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Google overhaul image search service

The Google image search is a massively popular aspect of their online portfolio and the people in charge at the company feel its time it underwent some coding surgery.

Google are adding a raft of new features which allow end users to find online pictures and art more easily. This will be delivered to various parts of the world throughout the next week.

The results page will feature up to 1,000 images now which allows the end user quick access without having to click over multiple pages. This is named the ‘infinite scroll feature' and has been a featureset of Microsoft's Bing for quite some time now.

Image courtesy of Google

Google have also implemented a new option for detailed information on hover over, which means if you place your mouse pointer over an image a popup appears with a plethora of useful information. Clicking on the thumbnail brings up the full size image which now appears in front of the source site. Users can then click again to get to that page. This may prove an issue for publishers as Google users can now view and download the image without leaving a Google URL.

Marissa Meyer, Google executive was asked if this new system would break the boundaries of a fair use system and she said “When you look at the page you do get the Web page inside the image, the Web page and the full size image (are) in a single view.”

KitGuru says: We know a lot of people inherently hate change, but it sounds as if Google are attempting to make the end user experience more user friendly.

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  1. I am afraid I am one of those people who hate change, but this looks like it might be good. I hope so anyway as I use this a lot.

  2. I am afraid I am one of those people who hate change, but this looks like it might be good. I hope so anyway as I use this a lot.