Home / Lifestyle / Mobile / iPad / Apple and LG catch up with iPad demand – only 24 hour wait time

Apple and LG catch up with iPad demand – only 24 hour wait time

iPad sales have been both a blessing and a curse for Apple – they have broken records but have been struggling to meet with the extraordinary demand.

With 3.27 million iPads sold to date the demand has been higher than expected and Apple has been forced to push back release dates and shipping times over the last few months. People wanting an iPad in the UK, France and Italy were forced to wait a further month as Apple had to deal with the demanding USA market. This resorted with many impatient Apple lovers purchasing on Ebay at inflated prices and getting them shipped across.

We reported last week that LG had ramped up panel production and it seems to be helping – most wait delays now are down to a single day of initial order, a more acceptable time than the 3 week waiting period experienced until recently.

KitGuru says: Good news all round as LG are helping to ensure more happy Apple customers!

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One comment

  1. It could also be that demand isn’t quite as high now either as it was initially.