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FBI lets Clinton off in email investigation… again

Never fear guys, we're almost there. Just a few more days and U.S. election coverage can rest easy for another 2.5 years or so. Still, the lead up to this one has been quite unbelievable in many ways, like how the FBI investigated candidate Hilary Clinton's email server, not once, but twice. It's now stated that the second investigation was a bust too and won't be recommending any charges.

Hilary Clinton's email woes stretch back several years and have dogged her to this day. While secretary of state, she ran a private email server in her own home, rather than using government servers. That server was thought likely to be compromised by foreign state actors and potentially revealed incredibly secretive information and documents to interested third parties outside of the United States.

Despite many other people being given lengthy jail sentences for being careless with U.S. secrets in the past, Clinton hasn't been charged by anyone, though her campaign has suffered from Wikileaks revealing many of the thousands of deleted emails. They've embarrassed and undermined her campaign for months, but it seems likely at this point that she'll make it to the election without being put in cuffs.


Source: Gage Skidmore

These revelations have time and again seen members of the public and organisations around the world call for Clinton to be impeached and even arrested, charged for leaking U.S. secrets, mishandling secretive data and potentially interfering with federal investigations over her email server usage. But once again, the FBI has recommended that she not be charged, stating that her email server antics constituted no breach of U.S. law.

This announcement was made by FBI head, James Comey himself, who said that his agency had gone through all of the thousands of emails released or handed over from the Clinton email server, but that that did nothing to change the FBI's recommendation (thanks Ars).

It sounds though that he's tiptoeing around the law. While claiming that Clinton did not knowingly or deliberately mishandle information, intention is not required for related criminal charges. Detractors have suggested the FBI has protected Clinton, while her presidential election opponent, Donald Trump, claims that it's evidence of corruption at the highest level.

KitGuru Says: It really shows how unlikeable both U.S. presidential candidates are, that neither one of them is crushing the other in the lead up to the election on Tuesday. They should both be embarrassed. 

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  1. Hi Kitguru, Any reason you haven’t covered the scandal that is surrounding MSI’s advertised MXM GPU upgrade? There’s aload of noise online about it – http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/gt72-gt72s-and-gt80-gt80s-owners-gpu-upgrade-discussion.795236/

  2. Because they aren’t finding anything. People need to just drop it.

  3. Sorry, but if you have been paying attention, they have found LOTS. The fact that they are choosing not to pursue doesn’t make it not so. Corruption at the highest levels of U.S. government in the current administration is a huge part of the problem. She has lied to the FBI (they even said so), she has lied to congress, she continues to lie about the situation. Anyone who honestly believes that there is nothing here has their head firmly buried in the sand, or is a shill for Clinton. Her becoming president would be bad news for LOTS of countries besides the U.S.

  4. in other, more pertinent tech/gov news, china just pushed through laws forcing any tech company working in their country to allow snooping by their government into personal user info and russia is pushing out microsoft so they can force russians to use only their ‘state sponsored’ OS (which i’m sure isn’t loaded to the gills with spyware).

    but lets talk about the clinton emails. a ‘scandal’ promoted by a legislature more interested in blocking all things government action and keeping their gerrymandered seats instead of doing their damn job. anyone with any sense in the US realized years ago that clinton would be the leading candidate for this ellection, congress jumped on that fact and started their witch hunt to discredit her. you’ll notice they toned it way down during the primaries when bernie was doing well; they didn’t want her to loose since they’d spent so much time on their smear campaign (and banging their collective heads against obamacare).

    maybe if the party as a whole had spent some actual time these last 8 years actually doing something productive, like pushing for legislative change that wouldn’t get struck down immediately, they’d be better off and not have a lunatic as their leading figure.

  5. present your proof.

  6. I actually went to wikileaks and looked at the stuff they revealed and it was really minor to a politician. 95% of US politicians are corrupt, nothing new here. They all do unethical things on both sides of the political party.

  7. valgarlienheart .

    Because they have a hard on for Clinton, and Kim DotCom… and Assange…

    Jesus why the fuck do i visit this site for tech news?

  8. Yeah I know what you mean. This MSI sh1t needs some media attention.