Home / Component / Graphics / AMD Radeon Polaris GPU benchmarks appear online

AMD Radeon Polaris GPU benchmarks appear online

While we still have a few days to wait for AMD's official Polaris unveiling at Computex, it looks like we may already have a good idea of what sort of performance to expect as some GPU benchmarks have made their way online.

These benchmark results were obtained by videocardz, who got a look the 3DMark results before the codenames/driver names were removed from the results pages. Right now, it is being speculated that the following results are for Polaris 10, which may feature on the Radeon R9 480/480X, there is also a CrossFire result.


From the looks of it, Polaris 10 will be running with 8GB of VRAM, with a 1266MHz core clock and a 1925MHz memory clock. When looking at the results, it is also worth keeping in mind that we don't have any confirmation on whether or not the cards were overclocked or performing at stock.


As you can see from the graph, what is currently speculated to be the R9 480 obtained a graphics score of 16164 in 3DMark, which is just below an R9 390x. What could end up being the R9 480x scored 18060 points, which puts it just under an R9 Fury (non-X) and finally the CrossFire result managed to rack up 25803 points, putting it between a Titan X and the GTX 1080.

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KitGuru Says: These results aren't 100% verifiable yet as we don't have all of the information. However, this should give us a rough idea of potential performance levels for Polaris GPUs. Are any of you waiting on new graphics cards from AMD? What do you think of these results? 

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  1. That Polaris C7 better cost $249.

  2. Does Polaris also support multi-monitor game play without distorting the 2nd/3rd screen? On the Pascal cards, that was one feature that is really nice to have, without having a triple sli setup, now you can just use one card. I agree, if AMD’s goal is just for TAM, and that performance level, the C7 better be $249.I still wouldn’t buy at that price. It can’t even effectively compete with Nvidia’s last gen card 980TI. You’ll be buying an outdated card from the get go, you’re probably better off with a 1070, which I hate to say. AMD needs a HALO card NOW, not an almost as good as our competitors last gen cards; and not next year when everyone else has already bought a 1070/1080. Vega needs to be released this year, not next year, esp. if the 1060 is priced the same and is slightly better than the C7 offering features that the C7 doesn’t have like single card no distortion multi-monitor gaming.

  3. These aren’t new leaks, these benches are over a month old. They were never going to be shown because they are very inconclusive. There is no way to know the core counts or clockspeed, firestrike and sisoft have had a hard time reading the information. Take them with a healthy dose of salt everyone.

  4. No one has these answers to your questions until the AMD event at Computex next week. What’s with the panicking as if AMD’s doesn’t have any cards to compete with? The R9 490 is the competition to the 1070. The AMD Vega chips show a release around 4Q 2016 to 1Q2017, which will offer range of cards significantly more powerful than the 1080 apart from the Fury successor.

    Nvidia has yet to announce any mainstream pascal cards. Still Pascal without hardware “Async Computing” is very disappointing…

  5. I am fine with these benches. As long as they are priced accordingly.

    I could see AMD doing very well with the C4 if it was cheaper then a 970gtx. This is the segment that NV isn’t hitting with pascal for a long time yet.

    I hate AMD driver issues, so it will have to be a fair bit cheaper for me to buy amd this time though. And I also don’t like playing games like borderlands 2, without physx. Maybe it’s a cheap effect to you, but I love it, and wish I could have it… stupid 7870, I so regret! I so very regret!

  6. R9 480X 299$, R9 480 249$, R9 470X 199$, R9 470 149$ 🙂

  7. I agree on the Async, Jen Hsun was mum on that during the show, so I think AMD will do very well there.

    I just question AMD’s race to just be good enough ever since Hector Ruiz left AMD. I wonder if AMD would be around if they never acquired ATi. I hope they succeed, I’ve just been too disappointed every time they release their products, but the difference this time is Jim Keller on the CPU side with Zen, so I hope they really did something different with Polaris to compete not just on performance, but on electrical costs to run these cards.

  8. And apparently the Polaris there scoring the highest is the 2560 shader part, there is rumours that there is another C7 part that has full 3072 cores.


    So probably the 3072 part is the 480X, the one with 2560 cores is the laptop version and the bottom one is the 480. Food for thought.

  9. I think imma love Polaris anyway if it works out to grab a 480X, on a 270X currently

  10. Heh I guess that $299 for 480X in that case will be £350 in UK

  11. Lawrance Devlin

    Two 480Xs in Crossfire better be cheaper than a 1080 or they’re a little screwed.

  12. Lawrance Devlin

    “The AMD Vega chips show a release around 4Q 2016 to 1Q2017, which will
    offer range of cards significantly more powerful than the 1080 apart
    from the Fury successor.”

    And then the 1080Ti will come out on GP100 and once again Nvidia will have the fastest single GPU card.

  13. why is that ? I thought if in US is 299$ in UK it will be like 205$ cuzz GBP is stronger thand USD .. but I guess here in Europe everything is so much more expensive ..

  14. Uh AMD’s drivers have been getting better and better all the time ,since now they are a dedicated team working on it. Especially in DX12 and the NEW Crimson software.

  15. If that C7 is the $300 part, these numbers aren’t so bad. The only problem I can see is that the 1070 will presumably sit somewhere near the TitanX on this list, and it will be a $380 part. A lot of people are going to figure that extra $80 is worth it for the performance gain. The Fury X is the card that’s going to really suffer, since the 1070 is supposedly faster for $200 less. There are a lot of “ifs” though, since we don’t know exactly which parts these are. Also, synthetic benchmarks are really only good for bragging rights. Actual gaming performance is what counts. Then there’s DX12 to consider… The next couple of months are going to be interesting. I just wish they’d hurry it up a bit–I want a 1440p monitor and would like to know whether to get G-sync or Freesync.

  16. Well in most of the cases it should and it does work like this. Pound is a lot stronger than dollar but my comment was a bit of a sarcasm due to a recent unveil of gtx1080 price when it was $699 in US and everyone expect to get it in UK for about £550 only to find out that we have to pay £619 for it. Mental. That’s about $900 dollars. Rest of the Europe have similar prices.

  17. AMD would still be around if they never acquired AMD. But they had to. I think their vision was the APU, combining both Compute and Graphics Processing onto one unit. AMD did consider acquiring Nvidia first, but the dealbreaker for Hector Ruiz at the time was him being replaced with Jen-Hsun Huang for chief executive.

    If AMD didn’t acquire ATI, they would not have the CPU/GPU solution that they offer today, allowing them to stand out from Intel in the budget to mainstream consumer market.

  18. I want 3rd party coolers to be the $299 lol. MSRP $249 will be needed for that 🙂

  19. in my POOR country, Bosnia and Herzegovina it will cost like 2000KM (1100-1200 USD) .. and thats insane cuzz .. irony is we’re poor but paying the most ..

  20. Look at how your governments tax imports as that will often impact the end price. There’s also the reduction in bulk sales discounts to take into account.

  21. It is 30-33% here in India, but they will sell it for 47-50% more. They think we will readily sell our organs for this. They want more market expansion but don’t want to put hold on exorbitant pricing. They could opt to reduce profit margins to counter influence of custom duties and boost market growth ( as happened with smartphones) but they do otherwise.
    Perfect act global but stay local.

  22. I don’t understand. How can we find core count with that patch?

  23. I think AMD is concentrating more on cards that can gain them market share. They want games to utilize features like async compute and explicit multi gpu. For this plan to go smoothly, they need market share.

  24. In almost every forum I read, people seem to either not be aware or forget altogether that Polaris is NOT competing directly with Pascal. Yet people cannot refrain from making “direct” competitor comparisons regardless.

    In looking at this graph (figures yet to be verified) the R9 480X appears to be extremely strong, almost as much as a Fury (Non-X). I do understand people want better performance then a last gen, however this is the 480 series we’re looking at, not the 490 series. I want to see Nvidia and AMD come out with good cards this round.

  25. What are you basing your statement on? No one knows anything about what is going to happen with both Nvidia and AMD’s flagship cards.

    I just don’t know why people feel the need to speak speculation as fact, especially when a product has not even been released yet to anyone.

  26. What? That makes no sense. If this leak is to believed the C7 is almost as fast as the 1080..and faster than a Titan X. That’s a 480 not a 490…the 80 series is mid tier. Were talking half the price of a 1080. A card faster than a Titan X and almost on par with a 1080 for $300-$350 bucks. We’ll see if the 1070 is actually faster than a Titan X in games or if NVIDIA is using the VR performance for that claim.

  27. AMD already said Polaris isn’t competing against 1080. Vega will be AMD’s answer to Pascal and will be released around Christmas at the earliest, but more likely early 2017. Completely new architecture with HBM2 memory. NVIDIA will then release 1080ti to counter punch and it’s a race from there.

  28. AMD already said Polaris isn’t meant to compete against 1080. They won’t even offer a card in the same price range as 1080. Vega will be AMD’s answer to Pascal and will be released around Christmas at the earliest, but more likely early 2017. Completely new architecture with HBM2 memory. NVIDIA will then release 1080ti to counter punch and it’s a race from there.

  29. IMO being a AMD fan boy of past. I believe to stay in the game AMD is going to half to run a bad page from the past to keep up with the game. DUEL GPU CARDS. Its the only way to be viable to the 1080 and get some breathing room time to try and move forward. Crossfire single GPU cards. Just a though and i definatlly would buy another 1. I actually miss my 6k series. Just my 2 cents

  30. One benefit AMD has is that the monitors don’t need to be running the same resolution so you can mix and match different monitors and adjust as needed. Honestly I’ve never noticed any major issues with screen distortion in my triple screen setup. I don’t know if Pascal will support his, but I doubt it will as Nvidia have never offered this option. Not everyone can spring for 3 exactly the same monitors and an expensive 3D card.

  31. Sell it for $250 (C7). For $300 it’ll be pretty hard to compete with the supossedly $380 1070. My 380 is still good, I’ll wait for Vega.

  32. the 1080 isn’t really a “LE BEST CARD OUT THERE BUY IT GAIZ”
    even being a middle ground man on green and red team I see its not that great, polaris 10 isn’t too special but vega seems promising

  33. It doesn’t state the core count, it states the models based on Polaris, and there is two C7 which would be the Elsmere XT


  34. Maurice Fortin

    try Canada. Them brand new GTX1080 as example, are just under $1k, yay for BS economics and consumer price gouging around the world, yay for epic greed 🙁

  35. They said they want to bring VR to the masses which means make it affordable. Okay that means we need GTX970 performance at $199, cause $329 is believe it or not….expensive. If that Polaris C4 is $199 and the C7 is $249 then AMD will win.

  36. Maurice Fortin

    Polaris 11 is the “laptop parts” the 2048 shader is supposed to be 380x level type deal and 2560 top dog so 390x level(though I have heard rumors due to binning and such the top one would actually be as you said 3072 or because of massive density difference could end up as 3584 or 4096, we never know what Ace cards AMD has up its sleeves and this could easily be a “coup” to catch Nv off its guard like they did with the 4850/4870 many years ago, seed rumors projected performance and pricing of 4850 which was impressive in its own right, but, the release of 4870 caught MOST off guard,and cause Nvidia to scramble right quick)

    And for those wanting to drop prices so low cause it not have the performance they think it should, maybe it will be highly overclockable, or maybe it will be using 1/2-1/4 the power required for them high end cards, so IMO it would justify a higher price for that alone(you save in power and keep a cooler room)

  37. Maurice Fortin

    AMD acquiring ATi was the best move they could make at the time, and even though the paid big for it, and took years to pan out, as it stands they are the only current company that can offer full top to bottom solutions, not Nvidia,not Intel, AMD 🙂 seeing Jen-Hsun level of greed and nasty business practices in regards to Nvidia he probably would have buried AMD to make Nvidia “better” so it was a good thing AMD said “FK that”

  38. Just under 1k CANADIAN dollars or US?
    Because we’re in UK are paying equivalent of 900 US dollars for the 1080.

  39. The HD 4800 series was something very exciting, I had one myself and later on went Crossfire and their performance specially with MSAA, was phenomenal lol

  40. yep I had a 4870 ran for many years until the 6870 came out, granted the stupid fan they use conked on it and brother took off shroud and forgot to bolt it back down, but even without being bolted back down it ran for at least 2 year this way..Buddy had a GTX260 overclock that he paid Iif I recall $160 more then my 4870, and yet no matter the game often mine would out pace his…There is a reason why I still use AMD and not Nvidia for many years, AMD to me is quality even if a bit noisier/temps/power hungry, they are solid graphics options(provided you dont get from a bad reseller) had 4870-6870(brother still using) 2 7870 I sold one kept the better one(still using) and wil continue to use and support and suggest them.

    AMD doesnt chop things away just to make a quick buck like N and their horrid component selection that keeps bill of materials lower but yet they still jack the price, they dont chop out features they know will be needed like the tessellators in their GPU since the 2k series yet MSFT fubared them by allowing NVIDIA to make their own rules/design choices for DX9-10-11-12 to suit them at the cost of AMD having to rebuild from ground up.

    Support the one who supports us, even if they lose some $ in process, that is AMD, NOT Nvidia they much to $$ hungry, and Intel, nope, they to interested in controlling the market(even if playing fair wouldnt have cost them much of anything over the years as AMD simply has nowhere close to nor ever has had the sheer capacity of production that Intel has had)

    So yes, for me, AMD/Radeon all the way, they have not let me down yet, unlike Nvidia and the multiple cards/motherboard chipsets they have had over the years.

  41. just under 1k Canadian funds where same card USA wise is I believe $650 some odd. so sounds like similar pricing 🙁 granted I will never buy Nvidia gpu anyways 😀 no wonder they happy, they can sell them here or there charge arm and leg over what it should be, so it bolsters their market share in artificial ways, folks not use heads or they have to much $$$ to waste? 😀

  42. Indeed, their GPUs are like more futureproof and more forward looking architecture wise. nVidia cards are like disposable after a year lol.

  43. Exchange rates don’t account for Local Taxes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_price

  44. If they can get the 480x for around $275 it would be awsome but i bet it will be $299. But who would buy the 480x if the 1070’s just 80 bucks more and is a nice chunk faster, if your gonna spend $300 why not $380. I think the polaris card are gonna be great just think they shouldve launched a 490 and 490x before the 480’s. But im getting a evga 1070 for sure my last 3 cards have been evga and there all still running fine. And if i was gonna get a amd card it would be a sapphire card, my vapor x 7970ghz still a good 1080p card. I have a classified 780’s in my rig now with a 5820k and a asus x99 pro 3.1 mb. But cant wait to get titan x performance for less than $400. And i cant wait to see how far aftermarket cards with better power phases will overclock. Seems like the 1080 thermal throttles more than i was expecting but turn up the power and adjusting the fan curve helps it stay in boost. The only reason anyone should ever get a vanilla card is for sli, they always run hotter and louder for the most part.

  45. What a disappointment Polaris is so slow it is not going to compete against Pascal

  46. Crossfire is a mess and it’s buggy it is a bad idea if you are a gamer. I wound never invest to Crossfire as a gamer

  47. Have you been sleeping a lot, lately??

  48. 3dmark is BS. Wait for real world bechies.

  49. Its over 1200 here in AU at the cheapest store :/

  50. And also they are smaller, cooler and hopefully cheaper than last gen.

  51. It’s weird how some tech companies will do a straight dollar conversion and others make their own prices. For example a Samsung 850 EVO SSD 1tb costs $359 CAD or $319 US. Weird huh? Apple used to be the same with the ipad costing $549 CAD or $499 US but then they decided to be go the straight conversion route and raise price earlier this year, but of course they haven’t lowered it back down now that our dollar has risen a bit.

  52. 199

  53. Ya, they decided to shake it up. Good on AMD. I’ve decided to buy all AMD for my next build this year. i’m excited 🙂