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Windows 10 has surpassed 400 million installs

It has been around 14 months since Windows 10 first launched and despite the free upgrade offer being taken off the table, it looks like people are still switching over to the new operating system at a fast rate, with over 400 million PCs now running it. In-fact, so far, Windows 10 adoption has been 115 percent faster than Windows 7.

These numbers are all based on the latest stats from Microsoft (via ZDNet)and while things are going well, it is clear at this point that Windows 10 likely won't be hitting 1 billion installs by 2018- a goal that Microsoft went back on earlier this year.


While Windows 10 is still growing at a good rate, adoption has fallen since the free upgrade offer ended. Microsoft was seeing around 30 million new installs per month prior to July, which has now fallen to 16.6 million per month since then. At this rate, Microsoft could still hit its goal of 1 billion Windows 10 installs, but it will take a bit longer than initially hoped.

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KitGuru Says: Microsoft was putting a lot of hope on Windows Phone sales to bump up its Windows 10 install numbers. However, the company has seen some delays on that front, slowing down progress a bit. How many of you have made the jump to Windows 10? What do you think of it so far? I had a relatively smooth experience until the anniversary update, which did introduce a few issues but they seem to have been ironed out now. 

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One comment

  1. a couple hundred million, and all along MSFT did forced installs, bad forced updates so likely many of these were multiple installs due to no fault of their own, forced installs of folks never wanting Win10 in first place, and not having choice of a crappier OS from buying new computer or having it placed on there from places “under the gun” to use it.

    Win10 is just utter crap with all the same plus more poor design choice brought in via Vista-8-8.1, it could and should have been a merging of beyond 8.1 for its core abilities and performance but win7 for its GUI and PROPER start menu/control panel instead it is a cluster of crappy decisions all in one package, lets intentionally spy on our customers(and sell this information to various game developers government agencies etc) and force their updates, lock them out of their own software/hardware if not using recent drivers, give them a god awful GUI and top it off with things they dont want but cannot turn off, because we can, that is MSFT that is Win10.

    I might use it when have no other choice, but until then I will continue to use my Win7 which just works perfectly fine and as I expect it to, and with Vulkan by Khronos Group being smart will support Win7 with all the GPU and CPU optimization that DX12 bring to the table(and more without having ludicrous locking it down tactics) why bother getting a crappier OS just to get a few new games that will never be likely to take advantage of DX12 features.

    MSFT could have easily made Win7-8-8.1 “as a service” and given us all that is/comes available with Win10, cause they said themselves they make the vast majority of $ from the services and data mining, not the OS itself.

    MSFT the “non Apple, Apple would be proud of”