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Sony defends PS4 Pro 4K marketing, claims its not misleading

While 1080p/60 may have been a better target for the PlayStation 4 Pro, Sony has been keenly pushing the promise of 4K gaming. This has been achievable for some games, like The Elder Scrolls Online and even The Last of Us Remastered but other titles, like Horizon: Zero Dawn will not be running at native resolution and will instead use ‘checkerboard rendering’. Still though, Sony does not believe that it is misleading to push the PS4 Pro as a 4K console.

In an interview with Digital Spy, Sony Interactive Entertainment head, Andrew House, confirmed that the Sony is expecting most games make use of the Checkerboard technique to render titles at a 2K resolution and upscale to 4K: “I would say the majority will be upscaled – at least based on the game portfolio I have seen to date”.


After admitting that, House was pressed on whether he thought it was misleading to push the PS4 Pro as a 4K gaming console despite the majority of games using a form of upscaling, to which he replied:

“I think that whatever the term is, it's a question of whether people see a demonstrable difference in the game experience or not, rather than the term we use to apply to it. I think that's what people are looking for and they'll make their judgement as to whether that's working for them or not.”

Right now, the PS4 Pro roster is mostly filled with older games that were being developed long before this new hardware entered the picture. Time will tell if developers will design future games with native 4K in-mind, or if they will rely on checkerboard rendering instead. However, from the sounds of it, Sony isn’t convinced we will see that many games running at native resolution.

KitGuru Says: There has been a lot of mixed messaging from Sony when it comes to the PS4 Pro and in many ways, it feels like the console is being used as a tool to help bump Sony’s falling TV sales. Still, it sounds like House was being realistic here, which is a nice change following on from the rather confusing PS4 Pro announcement presentation.

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  1. Well, this changes this a bit….

  2. It is a con…..
    Anything advertised as 4k gaming should be running native 4k not upscaled

  3. Pointless console update, anyway. It won’t do 1080p@60FPS for older games that can currently only handle 30FPS. So, why give this console 2x the GPU power if there’s no benefit to people not using 4k?

  4. no 60fps for lower resolutions and next to no titles that can natively support the advertised resolution. Can Sony just grow a pair and admit this was a marketing scheme to get people to spend their money more often?

  5. Sony lie

  6. Oh by all means let the same sheep that enjoy paying monthly homage to Sony for letting them use their own Internet be the judge of native 4K resolution VS upscaled 1080p.
    They’ve seen it before so they should know right?

  7. So you would think that for the people not having a 4K TV that the PS4 Pro would detect this and run the game at the full 60 FPS. This seems like poor planning by Sony all it would take is for them to have the detection built inot ot he software and the dev’s have the 2 supported modes 30 FPS for 4K and 60 FPS for 1080p not all that hard to do really and would allow everyone that buys into the new PS4 Pro the ability to see the advantages of the new hardware. This seems like a half baked attempt by Sony to just bleed more money out of people for the 2016 Christmas season because if they had actually waited and done it right maybe it would not now seem like a useless new product. Like marketing it as a 4K device but rendering at 2K and up scaling it to 4K and 30 fps is not any better than the now up scaled to 1080p & 30 fps for the normal PS4. Yes it may be a bit sharper and maybe have a few more textures and effects added here and there.

    I still think this new unit should not be marketed as a 4K gaming device when it clearly does not have the power to do that. Market it at 1080p 60 fps and 2K up scaled 4K 30 fps or get out of town I see law suites happening from this for sure. To any one who thinks not just look at some of the other current law suites people are doing to companies now days it is just a matter of time. I hope Microsoft does it right and actually adds enough power under the hood to market the new xbox one as a 4K gaming device and it actually can do it at 60 fps or 30 fps let the user decide whether they want 60 fps with a bit less detailing or 30 fps with maxed out detailing.

    Maybe that is why it will be Holiday season 2017 before the new xbox comes out they are waiting for AMD to come out with a new GPU chip with more juice so they can truely deem their next xbox as a better option for 4K than the half baked PS4 Pro will be. I was actually going to get a PS4 pro up until the facts started coming out about how Sony is going to go about using the new hardware.

  8. You want 4k 60fps? Then buy a skylake i7 cpu, with a TITAN GTX, or forget about it. No cheap 400-500 dollar console is going to deliver that in more then a few games for years yet!

    Consoles are a cancer. An obsolete model designed to make rich people richer and nothing more.

  9. if sony use the same tech as titan x then i would believe them but then again it is going to expensive hahaHHa

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  11. WhateverYouWantItToBe

    And even then, not even the highest GPUs have truly mastered 4K on all games.

  12. That is down to the games themselves a lot of the time, we like to push for more power and blame our own PC’s way to often for low FPS, if you look at a game like Doom that has awesome graphic’s but also 60+ FPS on most card’s, it goes to show that not only our hardware is to blame.

  13. WhateverYouWantItToBe

    yeah true, just saying that even for the far superior platform, 4K is no easy task.

  14. So true a con, just like the junk reply made on your comment.

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