Home / Software & Gaming / Watch Dogs 2 patch adds new ending cutscene, hints at London for next game

Watch Dogs 2 patch adds new ending cutscene, hints at London for next game

Watch Dogs 2 has been out for a couple of months now and while the game didn't sell as well as Ubisoft had initially hoped, it looks like we can expect the franchise to continue. Watch Dogs 2 received a patch earlier this week, which made a peculiar adjustment to the very end of the game, seemingly revealing the location for Watch Dogs 3.

The change was embedded as part of a 10GB-14GB patch (depending on platform), which introduces some bits and pieces in preparation for Season Pass content. However, it also added a new cutscene to the end of the game, featuring a phone conversation between two off-screen characters. This will include spoilers for the end of Watch Dogs 2 so don't read further if you'd like to avoid that.

The new ending to Watch Dogs 2 takes place after beating the final mission. Dedsec took down the evil corporations and successfully spread their message. However, after that message goes out, we hear a phone conversation, setting up Watch Dogs 3, you can see it in video form, HERE. Alternatively, we have the text down below:

Man 1: How much of this is hyperbole? Has it really gone global?
Man 2: There are new DedSec cells popping up everywhere. The Middle East, South America, Europe. And not just them. We can't even keep up with all the new hacktivist groups.
Man 1: Alright. Make the call.
Man 2: You Sure?
Man 1: Do it.

While the phone conversation is playing out, the following coordinates can be seen: 51.462014, -0.112504. Typing this into Google Maps will take you to the Brixton area of London, hinting that the next Watch Dogs game will take place in the UK.

KitGuru Says: Aside from the fact that the next Watch Dogs game is likely set in the UK, the phone conversation reveals a number of other options for future games in the series, including South America, the Middle East and elsewhere in Europe. Did any of you guys play Watch Dogs 2? Where would you like to see the next game take place? 

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  1. How in the name of hell do you keep your face hidden in London? As soon as you start hiding your face and talking on a mobile while rummaging in a rucksack you’ll be tasered and entertained at her majesty’s pleasure before you can say ‘im not your man Guvnor’.

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