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KitGuru’s most disgusting expose ever? You tell us

Harsh? Maybe. But if the battle lines are not drawn, then things will just start to get ridiculous. So what's got KitGuru so hot and bothered on this fine, warm September day?

OK. It's Saturday, so we're allowed to stray from the well-trodden path of the tech gods.

Out shopping for life's essentials, we came across some seriously unwanted shelf stacking at the local brand of Sainsbury's.

It's still 6 weeks to Halloween

What was bring stacked?

Here's what.

No technology angle. No apologies. Christmas in September is just wrong.

Wow. The rip off really has started early this year with Sainsbury's.

Sainsburys' directors must be rubbing their greedy fat hands together & laughing their arses off.

KitGuru says: In all likelihood, the other scavengers like Tesco and Asda may well also have their Christmas crap out as well. We'll go and have a look for you and report it back. Any States-side readers want to let us know if a smelly Yule Log has been spotted in Wal-Mart ?

Bah Humbug below, Ho Ho Ho in the KitGuru forums.

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  1. gets earlier and earlier every year. bugs the shit out of me 🙁

  2. Yeah they should ban christmas starting until mid november. will be starting at easter soon

  3. When Wizard sang “Wish it could be Christmas every day”, they obviously hadn’t thought it through