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Oracle sue Google over Android

It seems we can't go a single week without a lawsuit and this week is no different as news has just filtered in that Oracle Corporation are suing Google over patent and copyright infringement in the development of the Android smartphone software.

According to Reuters this suit was filed yesterday in the California federal court and it claims that Google “knowingly, directly and repeatedly infringed Oracle's Java-related intellectual property” in developing Android.

Oracle spokesperson Karen Tillman said in a statement “This lawsuit seeks appropriate remedies”.

Oracle CEO - Larry Ellison

Oracle own Java after their $5.6 billion purchase of Sun Microsystems earlier this year and analysts have said that the suit against Google is a good indication that Oracle will be more aggressive now acquiring licensees for Java.

KitGuru says: 200,000 smartphones are sold daily with the Android operating system preinstalled so this will not be small change.

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One comment

  1. Amazes me that these companies dont actually TALK to each other before releasing products. I find it hard to believe you could just start incorporating JAVA without working with the company who make it ?