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Tencent “achieved nothing” in 2023 claims company CEO

Tencent remains a rather controversial part of the video games industry, with the company appearing seemingly out of nowhere a couple years ago to swoop up a whole host of studios while investing in others. Despite the heavy investment, Tencent’s CEO recently revealed that he feels as though the company “achieved nothing” in 2023.

As reported by Reuters, during the company’s most recent annual shareholder meeting, Tencent co-founder and CEO Pony Ma spoke on a number of road bumps the company is currently facing, saying:

“Gaming is our flagship business…But in the past year, we have faced significant challenges. We have found ourselves at a loss, as our competitors continue to produce new products, leaving us feeling having achieved nothing.”

While it is true that Tencent did not release too many games last year, the holding company has its fingers in many different pies, with partial stakes in a whole bunch of external developers and publishers.

So, while the company may feel as though it achieved nothing, Pony Ma and co. are likely still sitting pretty. Hopefully this doesn’t lead to a large round of lay-offs.

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