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Microsoft lowers Surface Book cost barrier by cutting out discrete GPU

Microsoft's took its first steps into the laptop market back in 2015 with the launch of the Surface Book and as impressive as it was, the laptop was also very expensive and thanks to the inclusion of a discrete Nvidia GPU, its value hasn't really depreciated at all since. This has unfortunately kept the Surface Book out of reach for many however, that is changing this week with the introduction of cheaper units without a discrete GPU.

Microsoft did attempt to lower the cost barrier late last year with the addition of a Core i5/GTX 965M configuration but the price on that was still $1699.99. With these new units, a Surface Book can now be had for as low as $1299.99, which should help Microsoft reel in a few students and professionals who don't need any GPU horsepower for work.

Microsoft's new $1299 addition features a 128GB SSD, an Intel Core i5 and 8GB of RAM, putting it more in line with lower end MacBook Pros spec-wise while also undercutting the price. Unfortunately if you want 256GB of storage without a GPU, it will cost you $1699.99, which isn't a great deal at all, especially when you consider the fact that this is the same price as the Core i5 256GB model with a discrete GPU.

If you do happen to be a student though, you could always use Microsoft's 10 percent student discount to save a bit extra.

KitGuru Says: One of these lower-end Surface Books would have been perfect for me back in my college days for note taking and general browsing. In fact, I could see many opting to use this over the new 13-inch MacBook Pro, particularly now that the MacBook's are more expensive out of the gate than they were before. Have any of you guys used a Surface Book at all before? What did you think of it?

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  1. KitGuru Says: One of these lower-end Surface Books would have been perfect for me back in my college days for note taking and general browsing. REALLY???? Back in my days we took notes on this miraculous stuff called paper and the only WINDOWS we had was version 1.0 yes the glass one and let me tell you it looked straight out onto the netball courts and I had a thing for Wendy Jackson, I spent most of my senior summer with a levitating desk and a bite mark on my knuckles.

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  3. Why is this perfect for students? I’ve never been able to understand that so many students seems to think they need a $1300+ laptop, when they can make due with less than half.

    So often students complain that college is expensive, but then they go out and buy a MacBook where a very simple laptop would suffice. One reason why apple is making so much money.

    You don’t need a laptop to take notes. Research even shows that it doesn’t work as well as pen and paper: you learn less and you distract others. Two of my profs decided to ban laptops from lectures and everybody seems happy, nobody protested. Buy what you need, not what looks cool.

  4. They are poor and in debt precisely because they do not know the value of “value”. Any iTard deserves to be poor!

    On the other hand, I do not agree that pen & paper is better. I have lost all my paper notes from school except for those in my postgrad years taken on laptops (saved in Dropbox and archived to harddisks).

    Go figure.

  5. It’s not about keeping notes, but learning. I’m just citing the research, which is not about whether you subsequently keep the notes after a course is finished.

    I make notes on articles both digitally and with pen, and I feel I remember the paper and my notes better if I used a printed version. Then again, when I write a paper I still have to go back to the source material either way.

    But N=1 isn’t particularly good evidence, you should know that if you’ve gone to grad school 😉