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Google Q1-3 $1.6 billion spend on 40 companies

Google have been on a massive spending spree lately, forking out $1.6 billion on Admob, Slide On2 and 37 other companies, so they can try and become competitive with Facebook and other leading social networking sites.

Google have talled up 40 company buyovers in the first three quarters in 2010, a staggering pace of more than four per month. Many analysts have compared this buying spree with Cisco Systems take over rampage in the M&A period.

Google has spent $983 million of its M&A spend on three companies for talent and technology and 37 other acquisitions have cost them around $626 million. The three biggest were AdMob ($681 million), Slide ($179 million) and On2 Technologies ($123 million).

Google CEO: Eric Schmidt - 'spend, spend, spend'

Looking over many of the companies involved, they appears to be mainly social software based which makes sense as Google are fearing the Facebook dominance on the net. Facebook has over 500 million users which is a massive audience.

Google are also looking to close a takeover with travel software maker ITA software for $700 million, however this bid is being analysed by the Justice Department. This is expected to go through next year.

A Google spokesperson said “Acquisitions will also remain an important component of our strategy and use of capital, and we expect our current pace of acquisitions to continue”.

KitGuru says: Facebook are really a threat to Google right now and they want a piece of the social networking pie.

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One comment

  1. if you got it, spend it. thats my motto 😉