Home / Software & Gaming / Console / Xbox Series X|S has sold 25 million units according to estimates

Xbox Series X|S has sold 25 million units according to estimates

Late last year, Sony announced that the PlayStation 5 had officially sold over 50 million units since its release in November 2020. While Microsoft stopped reporting on Xbox’s sales years ago, thanks to Take-Two Interactive’s latest fiscal earnings meeting, we now have a strong estimate.

As mentioned, late last year Sony announced that it had sold over 50 million units (as of the 9th of December), marking an impressive milestone for the console – especially as its first 2 years of sales were gimped by supply issues.

As part of Take-Two Interactive’s latest fiscal report, the publisher revealed that 77 million 9th-gen consoles have been sold as of the 31st of December 2023. Due to the slight misalignment in dates between Sony and Take-Two’s announcements, it is safe to say that an additional 2 million consoles were sold during December (to give a conservative estimate).

In doing some quick maths, assuming Take-Two’s figures are accurate, then Microsoft has seemingly sold around 23-25 million Series consoles since its launch. Of course, with Microsoft themselves not reporting on console sales, all we will ever get for the system sales-wise are estimates.

While 25 million in 3 years is significantly less than PlayStation, the Xbox Series is by no means a failure – and so it is interesting to see that the company is considering going 3rd-party.

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KitGuru says: What do you think of these estimates? Is it more or less than you expected? Should Microsoft have doubled-down on consoles? Let us know down below.

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