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The Apple success story continues – 3 million iPads sold

A few weeks ago we reported that Apple iPad sales had broken the 2 million mark and the latest reports in show that in 80 days Apple have sold over 3 million units. Staggering figures when you consider the price.

The press all seem to have strong views on this, with many calling the steroid injected iPod overpriced, while others say the sales are justified due to the quality of the product. I have been using one for several months now and I would find it hard to be without. Its certainly not perfect, but with the wealth of applications available on the iTunes store you normally find something new to play with, every day. Its an almost constantly evolving gadget.

Initial sales were high in the USA and as other parts of the world now have access this means the growth is continuing on the same axis instead of slowing down. UK sales have been very impressive since it was launched however we would expect to see the figures slowing down shortly however due to rather high cost of the device … many poorer nations will have a much smaller adoption rate.

Analysts have puts their bets into the fray and said that by the end of the year around 10 million iPads will have been sold, which will certainly add to Apple's company value, which at last count had surpassed Microsoft at over 250 billion dollars.

Kitguru says: Are you an iPad lover, or do you hate them? let us know.

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  1. I hated them until I tried one and i gotta say, its rather sexy. Not sure id buy one, but if anyone would like to donate one for me, my email address is [email protected]

  2. I bought one, love it 🙂 Why not? its a cool gadget, many of the press people havent even tried one.