Home / Channel / Dell to release 7 inch Tablet – CEO says high growth to come

Dell to release 7 inch Tablet – CEO says high growth to come

Dell have detailed their second tablet computer in a move to enhance their mobile range – in a head to head battle with the Apple iPad for sales.

In a similar move to Samsung, Michael Dell said their 7 inch tablet will be running the Google Android operating system. They have yet to release detailed technical information on the product or the expected release date.

The tablet marketplace is a gold mine right now and all the major players are releasing tablet based computers, just in time for the Christmas sales. Kitguru looked at the first Dell tablet based smartphone called The Streak and it surprised us just how good the product was. Of particular interest was Google's Android which left us with positive impressions. Unfortunately it appears as if it wasn't a huge seller for Dell as they said sales were “interesting, exciting, but immaterial to Dell's $60 billion in revenue.” Ouch – basically it has been a bit of a flop then, as far as we can tell.

KitGuru says: We will be interested to see the product that Dell release to market, with their generally excellent screen technology we can see this being a viable alternative to the Apple iPad. Apple, Samsung or Dell? The choice is there to be made.

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  1. very interesting indeed, didnt know dell had one planned.

  2. That thing is Fugly.. Not Just ugly, its F*&! Ugly.

    What is wrong with a Dell Streak Rev 2?