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Sony showcase Playstation 3 slim in white

We love the Playstation 3, mainly because it still has one of the finest BluRay players known to man. According to ZDNET Sony fans are in a for a treat as Sony Japan have just released information on the new ‘classic white' version which will be released on July 29th.

The new white Playstation 3 slim is going to include a 160GB hard drive and will be priced around $340 dollars. They are also releasing a 320GB version for around $400 but that one is going to be only available in black.

When will the white version be released in Europe and the USA? No confirmed date as yet, but we hear whispers from one of our roving reporters that it may actually be several months after the July Japan release.

KitGuru says: We wonder how dirty this will look after a couple of months? Discuss in our forums.

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  1. I think white always looks really ugly on a product like this.

  2. Not for me, looks ugly as sin.