Home / Software & Gaming / Man spends over 200,000 years playing Black Ops

Man spends over 200,000 years playing Black Ops

OK, we cheated a little, it's Man with a capital ‘M' and it includes all of them. Everyone of them. As a species. Including the females. Confused? KitGuru explains!
Data released by software publisher shows that humanity has now spent more than 600,000,000 hours playing BlackOps online since its release [that's six hundred million: Wow! – Ed].

So this game is popular then?
The game itself has now created more than $1 Billion in revenue for the Activision franchise and that's all happened since its release in November. Stunning. Absolutey stunning.
To put his achievement into context, the only film in human history to draw in that kind of money, at that speed, was Avatar.
Plenty of people still don't have Black Ops, so for every hour that ‘unconverted' person spends on ‘normal games', the die hard Call of Duty fan has to jog into battle at double time – just to log the extra hours.
Here's the last analogy on the subject. To achieve this figure collectively, every single XBox 360 owner on the planet would have to play Black Ops for at least one hour a day – every day – since its launch. Now THAT is a lot of soldiers marching into war.

Activision is actually expecting a further surge just after the Christmas holidays as all of the new XBox 360 owners (who set out to buy it just for the Kinect Dance programmes), decide to see what the fuss is about and drop some of the ‘money that falls out from envelopes' into the game.

KitGuru says: Will Black Ops be the biggest seller ever – or is this really just the start of a huge increase in game sales that will carry forward with each generation?

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