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Warner Bros has acquired Machinima

Back in 2014, we saw Disney acquire the YouTube network Maker Studios for $500 million, a huge move and the first time a major studio acquired a YouTube network. Now, Warner Bos. is following that lead and is acquiring full control of Machinima, who are best known as one of the first networks on YouTube to focus on gaming content.

Machinima will be joining Warner Bros' Digital Networks, a division in place to build digital and on-demand video services. The announcement was made today by Warner's digital networks president, Craig Hughes, who noted that there is quite a bit of overlap between fans of Warner Bros' own content and Machinima: “Machinima is a strong gamer and fandom content and social brand with enormous reach and high engagement with audiences that play our games and are big fans of DC films and television shows”.


Warner Bros first invested in Machinima back in 2014 and the two companies have been actively involved ever since, with lots of cross-promotion. Now that Machinima is owned by Warner Bros, the company can take better advantage of specific IPs, like the DC Universe.

At this time, we do not know how much money was exchanged for full control over Machinima.

KitGuru Says: Warner Bros and Machinima have been cosying up with brand deals for years so this move isn't too unexpected. If you happen to watch a lot of Machinima content, you should probably expect to see even more Warner Bros stuff going forward.

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  1. machinima has been loosing all its good talent for years, can’t see this helping.

  2. Haven’t watched anything from Machinima for years. They lost their touch a while ago.

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