Home / Component / Graphics / KitGuru reader poll: Just 3.3% think current Nvidia GPU prices are reasonable

KitGuru reader poll: Just 3.3% think current Nvidia GPU prices are reasonable

KitGuru readers are always active on social media, so over the weekend we asked our Facebook readers to let us know what they thought of Nvidia's current graphics card pricing. Close to a thousand of you shared your thoughts with us so today, we are sharing the results of the poll.

In our poll, just 1.4 percent of voters judged Nvidia GPU prices as ‘great value and not too expensive'. Meanwhile, 34.9 percent deemed current pricing as very expensive. A larger portion of the voters (42.2 percent) deemed current GPU prices as ‘quite expensive', indicating that there is a good chunk of people out there still willing to pony up the cash, even if prices are high. Still, the most telling metric is that just 3.3 percent of voters deem current Nvidia GPU prices as ‘reasonable'.

Currently Nvidia has a pretty broad slate of GPUs on its roster and it is rare to find one actually selling at suggested retail pricing- something that Nvidia can't actually control. The main problem with the current Pascal lineup however, is that it is quite flooded in the high-end segment. The GTX 1070 and GTX 1070Ti both squeeze in to the £400-£500 segment. Meanwhile the GTX 1080 with a custom cooler can also be found for around the £500 mark on Amazon.

From there, the GTX 1080Ti makes a big leap upwards, with custom cooled versions often going for well over £700 and some breaking the £800 barrier. With Volta on the way and very little competition from AMD's Vega GPUs, it does make us wonder what Nvidia's pricing slate will look like this time next year.

KitGuru Says: Thanks to the readers who took the time to take part in our poll. GPU prices have been interesting to follow this year, with plenty of peaks and troughs along the way. Unfortunately, the current state of things doesn't necessarily paint a bright picture for the future. 

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  1. these feel expensive and they are costly. One could figure out that they are intended to last 3-4 years they are priced at about ten bucks a month. even a gtx 1070ti at 510usd if you play at 1080p will still be well worth it for the next 4 years and at 10usd a month thats 480usd. so that makes it about 35cents a day in a 28day month.

  2. Nikolas Karampelas

    It is a bit hard to judge since we don’t know what profit margins there are in a card we may want, but comparing prices from back when I got my 7850 for around 170-180 euros and what I can get now with that money, I really feel like they ask for way too much money compared to what I gain in performance after all those years. I mean I was expecting at this money to be able to get at least a 1060 or a 570.

  3. Yes, and that’s what we deserve for supporting a monopoly, because people did not buy AMD when Fermi was having troubles, People still think AMD drivers are really bad, which is utter BS, some even ignoring/don’t know what AMD offer cuz they are lazy to research….and now people are complaining about prices… You’ve done this to yourselves, now swallow the results. It’s going to get WORSE. nVidia is a corporation, REMEMBER that for once. You vote with you wallet.

  4. Actually, 12% of people thought the prices are good. Read your data better.

  5. I TOTALLY disagree with you. AMD before the RX 4xx had been rebranding/refreshing the same hot shitty architecture since 2012 it was out. If you combine with some really bad drivers releases over time you can see AMD lost its reputation. Fermi was actually a bad microarchitecture for Nvidia but it didn’t really have a serious competitor. Yes 270X/280x/290 where powerful but still rebrand of ATI 7xxx series. So ppl prefered something bad but stable rather someting not really but but software unstable. I remind you that AMD even w/ RX series had problems.
    AMD gained some of its reputation back with Ryzen CPU’s and Rx 5 series. So they will have the money for some R&D in GPU’s. In CPU’s we saw that Intel was feared and prices went down. i7 7700K in Greece is sold under 290€ when on Feb was priced up to 380€.

    So just be patient.
    For the history i own a GTX 770 and I am still very satisfied with my purchase

  6. Meh, GTX 1060 6bg is worth about 170… 1070 about 389. That’s my opinion. The 1060 6gb has aged and will be on it’s medium setting only leg by the end of 2018(AAA titles). Buying one now for $239 for is basically buying a year of average gaming before an upgrade is needed for 2019. It held it’s value till now but should show signs of diminishing price because of time.

  7. The MARKET determines the price a product commands, not poor gamers who live in their parents basement, or AMD lying crying Advocate fanatics who hate seeing Nvidia make a profit with their Performance Per Watt Champion GPUs that Dominate the market, while AMD can’t make a Buck selling watt wasting GPUs.

  8. Sadly I miss Voodoo. So Nvidia has been great but I have to wait until the prices drop to upgrade. I have only used AMD for gaming since 1995 have never used their video cards. I wanted to upgrade my my PC last year but was waiting for AMD to embrace the DDR4 first.

  9. I’m not sure I understand the context of this survey. Was it in response to the Titan V?

    If it’s a comment about the overall Nvidia (specific) line up, I disagree. If it’s about all GPUs in the market today (nvidia and AMD), I agree.

    At RRPs around £140, £250, £350, £500 and £700, the main consumer GPU prices will make sense. Its a 1080 at £500 bad value compared to a £500 Vega (even though it’s been out 15 months longer)? No. Ditto for 1060, 1070, 1080ti etc. They all fit in the performance and price hierarchy alongside the AMD cards. I won’t argue about 1070s costing £450 because that’s under extraordinary circumstances – the same that affects the entire AMD line from 470 and up.

  10. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Some GPUs were rebranded, doesn’t change the fact that they were performing well. AMD hasn’t had bad drivers for years now. The only thing “bad” about them was that the UI on those 5-6 year old drivers was outdated. That’s it.

    Oh, and AMD had problems with RX series? Oh please, tell me wise one. Tell me what kind of problems they have had, and I’ll tell you how much issues nVidia had and people STILL FUCKING BOUGHT THOSE GPUs. GTX 500 series was rebranded GTX 400 series. And do I have to remind you how shit 400 was? 500 wasn’t much better either, but it sold like hotcakes. While AMD was getting VERY far ahead of nVidia during that period. People tend to forget how good HD 6000 and ESPECIALLY HD 5000 series was.
    HD 5870 was already one generation old GPU when GTX 560 Ti got released. 5870 used to cost less, had higher performance and lower power draw. Yet everyone treated the 560 Ti as some sort of a godsend. A godsend outperformed by a generation old GPU.

    He who forgets history is doomed to repeat it. You kept buying the same old tosh nVidia gave you because it was fucking nVidia. AMD’s HD 5000 series sold less than GTX 400 series. That’s where the issue is.

  11. You obviously have no clue wtf you are talking about. Begone AMD fanboi fag !

  12. We didn’t buy into AMD’s lame BS, ” First to DX10 Marketing” game because AMD rushed to the DX10 market with a lame old DX9 tessellation engine, while Fermi’s tess engine took advantage of DX10 BIGGEST VISUAL Benefit Tessellation with a very powerful tess engine that even now blows AMD tess engine into the stone age.

    Fermi wasn’t the problem, the problem was the watt wasting 40 nm process node that it was built on, low yields inefficient 40nm process stayed stagnate for way too long. So Stop lying and crying, AMD’s Rebrandeon GPUs still have a wimpy lame game tess engine even though they’re all WATT SUCKERS. AMD was GeForced to to use high cost low yield HBM to compete with Nvidia’s MASSIVE Performance Per Watt advantage, but even with AMD’s use of HBM’s inherent efficiency advantage AMD/Glofo’s inferior uArch/process their GPUs are still underperforming Watt Suckers.

  13. We didn’t buy into AMD’s lame BS, ” First to DX10 Marketing” game because AMD rushed to the DX10 market with a lame old DX9 tessellation engine, while Fermi’s tess engine took advantage of DX10 BIGGEST VISUAL Benefit Tessellation with a very powerful tess engine that even now blows AMD tess engine into the stone age.

    Fermi wasn’t the problem, the problem was the watt wasting 40 nm process node that it was built on, low yields inefficient 40nm process stayed stagnate for way too long. So Stop lying and crying, AMD’s Rebrandeon GPUs still have a wimpy lame game tess engine even though they’re all WATT SUCKERS. AMD was GeForced to to use high cost low yield HBM to compete with Nvidia’s MASSIVE Performance Per Watt advantage, but even with AMD’s use of HBM’s inherent efficiency advantage AMD/Glofo’s inferior uArch/process their GPUs are still underperforming Watt Suckers.

  14. Let me ask you, how many AMD GPUs did you own ? Did u just buy 1, had 1 problem and tossed it out the next generation? You clearly should look back at history. AMD was a generation ahead when Fermi had to be rebranded to 500 series. Again, here is where the mind share took effect that the name “nVidia” sounds “cool” to everyone.
    Go read some Anandtech articles.

  15. HAHA.

  16. I gave them second chance after 4870 and bought rx 470.i play only 3 games and in ALL of them i had CRITICAL BUGS that prevent me to play them.in HOTS i had black square mouse and had to restart pc in la2 gpu drivers crashed all the time and i always die and also it had problems with 144hz as my screen blinked.THEIR DRIVERS STILL HORRIBLE PIECE OF JUNK,THATS WHY I GONE TO NVIDIA AFTER 4870.returned this crap by RMA and bought 1060 6gb.now everything is PERFECT

  17. One can simply not upgrade as often without having to choose competition. I’ve never understood the need keep up.

  18. 🙂

  19. 🙂

  20. I love my 1070 but paying 300 UK pounds a year is early for a top range 970 then 430 pounds for the same 1070 equivalent is too high but it’s a choice I feel was taken out of my hands.

  21. Nope it wasn’t nvidia Sounding cool that took me from 12 years of amd gpu, it was that they worked at lower temperatures while at faster over the caked speed all making other my 970 g1 gamer quiet and mybzotact 1070amp extr me under audible. Yeh its a hundred ponds. More but I don’t hear my gpu or worry about temps. Anymore. The ms the real reasons. I. Moved to nvidia. Driver wise I had same problems with amd and nvidia. Which was very rare At best

  22. i’m with you even when AMD had much better GPUs, Nvidia outsold them by a large margin just because of the brand

  23. Forget about Nvidia graphics cards being overpriced. What about the price INSANITY of G-Sync monitors?

  24. Let me guess – you are buying cards based on noise and temps and don’t like to fiddle with changing fan graphs and clock speeds and such.
    I buy cards based on their price/performance. Noise is the thing I MOSTLY sacrifice (cuz I have headphones and I barely even hear my computer fans, that go 75% now that I put RX Vega 64 in my loop)

  25. you guys all Astound me? …… all I want is a card I can afford that does the biz.

  26. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    I find it funny how you just simply ignore the fact that AMD ignored tessellation because it just generally gimped performance all around. So not because they “rushed into dx10” but because they were trying to avoid something that happened in the future – Crysis 2.

    Besides, you’re trying to defend Fermi (or rather, Thermi) – a GPU that by all standards was so utterly shit that 99% of people would rather forget about it. The fact that the 2nd iteration of Fermi sold like hotcakes (I still remember the craze about the 560 Ti even tho it was mediocre).
    While AMD was on their pinnacle. AMD has been pushing technology further and further. While nVidia was struggling with the trainwreck that was 400 series, Radeon 5000 series was possibly AMD’s best generation. And the fact that 400 sold more on average than 5000…

    Fermi WAS the problem. nVidia was pursuing the wrong thing, and by making 500 series like 10% less shit, people thought of it as the 2nd coming of Christ.
    If we went by everything bad that one side has (what’s complete whataboutism, but I stopped giving a shit once you started defending Fermi), we’d right now struggle to find any bits of nVidia alive. nVidia lived through the Geforce 9000 series (a rebrand) all the way until they made a decent GPU with the 600 series by their old “glory”. Just by the fact that GF 8000 series was good, people completely forgot about what GF 200, 400 and 500 series did. You’re doing the same. Forgetting EVERY issue that nVidia had before. Or rather, choosing to ignore it (I’m not surprised about that tho, you’re not the only one).

    AMD has had many a great GPUs, but people didn’t buy them. Tell me why, oh “wise” one. Or will you insist on exemplifying the Dunning-Kruger effect even further?

  27. Loved the Fermi 580/560ti had 2 of each, great tess engine that showcased DX10 MOST IMPORTANT VISUAL Feature, not like AMD’s BSing claimed rush to be first to DX10 with a lame old DX9 tess engine. AMD NEVER had a GPU worth buying, ATI did!

  28. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Thanks for proving me right. I said 400 series was shit, not 500. Albeit 500 isn’t much better either.
    And the fact that you have to go to insulting me proves that you’re outta arguments (not that you’ve had any decent ones to begin with).
    Anyways, the fact of the matter is, if nVidia now released a completely shit, overpriced GPU that underperforms and eats more power than entire NASA, people would still fucking buy it, and you’re the evidence for that.

  29. Both the 400 and 500 Fermi GPUs had powerful DX10 Tessellation engines that made AMD’s pathetic rushed to be first to support DX10 tess engine look like a lame old DX9 tess engine. OH that’s right debt dumb and R&D poor AMD tried to fool gamers by using its lame old DX9 tess engine that was exposed by Fermi’s FULL support of MS DX10 most important visual feature TESSELLATION.

    Don’t blame Fermi for a 40nm process node that lasted far too long and sucked too many watts. It’s your debt dumb and R&D poor AMD that has been shoving ReBrandeon GPUs out the door that for MANY years now despite still having a lame old tess engine and using high cost low yield HBM are ALL WATT SUCKERS. The joke’s on you AMD Advocate Watt Sucking fool.

  30. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Nah, Vega was shit, I ain’t arguing against that. Well, at least for some specific needs, Vega FE does a great job at work. Crushes CATIA and CAD.

    But the fact that YOU are defending a shit architecture, well, says that you’re projecting a bit too hard. And thanks for proving me right, once again. That Dunning-Kruger effect really does exist.

  31. Love Kitguru, but this poll is dumb. All AMD fanatics will post that Nvidia GPU prices are too high because they hate the Fact that nvidia makes money on their performance per watt champion Pascal while AMD’s Watt Sucking GPUs make next to no profits due to AMD being Geforced to use high cost, low yield HBM to desperately attempt to compete with Pascal. Really who would’ve known that gamers want powerful GPU Cheap, gamers want Pascal 1080ti for the price of a McDonald’s happy Meal.

  32. Fermi sold like hot cakes and coffee on a frigid frosty New Years day in Alaska so only a brainwashed AMD Advocate AMDog would say it’s uArch, ” was shit “. Nvidia’s Fermi pushed the 40nm process to the max and took advantage of AMD’s foolishly rushing to the DX10 market with a lame old DX9 tess engine and foolishly bumbled stumbled and fumbled the Dx10 tess ball which full DX10 support Fermi stole and scored a market dominating touchdown with. Nvidia’s has DOMINATED the market since Fermi with many generations of Performance Per Watt Champion GPUs while your overhyping late and lame AMD ReBrandeon GPUs are ALL WATT SUCKERS. AMD’s watt wasting Polaris couldn’t compete with Maxwell, high cost low yield HBM Vega is a late and lame Watt Sucker that is inferior to Pascal and the beat down will continue with Nvidia Volta.

    Happy New Year AMD Pumping Advocate AMDog.

  33. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Fermi sold like hotcakes for no reason. It was SHIT. Enjoy ignorance, cheers mate 🙂

    And yeah, happy new year. Gotta be polite, unlike you, since I ain’t a dickwad.

  34. idiot! how about vega retard?
    vega is same prices slower and more power hungry

    only vega 56 is good!
    can you imagine?

    vega 64 LC 699$ and now the prices is even higher 899- 999$
    with 350w tdp
    but slower than gtx 1080Ti in all DX12 and vulkan games

    you can see wolfenstein II
    the games use 4 special features from AMD
    1 vulkan
    2 occulus culling
    3 rapid packed math
    4 HBCC
    but cannot beat gtx 1080Ti
    especially in 4K
    its pathetic

    HBM was beaten by GDDR5X?

    so for AMD
    please stop pathetic bullshit marketing like future poop fine whine technology

    and make GOOD GPU
    the last good high end vga from AMD is 290x

    and for idiot fanboy stop spread bullshit like Navi WILLL beat Volta poor volta RIP nvidia etc (Nvidia has released volta, but AMD?
    not yet!)

    and stop blame another company like Nvidia hijacked game with gameworks etc! Nvidia paid the developer and benchmarker


    AMD driver is better? LOL
    you are trully AMTARD who didnt have a brain

    i have R9 390x
    and after crimson relive shiit
    my gpu is downclocked itself to 300Mhz and i cannot overclocked my gpu

    i wait for three times until amd update the driver but NEVERRR FIX the problem

    i used amd from 2006 my first amd gpu is X550 ATI then HD 4890 then R7 260x then R9 390x

    and now i replaced my amd shiit gpu to Nvidia

    in one months! my amd driver can crashed 2-3 times
    but nvidia NEVER! i buy nvidia from february 2017 till now never crashed

    my amd gpu cannot update directly from old driver
    i must uninstall with ddu and fresh install newest driver

    but NVIDIA never!

    so AMD driver still shiiiit until now
    AMD maybe add new amazing feature BUT
    they never fix stability of the driver

    AMD driver still suck till now

  35. LOL

    even Gtx 980Ti still faster than Fury X in wolfenstein II with 4 AMD special features

    gtx 980Ti future proof?
    cmon face the fact AMdumb

    the last good high end gpu from AMD is 290x
    Fury? suck
    vega? even worse LOL

  36. soo if i am a gamer
    should i buy VEGA FE ?

    and should i retired from gaming to become profesional workstastion?

    logical fallacy from AMTARD! LOL

  37. AMTARD always retard
    they are sub human “untermenschen” they are like blind sheep who ready to die for their religion AMD and their God Raja Koduri

    they will defend AMD fault no matter what a cost!

  38. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    I won’t bother responding to your arguments because you ain’t making any valid ones, I’ll just ask one thing. Genuinely, are you autistic? Because I, for the life of me can’t explain anything you just wrote.

  39. I can’t argue with someone with such autism. Sorry your arguments are completely off the charts. I did not argue anything about Vega nor Navi. Your BS is too much to fiddle with, F off.

  40. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Ignore him. From what I see, he’s just a extremely ignorant troll.

  41. better gpu?

    vega 64 LC 350w but still cannot defeat gtx 1080Ti
    in all games including DX12 games and vulkan especially on 4K

    and you say amd is better gpu


  42. LOL

    face the fact
    fury X cannot defeat gtx 980Ti in wolfenstein II

    wolfenstein II has 4 special features from AMD

    1. rapid lacked math
    2 vulkan
    3 occulus culing
    4 HBCC

    so Fury X is not FUTURE PROOF FINE WINE technology products from AMD

    eat shiit AMTARD

  43. yeah i love ATI

    AMD destroyed ATI LOL
    AMD is crap overhyped company who always spread bullshit and trick people with idiot “fine whine future poop technology”

    and blame their fault to another company
    “Nvidia hijacked the game”
    “Nvidia paid developer”

    and fucking shiiit! their fanboy spread the bullshit everywhere, and always butthurt about gameworks LOL

    if they dont like gameworks, WHY they dont force AMD (their idol company) to release AMD gameworks rather
    than they blame NVIDIA !

    IDIOT AMTARD scum of the world untermenschen