen these days, Dawn of War 3 would still be something to get pumped for. That might be what Relic has been teasing for the last few days too and we're set to find out at 3PM (BST) this afternoon.

Although we don't have a lot of evidence to back up this finger crossing, we do have some. Relic Games, the developer of both Dawn of War, its expansions and sequel, recently released a new update for Dawn of War 2's Last Stand mode, adding a Necron Overlord to the mix. This could have been it revving up the hype engine for the Dawn of War universe.

As PCGamesN points out too, Sega doesn't have much lined up for the latter half of this year, so the announcement of a big sequel for an epic strategy title would be a good way to round out the end of the year. It's also been funding Dawn of War II: Retribution stands/booths at events like the PC Gamer Weekender, which seems surprising for a game that was released over five years ago.

The biggest news we have on this topic though, is that Relic has promised some sort of announcement later today. It tweeted out an image of some desolate looking mountains and promised to announce something at 3PM British Summer Time, on the 3rd May.

It could be another piece of DLC for Dawn of War II, just a new environment or another character. But a lot of people are hoping it's Dawn of War III. Indeed picking 3rd May, at 3PM to make a Dawn of War announcement would be a pretty hard troll if it wasn't related to a third title in the series.

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KitGuru Says: Do you think we're looking at a Dawn of War III announcement? If so, I'm pumped. Love a bit of Dawn of War. 

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  1. I just hope it’s a return to the original DoW RTS. DoW II wasn’t bad but i do miss the good ol’e days.

  2. Agreed, DoW2 wasn’t a bad game, but it is forgettable when compared to the first. If they can merge the fantastic customization and loot drops of DoW2 into a DoW1 kind of game it would be what I play until 2020.

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