Home / Software & Gaming / Black Ops III massively outsold Infinite Warfare in 2016

Black Ops III massively outsold Infinite Warfare in 2016

With the top 100 best sellers list on Steam now released, we know that Call of Duty Black Ops III outsold its franchise sequel, Infinite Warfare, by quite a margin. Although we don't have hard numbers, while Black Ops III made it into the Gold Category in Valve's list, Infinite Warfare only made it into Bronze.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare showed problems early on in its public life, becoming one of the most disliked trailers ever when it debuted in May. This didn't help the usual heavily promoted CoD pre-order cycle, which saw its numbers of reserved copies down when compared to its predecessor. Sales look to have backed that up too, with Black Ops III still outselling the much newer game.

Activision hasn't given us any concrete numbers, but following on from reports that UK physical retail sales of Infinite Warfare were down by large margins this year, Steam's top sellers of 2016 list tells us much more. It puts Black Ops III in the Gold sales category, while Infinite Warfare rests in Bronze.


I like to imagine he's sitting on a copy of Infinite Warfare, making sure no one plays it

Black Ops III was released in November 2015, so it's hardly an old title. It has had an extra 11 months of availability over the latest Call of Duty title too, which is perhaps one of the reasons BOIII has done as well as it has. But Advanced Warfare (the 2014 CoD release) had that same ‘advantage' and it never outsold its franchise sequel.

Infinite Warfare was still a big release and a big seller, but it's just not captured anything like its predecessors' audiences. Perhaps the most telling piece of evidence is that right now, Infinite Warfare doesn't even feature as one of the top 100 most popular games on Steam. Black Ops III however, still has many thousands playing every day.

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KitGuru Says: It seems like a lot of you skipped this year's Call of Duty. What was it about Infinite Warfare that turned you guys off?

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  1. That’s a pity. I really liked the single player campaign of Infinite Warfare.

  2. They would be better off selling copies of modern warfare remastered on its own and making back the money they lost on infinite failure.

  3. The single player campaign was actually fun but the multi player and the maps are horrible. I really wanted boots to the ground and some bigger maps like Ghost. BO3 was a much better multi player experience than either IW or aw in my opinion. I think cod has lost its way and needs to get back to its roots. Or just Remaster BO2 🙂

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  5. Worst multiplayer fps I’ve ever played and that’s pretty much the only genre I play. CoD is also my favorite franchise. This and the last few years of CoD have been getting worse and worse especially when it comes to porting. They don’t care about pc anymore. Hope 2017 CoD changes that or it will be the saddest moment in my gaming career. 10-11 years of religious CoD playing coming to end…?

  6. The multiplayer maps are designed to eliminate camping. The problem is lots of players like to camp, including me. So, if they don’t want me or other Campers as a customer, then fine, but that seems like a really stupid move business wise.

    There really aren’t any guns like the Dingo or ICR that tailor to the casual fan either. We aren’t going to learn to jump and aim a high recoil sub machine gun in mid air. So, us casual fans need guns with good aim and little sway. IW doesn’t provide that.

    One of the big breakthroughs of the AW and BO3 was the facial expressions on the players, especially BO3. They brought the game to life and made the winners circle worth watching. IW doesn’t even try with facial expression.

    The map design is poor. On one map when you play free for all, the spawn points basically point at each other so you just can drop and pick off guys as they spawn.

    Considering they had two years to work on it, Infinity Ward sure screwed the pooch on this game.

    For any game to have staying power, the multiplayer has to be compelling and cater to a wide variety of playing styles. The multiplayer on IW blows.

  7. If another call of duty has boxing gloves as a weapon or part of what should be CAMO customization, not silly costumes, I will swear off the franchise. Also, not being good at a game is not a good reason to think it blows.

  8. If you did reasonably well at the prior iterations of the game, and that style of play has been effectively eliminated, yes, it is.

  9. Logical point. We have very different reasons for not liking the game which is worse than people not liking it for the same reason. It is broken in more ways than one. All we can do is hope they do better this year.