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iPad generates $2.2 billion revenue in June Quarter

One of the great success stories of 2010 so far is Apple's iPad with over 3 million sales in a very short space of time. Figures just in show that the iPad has already generated over $2.2 billion in revenue for Apple in the June Quarter.

image courtesy of wired.com

“Apple's iPad is already huge. In fact, after just its first quarter of sales, it's already the company's third-biggest business segment,” Dan Frommer reports for The Business Insider. “That's more than Apple's iPod business generated last quarter — $1.5 billion. (Though the cheaper iPod obviously had larger unit sales.) And it's almost half as big as Apple's 26-year-old Mac business, which put in its best quarter ever at $4.4 billion.”

KitGuru says: iPad fever has helped Apple to reach record sales figures this year

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One comment

  1. that is pretty good considering its only been on sales for 3-4 months.