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No Man’s Sky gets to keep name after Sky settlement

You wouldn't know it, but for the past three years developer of No Man's Sky, Hello Games, has been embroiled in a legal battle with BSkyB, the owner of the Sky TV service in the UK. The cable TV company wanted the explorative space title to change its name, but Hello Games held on and now they've amicably agreed it can keep it.

BSkyB is a corporate monster that few have been able to stand up to in the past. It previously forced Microsoft to change its cloud-storage platform from SkyDrive to OneDrive, so when Hello Games was hit with its suit thee years ago, you can imagine it was quite a nerve racking experience.


It's only possible because Sky owns the trademark for that word and felt that “No Man's Sky,” was too close to allow it to exist. Hello Games felt otherwise though and continued to defend it, despite being a rather small British developer with no big cash stockpile.

And ultimately it seems like Sky changed its mind, or at least was happy to settle for something – the details of the case haven't been revealed. All we do know is that Hello Games' Sean Murray is very happy with the news, as he posted on Twitter that they could finally put the “stupid legal nonsense,” behind them.

As PCGN points out, it's worth wondering if the lawsuit was the reason for the recent delay announcement. It seems hard to imagine launching a game when the name itself is under threat.

No Man's Sky launches 8th of August in the US, 10th of August for most of Europe and 12th of August for those of us in the UK.

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KitGuru Says: At least this isn't as bad as King going after Stoic for its use of the word “Saga,” but still – come on Sky. You don't own every usage of it just because that's your company name.

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  1. British developed game launches 4 days later than the US. That’ll go down well.

  2. Chaotic Entropy

    What a pathetic state of affairs the human race has reached.

  3. You know most messed up part of this is that our legal and trademark system even allows thia kind of pathetic case to even get past the first stage

  4. So it sounds like they *hello games* must have given them some money. If they gave them so much as an apology I WOULD BE ANGRY with this outcome.

    Stop stealing our dictionary, it belongs to all of humanity you corporate lawyer pieces of crap!

  5. Only spoiled brats will care.

  6. or people who are from the UK?

  7. Margaret Harris

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  8. Oh, you.

  9. Why does it release 2 days later in the UK than the “rest of Europe”…???

  10. So SKY Vodka can sue both of ’em, too?

  11. Sad, but true

  12. So if they think they own the word SKY and are suing for using the word then can God get out his lawyers too & sue them for trying to steal the sky from him..lol
