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AMD latest financial results – record earnings

We all knew that AMD would do very well in the 2nd quarter, our own newshound Faith had written a good article on the matter days ago. Their financial results released last night however were higher than most people expected – a record second quarter in fact. Total company revenues were $1.65 billion.

AMD have been on top form recently and CEO Dirk Meyer was keen to point out how well they were doing in the mobile sector, up 18 percent sequentially. The graphics arena has been their stronghold and even though they were constrained by supply they managed to deliver over 16 million DX11 parts. Graphics revenue alone rose by $400 million when compared to this time last year. A 70 percent increase is certainly not to be sniffed at.

Dirk Meyer - AMD CEO

So what does the future hold for AMD? Dirk Meyer said they would be sticking to the GPU roadmap with the new range of Direct X 11 parts possibly available before the end of 2010, just in time for the Christmas sales. In other news, the Bobcat APU with DX11 is still set for release in 2010 and is aimed towards the low power, low cost small form factor marketplace.

32nm is undergoing yield issues right now so Llano is reportedly pushed back to the first quarter of 2011. The process is still being handled by Globalfoundries.

KitGuru says: We are interested to see if this success story can be repeated in 2011.

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  1. Great news, they deserve success for the 5 series of video cards, their greatest range ever.

  2. I look forward to see the new 6 series of cards 🙂 hope they are as good as the 5s