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Phantom Blade Zero demo detailed – will be invite only

A couple days ago, the team at S-GAME released a new trailer for their upcoming spectacle fighter Phantom Blade Zero. Though no release date has been given, the team promised that a demo will be released sometime this year. Unfortunately, more details surrounding the demo have been revealed – including the fact that it will be an invite-only affair.

In an interview conducted by Exputer, Phantom Blade Zero’s producer and S-GAME founder Soulframe Liang discussed a range of topics, including the shift from mobile game development as well as the recently-released Chinese New Year trailer. In discussing the previously-announced demo for the game, Soulframe revealed that only a select number of people will get to experience the game ahead of release, saying:

“We are preparing a 30-minute demo open to a certain group of people invited from our social media. Testing is really important to collect feedback and generate a community of core players.”

While this is somewhat disappointing, Soulframe does explain their reasons for doing so, claiming that “Testing is alongside the whole development process of our game; it’s a part of development, not a marketing event. We don’t use demos to raise pre-orders but to polish the game in a real environment. It’s one of the several things we borrow from the mobile game developing experience. There are alpha, beta and pre-launch tests. I am not saying we would do the same, but I do love to have players get their hands on an early version of the game, and we polish the game further to the next test, from which players can see the progress.”

So, while the demo will seemingly be limited, in thinking of it more as a playtest than a demo, the decision to do so makes a great deal more sense. All that said, hopefully an actual demo is released at some point closer to the game’s release,

KitGuru says: What do you think of Phantom Blade Zero so far? Will you try to get into the demo when it is announced? When do you think the full game will come out? Let us know down below.

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