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Microsoft may have sneakily revealed Project Scorpio’s release date

We are just a few days away from Microsoft's E3 press conference, which by all accounts will have a significant focus on Project Scorpio. Microsoft has been teasing its Scorpio reveal all week but it looks like fans are starting to pick up on the hidden messages, with one in particular seemingly revealing the release date for the console.

In Microsoft's most recent ‘Feel True Power' teaser for Project Scorpio, there is a scene with a stage and a code written on it. Twitter user ‘XboxInGame' analysed this teaser frame by frame and pointed out that the code reads “X10S101-317”, which has been deciphered as the X10S going on sale on the 10/13/17. This is written in US date format, so this would read as the 13th of October 2017.


Microsoft has previously said that Scorpio will launch in the holiday season, so an October release date fits right in. Beyond that, the spec for the console has been finalised for quite some time, giving developers plenty of time to start work on bringing games to the new console.

With all of that in mind, the proposed October release date seems likely. We will find out for sure during Microsoft's E3 conference on Sunday. If you want to tune in to the livestream, you can find all of the details surrounding the big E3 conferences this year in our schedule guide.

KitGuru Says: After seeing Digital Foundry's hardware coverage of Scorpio, I am very excited to see what Microsoft has up its sleeve for E3. It will all be for nothing if there are no new exciting games, it seems that Halo and Gears just aren't cutting it for Xbox anymore, so it's time to bring in some fresh IP. 

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  1. What use is a high-powered console if you don’t have the games to play on it. I’ve moved away from MS after the 360 and so far I have not regrets. It’s not like the PS4 is gamer heaven, sure, but it’s a lot better than nothing.

  2. Xbox is pretty much part of me and my wife’s daily life, screw the exclusives. It’s much more than just a gaming machine. For £200 it’s our Blu-ray player for movie nights, we watch all our YouTube videos on it, on a 49″ screen not huddled round a monitor, we watch Netflix, Amazon prime and BBC iPlayer on it. Then when my wife’s at work I spend hours on Forza 6 and Horizon 3, I’m playing Final Fantasy 15 and I’m 40 relaxed hours into Fallout 4.
    Then at 9pm I put the PC on and game till 12 with my mates. Will I buy a Scorpio…yeah probably, 4k is coming whether I can see the difference or not and in a year or two it’s going to be the standard, might as well be prepared and some games like Final Fantasy 15 could certainly use the help.

  3. “if you build it, they will come”

    Just because we aren’t hearing or reading about games for it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Marketing is largely about proper timing, and without the hardware available, what’s the use in talking about it? Other than those that purchased PS4 Pro or game on the PC, most current and potential Xbox owners won’t have a point of reference to judge.

    The last console I’ve owned was an SNES from the 90’s, if I get Scorpio I’m not concerned about year 2017 new game support. I don’t build a PC just to deal with the games out that year.

  4. If that logic worked, there’d be plenty of great and original IPs on One (and PS4). Alas, this console generation has been sorely lacking, relying largely on remakes—yes PS4, I’m looking at you.

    The number of great One exclusives is very small. It’s been out there long enough, what’s keeping the devs? There are plenty of games, sure, but few you can’t also get for PS4 or PC. I wouldn’t be so sure that Scorpio is going to be any different. So I’ll wait for now. I’ve actually got more faith in the Switch at this point, and that only has Zelda and Mario Kart going for it.

  5. Because it’ll have a 4k blu-ray player and it’ll play 4k content something my current launch Xbox won’t do and FF15 could use some serious AA/AF. Plus I know that the next Forza games will be in 4K and those games are the only reason I need to buy a console, I like to race on my big TV not sitting at my PC desk. Anyway at the end of the day a consoles pocket change over its life, what are we talking? the price of my last processor, the price I’ve spent on cases in the last year or two lol and we use it every single day.

  6. I’m not sure about that, I think the consoles now are about much more than the games, in fact the games are just about given away. The shift is towards recurring memberships and promoting their own media streaming software and the advertising that comes with it and nobody does that better than the new Kings of bloatware Microsoft. I’ve just re-installed Windows 10 on a NVME drive and I can’t believe the amount of rubbish I had to uninstall. The Switch better strengthen its game catalogue quick because it doesnt have a plan B.

  7. Gavin Alexander Rushworth

    You can plug a PC into a TV and fully remote control it with a smart phone FYI (So the huddled around a monitor bit is a little… pointless as a point 😛 )

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    ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleMoneyTree211ImageQuick$97hourly/Careers ★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫★★★✫::::::!ym211c:.,…

  9. Fair enough, there’s a lot of profit in that. But still, as a gamer, I’d like to have actual games, and those membership things so far aren’t worth the investment. Certainly not of a supposedly 4k console.

  10. So you’re already going to have to upgrade from One to Scorpio within a few years; that console life span is severely limited then. Not the 10+ years that the last generation offered, but only a few. Not unlike what a lot of PC gamers already do.

    For most people these arguments just don’t hold. But then, I guess Scorpio is targeting a niche market anyway, because only a very small percentage of people own a 4k capable TV.

    At the end of the day, it’s not about one product in a vacuum. It’s a few hundred quid you can spend in a lot of other ways, and if Microsoft wants to sell Scorpio if will have to show consumers that they not only should not spend it on another console, but not on something else they might find a lot more useful. Sure it’s pocket change over a five to ten year period, but you still expect people to pay it all at one go, and for most people a big investment isn’t done lightly.

  11. How much would it cost to build a PC to plug into my TV? More than a £200 Xbox? My PC is in my office upstairs. You are creating a solution to a problem to a problem I don’t have. Just buy an Xbox lol.

  12. Lucas, he did not “have’ to. He choose to. There is a big difference.