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Cryo PC smashes world speed record

While everyone and their dog can attack the Futuremark records, breaking the SPEC performance record takes some doing. KitGuru has been following the adventures of this Vale of Aylesbury company for a while now, and this announcement is quite special.

During a recent, exclusive interview, Cryo founder Alan Johnson told us “Intel itself has now effectively condoned overclocking by building Turbo Boost into its CPUs, which provides a self-limiting and safe overclock for regular users, without them every really being aware of it”. Alan then went one stage further, “In fact Cryo PC would say the term overclocking itself is now redundant. It’s more a process of ‘right-clocking’ rather than overclocking.  We prefer to think that AMD and Intel deliberately underclock processors for the channel, knowing full well that these chips are capable of giving much more performance with the right setup and configuration”.

OK, so Alan is an evangelist for ‘right clocking', so exactly what specification did Cryo use to beat the SPEC record and what kind of score did it manage?

Cryo PC takes SPEC world performance record with this gorgeous, water-cooled, Lian-Li casing

Dual Intel Xeon 5680 processors with the Turbo Boost facility turned off and the clocks set to 4.5GHz – that's 12 physical cores and 24 thread capability.

How do you keep those CPUs fed? With 48GB of DDR3. Feeding the memory takes a fast SSD drive.

All of that feeding needs energy, which generates heat. Alan's team chose the Lian-Li A77F chassis for this build, with a custom-designed, high-flow water-cooling system.

Congratulations to Alan Johnson's Cryo PC team for taking the SPEC world record, beating the previous holder (the BOXX Extreme) by up to 34%, and significantly ahead of HP, SGI, Dell and IBM

KitGuru says: Impressive stuff. Nice to see a small UK outfit, that cares, taking on the world and winning. Tally Ho Chaps!

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  1. Awesome bit of work !!

  2. Amazing work! I’m really impressed.